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Survival Kit Mastering your PhD at TUD. “To receive a doctorate, independent scientific research has to be presented in writing (doctoral thesis) which.

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Presentation on theme: "Survival Kit Mastering your PhD at TUD. “To receive a doctorate, independent scientific research has to be presented in writing (doctoral thesis) which."— Presentation transcript:

1 Survival Kit Mastering your PhD at TUD

2 “To receive a doctorate, independent scientific research has to be presented in writing (doctoral thesis) which serves the development of the discipline in which the thesis was completed.“ Source: SächsHSFG, § 40 What is a doctorate?

3 Dissertation Viva Disputation written oral exam A doctorate consists of two parts: -written -oral exam

4 The doctorate at TU Dresden about 700 completed doctoral dissertations in 2014 about 3,000 enrolled/matriculated doctoral students in the winter term 2014/15 approx. 1,900 GA-members

5 Individual doctorate The doctorate at TU Dresden Structured doctorate  individual search for a supervisor  dissertation topic in close consultation with the supervisor  research at a professorship of TU Dresden at a non-university research organization in the industry  graduate programs, research training groups and graduate schools  call for applications/application deadlines, specific thematic focus of the program, supervision in teams, qualification program  currently there are about 25 structured doctoral programs at TU Dresden structured doctoral programs

6 Towards the doctorate

7 prerequisites initiating executing completing academic degree (as a rule master‘s degree, state examination [Staatsexamen], diploma or Magister) for the recognition of foreign university degrees contact the International Office admission requirements in accordance with the doctoral degree regulations confirmation of a professor to act as the supervisor

8 Towards the doctorate prerequisites initiating executing completing How to find a supervisor check who does research at TU Dresden in your field of interest contact your potential supervisor via email and ask for an appointment apply as a doctoral research associate/assistant (e.g. at a professorship, a non-university research institute, within a structured program etc.) the GA website lists vacant positions for junior researchers at TU Dresdenvacant positions for junior researchers at TU Dresden

9 Towards the doctorate prerequisites initiating executing completing finding your topic/time and work plan supervision agreement ensure appropriate financing application for admission as a doctoral candidate at a Faculty registration with the Graduate Academy (possibly) enrollment/matriculation as a doctoral student

10 Towards the doctorate prerequisits initiating executing completing research write up (possibly) further qualification (e.g. workshops for developing transferable skills for scientific work)

11 Towards the doctorate prerequisites initiating executing completing submission of the doctoral thesis opening of the doctoral examination procedures viva (rigorosum) and disputation (defense) publication

12 prerequisites initiating executing completing The 14 Faculties of TU Dresden are ultimately responsible for the administration of the doctoral procedures:  doctoral degree regulations  doctoral committee/doctorate commission  doctoral office  admission as a doctoral candidate (“Doktorandenliste”)  submission of doctoral thesis  opening of the doctoral examination procedures  viva (rigorosum) and disputation (defence)  award of the doctoral degree Towards a doctorate

13 Doctoral degrees awarded by TU Dresden Dr. rer. nat. Dr. phil Dr. rer. pol. Dr.-Ing Dr. rer. sil. Dr. iur. Dr. med. Dr. rer. med. Dr. med. dent. PhD

14 If you are doing your doctorate at TU Dresden, you can apply for membership at the Graduate Academy! The GA supports you during all phases of your doctorate with: individual advice qualification program funding opportunities The Graduate Academy (GA)

15 Support at TU Dresden while doing your doctorate Doctoral Offices of the Faculties International Office administrative support supervisor doctoral colloquium subject related support supervisor Graduate Academy financial support Graduate Academy Centre for Continuing Education further qualification Graduate Academy Welcome Center Ombudspersons of the Faculties & TU Dresden support with problems, conflicts

16 Thank you for your interest! You can find further information for junior scientists and on doing a doctorate on TU Dresden‘s websites.TU Dresden‘s websites contact: Graduate Academy TU Dresden Mommsenstraße 7 01069 Dresden Tel.:+49 351 463 42241 | 42242 Fax: +49 351 463 37001

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