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Educational Management Corporation Stress Management Stephen Frankoski Evan Gombert Jody Harrison Marie Glaser.

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Management Corporation Stress Management Stephen Frankoski Evan Gombert Jody Harrison Marie Glaser."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Management Corporation Stress Management Stephen Frankoski Evan Gombert Jody Harrison Marie Glaser

2 ∗ EDMC

3  Lower overall employee productivity - Preventable Absenteeism - Presenteesim  Poor Physical Health - Disease - Illness  Poor Mental Health - Depression - Anxiety Poor Overall Well-Being = Lower Stress Tolerance! Stress Influences Mental and Physical Health

4 ∗ Lack of control ∗ Uncertainty ∗ Changing and unclear workloads ∗ Bad press ∗ Navigating Benefits ∗ Lack of Physical Activity ∗ Poor Coping Skills ∗ Malnutrition ∗ No Support at Office Employee Stressors

5 Educational Management Corporation ∗ The National Office ∗ Corporate office workers of EDMC ∗ 500-600 Employees ∗ Diverse ∗ Middle Aged ∗ 50/50 Male female ∗ What can they take away from this ∗ Understanding of Stress ∗ How to address it ∗ Look at your progression and pat yourself on the back Priority Population

6 Educational Management Corporation ∗ WHY? ∗ Create a Healthy Working Environment ∗ HOW? ∗ Discover actions that will help the individual reduce stress ∗ WHERE? ∗ At Home ∗ At Work Lower the Stress of Employees

7 Educational Management Corporation Big Picture Define Stress, Ask Questions, Progress ∗ EXISTING EAP ∗ Have you looked at it? ∗ What is Stress? ∗ An understanding of what is meant by the word stress ∗ You are NOT ALONE ∗ Survey ∗ Yes or No Questions ∗ Progression ∗ Progression not Perfection

8 Educational Management Corporation ∗ Week 1: Stress in your life ∗ Week 2: Setting Goals ∗ Week 3: Techniques ∗ Week 4: Environmental Changes ∗ Week 5: Lifestyle Changes ∗ Week 6: Peer Mentoring Proposed Program

9 Educational Management Corporation ∗ Introduction to what stress is and how it manifests in everyday life ∗ Stress survey assessment ∗ Benefits of reducing stress Session 1: Stress in Your Life

10 Educational Management Corporation ∗ How to set realistic goals. Do not let goal setting stress you out ∗ Why should you set goals ∗ What do you WANT go get better at? Focus areas Session 2: Setting Goals

11 Educational Management Corporation ∗ Relaxation Therapy ∗ Mindfulness and meditation ∗ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Session 3: Techniques

12 Educational Management Corporation ∗ Increase contact with nature ∗ Surround yourself with positive reinforcement ∗ Reduce Overstimulation Session 4: Environmental Changes

13 Educational Management Corporation ∗ Exercise ∗ Nutrition ∗ Sleep Hygiene Session 5: Lifestyle Changes

14 Educational Management Corporation ∗ Sharing Experiences ∗ Champions ∗ Social supports ∗ Next steps to continue managing stress in the workplace Week 6: Peer mentoring

15 Educational Management Corporation Process Evaluation Indicators Program Environment Effectiveness of Goal- setting Program Retention Engagement and Progress Assessment Tools Attendance at Seminars Number of people who completed goal-setting paperwork Satisfaction Survey

16 Educational Management Corporation Impact Evaluation Indicators Increase awareness of stressors Increase knowledge of stress reducing practices Behavior modification to reduce stress and promote lifestyle changes Assessment Tools American Institute of Stress Self-Assessment Information review Use program and techniques to improve stress reduction

17 Educational Management Corporation Outcome Evaluation Indicators Decrease health care costs Overall health improvement Improve atmosphere in the work environment Promote social support to reduce environmental stress Assessment Tools Health Care Costs comparison Surveys to evaluate mood of employees Summary of the number employees applying these Survey to evaluate office atmosphere

18 Educational Management Corporation Budget ∗ Professional Services: $1,200 ∗ Facility Costs: $1,500 ∗ Marketing: $1,500 ∗ Data Extraction: $400 ∗ Materials $2,700 ∗ Environmental Upgrades: $1,500 ∗ Nutritional Demonstration: $750

19 Educational Management Corporation Gantt Chart Activity2016-2017 JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMaJun Employee Notification/ Program Planning Intro/Survey Weekly Seminars Post- Intervention Survey Outcome Evaluation and Assessments Final Report/Prese ntation to leadership

20 Educational Management Corporation Logic Model InputsActivitiesShort-Term Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Long-Term Outcomes Goal Funding Presenters/ Professionals Conference Room Projector Surveys Nutrition Demonstration Plants Informative Documents Increase healthy habits for individual Increase use of stress reducing techniques Increase social support of reducing stress levels Reduce stress related health problems for individuals in EDMC Reduce Stress levels and improve quality of life for EDMC employees Seminars promoting awareness of stress and stressors. Education on effects of stress, goal setting,. Increase knowledge about stress and different effects of stress Educational seminars on effects of learning stress reducing techniques, environmental and lifestyle changes and peer supports Increase knowledge on stress reducing techniques and mindfulness of stressors Increase knowledge of healthy habits to reduce stress

21 Educational Management Corporation Breath

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