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Joshua S. Williams Environmental Health Manager 04/20/2015 Garfield County Board of Health Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Joshua S. Williams Environmental Health Manager 04/20/2015 Garfield County Board of Health Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joshua S. Williams Environmental Health Manager 04/20/2015 Garfield County Board of Health Meeting

2  Heather Nara, Mesa County Health Department, has started inspecting licensed food establishments in Rifle, Parachute, and Battlement Mesa  Held Food Handlers training at Rifle Library April 8 th, 2015; approximately 55 folks attending

3  GCPH to begin with Child care facilities and schools  There are no permitting dollars for this category  There would be some grant dollars available for GCPH funding.

4  There are currently 72 of these types of establishments  Partnering with CDPHE and MCHD for training

5  This will be about.3 to.5 FTE of total inspections load  Begin in Middle of 2015, build toward 2016 calendar year for full implementation

6  There are currently 37 child care facilities in GC. 5 inspected 2 times per year, 21 inspected 1 times per year, 11 inspected 1 time every 2 years. There are 35 schools in GC; 10 inspected 1 time per year, and 25 inspected 1 time every 3 years.  Again, these do not receive licensing dollars.

7  Delegated authority for licensing and inspecting Temporary events and vendors  Temporary licensing fees would come directly to Garfield County program and are not included in the funding provided by CDPHE.  This will increase the workload, but would also help to fill the funding gap.

8  Currently unknown number of Temporary/Special Event Establishments operating in Garfield County  Annual permit is $255.00  Project that at least 100 with known fairs, festivals, and markets in GC  100 X $255 = $25,500 (conservative projection)

9  3 FTE:  2 EHS (EHS III and EHS I level operatives)  1 Administrative support (permitting) (This would bring the GCEH up to 7 FTE’s)

10  Personnel:  EHS III=$52,000  EHS I=$42,000  Admin= $30,000  Total Pers.$124,000 + $45,261 Benefits $169,261 New Personnel Costs

11  Travel:$5,000  Training:$3,000  Supplies: $500

12  Equipment:  Initial investment covered by the CDPHE, approximately $30,000 (computers and software)  $1,000 for initial inspection gear  Total Proposed Annual Budget:$178,761  Total Monies Provided by CDPHE$ 93,000  Gap$ 85,761

13 Josh Williams Environmental Health Manager Garfield County Public Health

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