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Photos by Susie Fitzhugh Bell Times Analysis Task Force Child Care and After-School Programs February 26, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Photos by Susie Fitzhugh Bell Times Analysis Task Force Child Care and After-School Programs February 26, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photos by Susie Fitzhugh Bell Times Analysis Task Force Child Care and After-School Programs February 26, 2015

2 Structure of our department Overview of programs Impact of bell times on: −Child Care −After-school programs Agenda and objectives 2

3 Information gatherers Analyze any decision through the Racial Equity Toolkit, part of the City’s Race and Social Justice Initiative Advise the Mayor on whether he should support the ultimate decision City’s role on the Task Force 3

4 Newly reorganized City department which combine our K-12 investments and Early Learning programs 1.Administer the Families and Education Levy 2.Manage Early Learning and Child Care programs 3.Manage the 4-year implementation of the new Seattle Preschool Program (approved Nov. 2014) 4.Advise the Mayor on education issues City of Seattle Department of Education & Early Learning (DEEL) 4

5 DEEL investments have a particular focus on closing the achievement gap for low-income students, students of color and English Language Learners in Seattle. DEEL investments primarily serve at-risk students: – Failure to make gains or meet grade-level standard on state assessments – Failure to pass one or more courses in middle and HS – Poor attendance (ie. >5 absences per semester) – Kindergarten readiness – Other factors Students we serve 5

6 DEEL currently funds 71 Child Care Centers who provide before- and after-school child care for school-age children up to age 12. 62 of those Child Care Centers are located in Elementary Schools. On a monthly basis, DEEL-funded Centers serve approximately 1,400 children in before- and after-school child care. – DEEL directly subsidizes 244 of those children. City-funded Child Care 6

7 Seattle Parks Department directly operates 21 child care programs. – 3 of those programs are co-located in Parks/SPS facilities and 5 are in school sites On a monthly basis, Parks serves approximately 1,700 children in before- and after-school care. – 742 children in before-school child care – 957 children in after-school child care City-funded Child Care 7

8 Child Care Centers currently provide: – 2 hours of before-school child care. – 3 hours of after-school child care. By moving elementary start times 1 hour earlier, Child Care Centers would not find it cost-effective to provide only 1 hour of before-school care. – As result, Child Care Centers will most likely eliminate before-school child care. – And working families would need to find and pay for 1 hour of before-school child care. Impact on Child Care 8

9 After-School child care would have to lengthen their time from 3 hours to 4 hours. – In order to save money, some families only utilize after-school child care. – Lengthening the time would be an added cost to those families. Some families use their high school age children as after-school child care. – By flipping bell times, high school students would not be able to care for their younger siblings. Impact on Child Care 9

10 Through the Levy, the City invests in: – 14 Elementary Schools – 16 Middle Schools – 5 High Schools Schools then use Levy dollars to: – Hire staff and provide services in-house. – Sub-contract with 60+ community-based organizations to provide outcomes-focused services such as academic interventions, case management, and family support. City-funded After-school programs 10 35 Schools

11 Re-negotiate all contracts: Levy schools will need to renegotiate all of their contracts with 60+ community service providers. – SPS will also need to renegotiate all of their contracts with an estimated 300+ community partners. – May result in additional staffing costs, facilities & custodial fees. Impact on After-school programs 11

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