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ACT: Reading Test 40 Questions 35 Minutes.

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1 ACT: Reading Test 40 Questions 35 Minutes

2 4 Passages Prose (Fiction)
Social Science (Related to study of people and society) Humanities (Related to study of the arts) Natural Science (Related to physical sciences) 10 Questions for Each Passage

3 Scoring Sub-Scores: Social & Natural Science /20
Prose & Humanities /20 Total (Raw Score) /40 Raw Score is converted to a Scale Score.

4 Raw Score to Scale Score
See Chart. Examples: Scale Raw

5 The major challenge….TIME.
35 minutes/4 passages = 8 min. 45 sec. to read and answer Pace to get through entire test: Read passage in 6 minutes or less Answer questions in 3 minutes or less

6 The Most Important Strategy
CLOSE READING! The more accurately and closely you read each passage the first time through, the more likely you will be able to answer the questions quickly. ACTIVE READING: You have to THINK as you read!

7 How to Close Read Underline key ideas. (Character, setting, plot)
A few words or phrases each paragraph. Briefly Annotate Write a 3-5 word GIST in the margin. Capture the focus of the paragraph Visualize Why? Keeps you ACTIVE while reading. Triggers your memory during questions.

8 Practice: “A Room with a View”
Don’t worry about time for the moment. We will take the passage one paragraph at a time. Number the paragraphs. Underline GIST Visualize

9 How closely did you read?
Which paragraph shows how Mr. Eager, the chaplain, feels about the people on the daytrip? Which paragraph shows a past event between Lucy and George Emerson? Which paragraph shows Miss Lavish’s attitude? Which paragraph shows how the party was split up among the carriages? 3 5 8 2

10 Why Underline and GIST? It helps you engage in the text and read closely the first time through. This will help you quickly locate information in the passage if you have to go back and find it!

11 Attack the Questions Three minutes. Reread if necessary! Answers:
1. D 6. F 2. F 7. C 3. B 8. J 4. F 9. D 5. C H

12 Elements of the Prose Passage
What is each question testing? Characterization Narrator/Point of View What does the passage reveal about a character? Speech, thoughts, looks, actions, others opinions Inferences Use text clues to uncover unstated ideas Character, setting, plot, tone, theme, vocabulary

13 Practice: “Ghirlandaio”
READ ACTIVELY! THINK! Read CLOSELY for 6 minutes or less Underline GIST Visualize Answer Questions for 3 minutes

14 Answers Answers: 1. A 4. H 7. D 10. G 2. G 5. D 8. F 3. C 6. G 9. A
Report your score on the chart. Multiply times 4 to predict your Raw Score. Translate to Scale Score.

15 Question Strategy #1 If you read closely, you should be able to answer some questions without looking back. But, other questions “require” you to re-read to find an accurate answer. When do you take the time to go back?

16 Examine Last Passage Question 1: Go back! Reread to ensure you have the correct context. Question 2: Depend on 1st reading. Question 3: Depend on 1st reading. Or, annotations might help you find it quickly. Question 4: Depend on 1st reading and question stem! Continue with the other questions.

17 Question Strategy #2 Process of Elimination!
Quickly eliminate two answers, and then select your best answer. This will significantly increase your odds!

18 Practice: “A Old Oregonian in the Snow”
READ ACTIVELY: Think! Read CLOSELY for 6 minutes or less Underline GIST Visualize Answer Questions for 3 minutes Look back, if necessary, to re-read. Or, rely on your close reading to answer without looking back. Eliminate two, then choose.

19 Answers Answers: 1. B 4. J 7. A 10. H 2. G 5. C 8. J 3. C 6. H 9. A
Report your score on the chart. Multiply times 4 to predict your Raw Score. Translate to Scale Score.

20 Refine Your Skills Read, read, read! Practice Close Reading:
Read a news article, then repeat as many details as possible without looking. Practice annotation with textbooks or literature. Practice the focus and energy it takes to read well. Practice reading short excerpts from challenging pieces.

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