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This Evening Introduction to the current maths and SPaG curriculum Expectations in year 3/4 Expectations in year 6 Time to experience example questions.

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Presentation on theme: "This Evening Introduction to the current maths and SPaG curriculum Expectations in year 3/4 Expectations in year 6 Time to experience example questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 This Evening Introduction to the current maths and SPaG curriculum Expectations in year 3/4 Expectations in year 6 Time to experience example questions Back here for comments

2 Broad aims embedded in the programmes of study that pupils develop mathematical fluency can reason mathematically an emphasis on problem-solving throughout making connections across mathematical ideas applying knowledge in other subject areas

3 The Detail higher expectations overall – 8 months harder than the previous curriculum; a greater emphasis on arithmetic, and written (as well as mental) methods; children need to be confident in using a range of maths skills; less prominence given to data, with probability removed altogether;

4 Expectations - Number & place Value 3 Read and write numbers to 1000 in numerals and words Count from 0 in multiples of 4,8,50 & 100 Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations Find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number Compare & order numbers to 1000 Recognise place value in three digit numbers (hundreds / tens / ones) Solve number problems and practical problems involving these ideas 4 Count in multiples of 6,7,9,25 & 1000 Identify, represent & estimate numbers using different representations Find 1000 more or less than a given number Compare & order numbers beyond 1000 Recognise place value in four digit numbers (TH H T U) Solve number problems and practical problems involving these ideas with increasingly larger numbers Round any number to the nearest 10, 100 & 1000 Count backwards through zero to include negative numbers Read Roman Numerals to 100 and understand history of numbers

5 Expectations - fractions Year 1 Recognise, find and name a half and quarter of an object, shape or quantity 2 Recognise, find, name & write 1/3, ¼, ½ & ¾ of a length or set. Write simple fractions such as ½ of 6 = 3, understand equivalence to 1/2 3 Count up & down in tenths; recognise that 1/10 arises from dividing by 10 Add, subtract and order fractions <1 with same denominators Recognise, find & write fractions of a discrete set of objects. 4 Count up & down in hundredths; recognise that 1/100 arises from dividing by 100. Recognise equivalence to ¼, ½ & ¾ Compare decimals to 2DP. Round decimals with 1 DP Link decimals to solving money problems Compare fractions with different denominators +,-, x & / of mixed number & improper fractions Converting between decimals, fractions & %

6 Recording of calculations takes place throughout KS1 and KS2 Development of formal written calculation methods follows development of mental methods Early stages of formal written calculations begin in Year 3 By end of Year 4, children should have a reliable written method for tackling all four operations (column addition and subtraction)

7 Good Practice in Calculation Establish mental methods, based on good understanding of place value in numbers and tables facts. Gradually refine the written record into a more compact standard method. Extend to larger numbers. Ensure that mental approximations are carried out before written methods are used. Once written methods are introduced, keep mental skills sharp by continuing to develop and apply them to appropriate examples. Encourage children always to use mental methods as a first resort.

8 How to help at home Practice tables and other number facts every day Allow your child to handle and use money Give your child opportunity to cook / shop Play games involving number Encouraging children to become involved in real life problems – e.g. How much carpet do I need? How many fencing panels should I buy? Help with Homework, don’t do it for them.

9 Times tables By the end of year 4, children should be confident at recalling multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12 Pupils practise mental methods and extend this to three-digit numbers to derive facts (for example 600 ÷ 3 = 200 can be derived from 2 x 3 = 6). Our aim is for the children to be fluent in number so that they can use and apply them.

10 Reasoning We are teaching reasoning skills as this is a key aim of the curriculum. Many mathematicians find this tricky as they know the answer but cannot communicate how they know.

11 New KS2 Tests Mathematics Paper 1 – Arithmetic (replaces mental maths) Paper 2 – Reasoning Paper 3 – Reasoning

12 KS2 Mathematics test (110 marks) Paper 1 Arithmetic – basic mathematical calculations, 30 mins, 36 questions worth 40 marks Straightforward + and – (1 mark) More complex calculations with fractions (1 mark) Long divisions and long multiplications (2 marks) Paper 2 and 3 Reasoning 40 mins for each paper, 35 marks on each paper Square grids (7mm) provided in arithmetic paper and for some questions on paper 2, where pupils need to show their method, Equipment – pencil/black pen, rubber, ruler (cm and mm), protractor/angle measurer, mirror, NO CALCULATORS

13 Content Area & StrandNumber of marks% of marks Number, ratio and algebra Number, place value +/-/x/÷ calculations Fractions, decimals and % Ratio and proportion Algebra 83 – 93 out of 110 75% - 85% Measurement, geometry and statistics Measurement Properties of shapes Position and direction Statistics 17 – 27 out of 110 15% - 25% Number, ratio and algebra Measurement, geometry & statistics Total Marks Paper 1400 Paper 2 & 3 (problem solving and reasoning) 22 - 269 - 1370 (35 each paper)

14 Now it’s your turn! There are examples of year 6 SATs questions for you to try – you can do these on your own or with a learning partner. Mental arithmetic paper..!!

15 S.P.A.G S.P.A.G means spelling, punctuation and grammar. This is a huge focus in the new curriculum and spelling is a priority at HPS. Spellodrome is a valid learning tool that we have invested in, to improve spelling skills in a fun and interactive way. Spelling skills and phonics are taught on a daily basis and reinforced throughout our literacy lessons.

16 S.P.A.G  Approximately, 75% of the Year 6 SATS is based on Year 3 and 4 curriculum.

17 New KS2 Tests English reading English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1 – short answer questions Paper 2 - spelling

18 KS2 English G,S&P test (50 & 20 marks) A greater focus on knowing and applying grammatical terminology with a full range of punctuation tested Paper 1 – short answer questions 45 minutes (50) Paper 2 – spelling, 20 missing words within contextualised sentences, approx. 15 minutes but not strictly timed (20)

19 KS2 English Test Framework – G,S & P The relevant elements from the English NC programme of study that are assessed in the KS2 statutory test (Paper 1) Grammatical terms/word classes Functions of sentences Combining words, phrases and clauses Verb forms, tense and consistency Punctuation A. ? !, ”” ’ () - : ; Vocabulary Standard English and formality Possessive apostrophe with plural words Use of hyphens Contractions

20 KS2 English Test Framework – G,S & P The relevant elements from the English NC programme of study that are assessed in the KS2 statutory test Common exception words Prefixes and suffixes Words containing the letter strings Words with silent letters Alternative phoneme/grapheme correspondences Words ending in a specific spelling pattern Homophones and near homophones (Y3/4) Homophones and other words that are often confused (Y5/6)

21 Changes to Terminology

22 Now it’s your turn! There are examples of year 6 SATs questions for you to try – you can do these on your own or with a learning partner. Take a look at the SPAG questions....

23 Feed back and questions. Thank you for coming along this evening!

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