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Open Evening 22 nd April 2015 Welcome by Mrs Milton.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Evening 22 nd April 2015 Welcome by Mrs Milton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Evening 22 nd April 2015 Welcome by Mrs Milton

2 The Foundation Stage The School Life of the Robins and Hedgehogs Presentation by Anne McKinnon

3 Personal, Emotional and Social Development Making relationships Self-confidence and self-awareness Managing feelings and behaviour

4 Communication and Language Listening and attention Understanding Speaking

5 Literacy Reading Writing

6 Understanding the World People and Communities The World Technology

7 Maths Numbers Shape, space and measure

8 Expressive Arts and Design Exploring and using media and materials Being imaginative

9 Physical Development Moving and handling Health and self-care

10 Phonics Presentation by Mrs McKinnon Read Write Inc. is a complete phonics programme for 4 to 7 year olds learning to read and write. Children are taught phonics in small differentiated groups for twenty minutes a day.

11 Learning: Letter sounds Blending Segmenting Letter formation

12 Mathematics Inc RM Easimaths Presentation by Mrs Campo and Miss Aldous Raising the bar; Expected to count and write numerals up to 100 (compared with 20 in the ‘old’ curriculum) Write numbers in words up to twenty Number bonds to 20 (currently 10)

13 New Curriculum Presentation by Miss Aldous ‘...develop exciting and stimulating lessons to promote the development of pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills...’

14 Lunchtime clubs Presentation by Miss Aldous Choir Dance German Eco ICT Reading

15 Breakfast and Afterschool Clubs Presentation by Mrs Dunkley Reliability Flexibility Engaging

16 School Council Presentation by Mrs Dunkley Student Participation Pro Active Approach Shared Success

17 Eco Club Presentation by Derek Thomas Ecology Sustainability Understanding Fun

18 After School Clubs Presentation by Miss Ibotson Gymnastics Multi-Sports Fencing Football Art Recorders

19 Sports Crew & Tournaments Presentation by Miss Ibotson Student organisation Participation across all year groups

20 Parents and Friends Association Presentation by Mrs Campo Members Meetings Support Events

21 Embracing Music Presentation by Miss Ibotson Peripatetic Music School Choir Church Choir Nene Valley Music School

22 What makes Warmington School Special? Presentation by Mrs Milton Unity Weeks Class Blogs Residential Trips Specialist teachers

23 Recognition of achievement and positive behaviour House Points Merit Certificates Wow board Head teacher’s Afternoon Tea Year 5&6 Ambassadors

24 Class Structure 2015-2016

25 Staffing 2015-2016 Mrs Josephine MiltonExecutive Headteacher Miss Mikayla AldousHead of School & Class teacher Foxes (Years 4&5) Mrs Anne MckinnonClass teacher Robins & Hedgehogs (EYFS) Miss Zoe KempClass teacher Foxes(Year 1&2) Miss Catherine IbotsonClass teacher Badgers (Year 3: Mon-Thurs) Mrs Samantha HazellHigh Level Teaching Assistant Badgers (Year 3: Fri)

26 Madame Kernick Staff Non Contact cover – French (PPA: Wed) Mr Steve Tranmer Sports Coach Mrs Amy Kruger-Dean Early Years Teaching Assistant, Robins Lunch (Part time) Mrs Nicola Dunkley Early Years Teaching Assistant, Robins Lunch, Breakfast/AfterSchool Club (Part time) Mrs Sarah Campo Learning Support Assistant (Part time)

27 Miss Louise Guy School Administrator Mrs Hazel Turner Mid-day Supervisor Mrs Jennie Herrick Mid-day Supervisor Mrs Marie Howe Joint Cleaner in Charge Mrs Donna Taylor Joint Cleaner in Charge Plus many volunteers and helpers

28 Governing Body 2014-2015 (1 of 2) Josephine MiltonExecutive Head teacher Mikayla Aldous School Nicki DunkleyParent Sarah CampoParent Jo ThompsonParent Alan SmithParent (Vice Chair)

29 Governing Body 2014-2015 (2 of 2) Jackie CrockerCo-opted Pat RhodesCo-opted Sherryl SimeCo-opted Bobbie TurtonCo-opted Derek ThomasAuthority (Chair) Phil GarnhamAssociate Member (non-voting)

30 Joint Executive Governing Body Presentation by Derek Thomas Warmington School Governing Body Head of School Titchmarsh CE Primary School Governing Body Head of School Executive Head

31 Why? Access high achieving staff Share staff governors and resources Work together to gain from our joint expertise To ensure a successful and sustainable future

32 Benefits for our Children More learning opportunities A wider learning community Friendships and shared experience More extended school opportunities Future possibilities include, buying a minibus, joint sporting activities, trips, residentials.

33 Benefits for our staff Opportunities for specialist teaching, training and professional development New roles Better work life balance Joint planning and policy making Shared knowledge Benchmarking and moderation of standards

34 Benefits for Governors and the Community Shared responsibilities, experience and support Strengthens local decision making Retains the individual character of schools whist bringing local communities together Development of new social activities for both children and parents

35 Thank you for coming to our Open Evening

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