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Development. We will often talk about developing and developed countries. But what does that actually mean? A Developed country is a country with a high.

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Presentation on theme: "Development. We will often talk about developing and developed countries. But what does that actually mean? A Developed country is a country with a high."— Presentation transcript:


2 Development. We will often talk about developing and developed countries. But what does that actually mean? A Developed country is a country with a high standard of living. A Developing country is a country with a low standard of living.

3 Lesson starter: What sort of things do you think would make you have a good standard of living and what sort of things would make you have a poor standard of living? Take 3 minutes. Discuss and write down your answers.

4 Development. Learning intentions: To learn more about development. To find out about development indicators.



7 Development Indicators GNP = Gross National Product. The total amount of money made by a country (within the country and through foreign investment) divided by the number of people in that population. Why might this be a bad thing? HDI = Human Development Index This looks at economic and social factors and can look at development in a more accurate way.

8 Development Indicators We can look at a social, health and economic indicators to determine a country’s level of development. Normally more than one indicator is used to give a more accurate picture of level of development. These can be combined into indices such as PQLI.(Physical Quality of Life Index)

9 Human Development Index HDI In 1990, the UN replaced GNP as the measurement of development with the HDI. It is a social welfare index measuring human literacy, life expectancy, and the ‘real’ GNP – that is what an income will actually buy in a country. The HDI is an attempt to compare quality of life between people and places and,unlike GNP, it can measure differences within a country

10 Gapminder world map. You have been given a number of cards. Task 1 rank them in order of “most developed” to “least developed” Try and thing about what makes you rank them this way. Be ready to give reasons to the class. (10 mins)

11 Gapminder world map. Task 2: Now we will look at the Gapminder map 2010. Look at the countries and how they rank in order of how much money they have (along the bottom) and how good their life expectancy is from the bottom to the top. Is there any surprises? Write down any countries that you think are in a different location than you though.

12 Top 5 HDI (2006) Norway 0.963 Iceland 0.956 Australia 0.955 Luxembourg 0.949 Canada 0.949 Can you guess the countries with the top HDI?

13 Bottom 5(2006) Chad 0.341 Mali 0.333 Burkina Faso 0.317 Sierra Leone 0.298 Niger 0.281 Can you guess the countries with the lowest HDI?

14 Task: Apart from the amount of money per person in a country what other ways do you think we could measure development? Take 5 minutes to discuss with the person next to you different ideas. Write them down.

15 Examples of Indicators Include GNP – gross national product, the money earned by a country including investments abroad divided by its total population. It is always expressed in US$. Average calorie consumption. The percentage of the population who are literate.

16 More Development indicators The number of doctors per thousand people. The number of newspapers sold per thousand people. The number of cars per thousand people.

17 Development indicators worksheet Answer questions 1-5 on the worksheet on development indicators.

18 Task Turn to page 161 of the Geog S.G books. Complete activities 1-5.

19 Reasons for development Why do you think that some places are more developed than others? Take 5 minutes and write down as many reason as you can think of. You may discuss this with the people next to you.

20 Physical factors Climate: Too hot/cold/wet/dry. Makes it difficult to live and work in. Crops won’t grow. Relief: Very steep = hard to build on, hard to travel around, hard to farm. Resources: Few natural resources, the ones they have are cheap. Environment: High levels of disease due to poor health care. Tourists don’t visit, workers are ill. Natural disasters: Country is destroyed due to Earthquakes or Hurricanes etc.

21 Human factors. High birth rate. Urbanisation. People move to the city causing over crowding. Trade: Countries only have cheap primary good to sell and buy expensive manufactured goods. Technology: Not enough money to buy modern technology. Stops development. Historic reasons: Slave trade, colonisation

22 Extension question Read the extension text on page 31. Complete the extension questions.

23 Case study: The Americas

24 First task today TARGET SETTING: Now you have had your prelim results you know how well you have done. This is an opportunity to look at reasons why you done well, or did not do so well and think how you can improve.

25 Target setting Take one of the target setting sheets. Stick it to the front of your jotter. Answer the questions honestly.

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