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Preface The day of double11 , a large diamond was taked by 20million.

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Presentation on theme: "Preface The day of double11 , a large diamond was taked by 20million."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preface The day of double11 , a large diamond was taked by 20million

2 Clerk:What can I do for you? Consumer:I want to buy a ring. Clerk:There are three kinds of price, $10,000,$1,00,000, $1,000,000,Which one do you want? Consumer:$1,000,000? So cheap, I’ll get it! PS:( 声音为淘宝交易时的提示声 )

3 According to double11 to see the 成员:陈玉潘 蔡文静 王涟淳 周亚 online shoping

4 Background Tmall(called taobao at that time) began to hold the commodity promotion( 商品促销 ) on november 11,2009.At first , the reason is that making people remember taobao and trying to appeal consumers to consume through the commodity promotion.But now “Doubll 11” has become the e-commerce( 电子商务 ) Festival,even influences offline stores( 线下商城 ).

5 End before dawn of 2013-11-12 , alipay has made 35.019 billion turnover( 成交额 )and 170 million bills in all. This year's turnover

6 2009 年 5200 万 2010 年 9.36 亿 2011 年 33.6 亿 From the data of growing year by year,and the quickly of development of shopping online,what's more,showing the netizen strong purchasing power. 2012 年 191 亿 2013 年 350.19 亿

7 News Video: 《 “Double-11” Festival in China online retailers gear up for shopping spree 》 Retailer: 零售商 Gear up: 促进,增加 Spree:狂欢 Retailer: 零售商 Gear up: 促进,增加 Spree:狂欢


9 A network vocabulary about online shopping “Choping the hand family (剁手族) is that someone who is a white-collar worker is addicted to the online shopping. They feel very regretful after buying a lot of things through the Internet and promise they won’t do it again.”

10 The example of onine shopping on november 11 1 、 Liuyan,lives in Urumchi,spending much time on online shopping.She bought many goods through the Internet,such as dresses,articles of everyday use......starting from the day of 11th,she has experienced the difficulty of shoping online.However,there are two favorite goods which she likes best haven't been bought. 2 、 Shenjing,a white-collar worker( 白领 ) is also an online shopping expert.Influenced by other people , she often pay much attention on the items( 物品 ) through the Internet.This year,even if the double 11 didn’t come,she has alreay plan to buy a overcoat and a dress.But refused by her relatives.At the early morning on november 11,she controled herself successfully.However,when she went to the office,she failed and brought the overcoat ultimatly.

11 Weibo news

12 W:It’s double 11 today, do you want buy something ? C:I want to buy a lot of things. But I need a rational ( 理性 的 )consideration. W:Come on, why are you so hesitant, I have bought a lot of things. After double 11.......... W: I have run out of all my money! What did you buy? C:Nothing, I ’m so rational

13 Consumers' charateristics 1 、 hightly educated 2 、 Rationalized 3 、 Fashion consumption 4 、 Willing to face sales personnel directly 5 、 consumer's taste has become more and more high 6 、 the incresed number of women

14 The reason of crazy shoping 1 、 fear of loss( 怕吃亏 ) 2 、 follow the trend 3 、 fall into temptation( 诱惑 ) 4 、 reduce pressure

15 Rational netizens how to avoid the attraction of double11 1 、 avoid expressage fastigium( 快递高 峰期 ) 2 、 the goods doesn't cheap much than before,it's just a methods for promotion 3 、 draw lessons from the past

16 The expert views on unreasonable consumption have the correct values Discernment ( 辨别力 )

17 The evaluation of the foreign media Ashamed New record The bigest shopping day Logistics is busy Manifest the power of consumption

18 Our group’s suggestion 1 、 Think about the things whether you really need; 2 、 Don‘t be blind by the price 3 、 Communicate with the sensible people 4 、 Have a firm belief

19 Interview recording 重庆师范大学 重庆工商大学 服装设计师 What’s your opinion on double 11? 四川外国语大学

20 Reporter: Now we are interviewing the foreign students of CTBU on the double 11. Hello, where are you from? Foreigner : I’m from the USA. C : What do you think of the double 11, you buy something ? W : Yea,it's amazing and can save much money.I have bought a overcoat and a bag which cost me 250 yuan. C : Thank you.

21 Thanks for your attention!! DO you buy something today?

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