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R OE V. W ADE A case that changed America forever.

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1 R OE V. W ADE A case that changed America forever.

2 J ANE R OE Pseudonym for Norma McCorvey. McCorvey discovered she was pregnant with her third child in June 1969. A friend encouraged her to go to the police claiming rape for a legal abortion. Never claimed rape, so a legal abortion was not possible. McCorvey was referred to attorney’s Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington. In the end McCorvey had her child before the case was decided.

3 T EXAS A BORTION L AWS 1969 As of June 1969 the only way to attain a legal abortion in McCorvey’s home state of Texas was if the child was a product of rape or incest. Many women would travel to nearby Mexico to attain illegal abortions. These surgeries were often botch and resulted in the woman becoming fertile.

4 R OUND 1: US D ISTRICT C OURT Coffee and Weddington filed suit in US District Court in 1970. The defendant in the case was Dallas County District Attorney Henry Wade, he represented the state of Texas.

5 R OUND 2: T HE US S UPREME C OURT Arguments started on December 13 th, 1971. The decision was made on January 22 nd, 1973 backed by the ninth and fourteenth amendments to the US constitution.

6 A NATOMY OF THE D ECISION In the end it is now legal for a woman to have an abortion within the first trimester of her pregnancy. This was decided after the judges consulted with doctors on the viability of the unborn child.

7 W HERE ARE THEY NOW ? McCorvey is now pro life, and she had the child she planned to terminate. Weddington went on to be a member of the Texas House of Representatives, later she taught at the Texas Woman’s University. Coffee went onto practice law in Dallas mainly handling bankruptcy cases.

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