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Antarctic Ozone Depletion EVSC 1300 Spring 2016. Average vertical temperature structure of atmosphere.

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Presentation on theme: "Antarctic Ozone Depletion EVSC 1300 Spring 2016. Average vertical temperature structure of atmosphere."— Presentation transcript:

1 Antarctic Ozone Depletion EVSC 1300 Spring 2016

2 Average vertical temperature structure of atmosphere


4 Average vertical temperature structure of atmosphere


6 NO x + VOCs + sunlight  Ground-level ozone


8 Figure18-9 p528 Ozone is naturally occurring in the stratosphere. O 2 + O + M  O 3 + M O 3 + UV  O 2 +O Ozone blocks harmful UV radiation!

9 How is ozone measured?

10 Ozone Measurement in Dobson Units (DUs)

11 Antarctic Ozone Hole

12 Figure 1-6 p9 maps/movies/OZONE_D2006-07- 01%25P1D_G%5E720X486.LSH.mp4





17 Why does the ozone hole form?

18 Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 40-150 year lifetimes Polar Stratospheric Clouds Temperatures < 200 K Sunlight Heterogeneous Chlorine Chemistry Ozone Depletion in Springtime Antarctic Stratosphere Antarctic Ozone Hole: Recipe

19 Chloroflurocarbons (CFCs) (~200 parts per trillion) Manmade, chemically inert, nontoxic –Examples: CF 2 Cl 2, CFCl 3 Sources: –Propellants in aerosol cans –Refrigerants –Blowing of plastic foam insulation –Cleaning solvents for electronics

20 CFCs are transported into the stratosphere where they are broken down into their constituent atoms. The chlorine atoms are key for the depletion of stratospheric ozone.

21 Sources of Stratospheric Chlorine Based on early 1990s estimates (UNEP/WMO) About 80% anthropogenic About 20% natural (but some natural HCl from human-induced biomass burning)

22 Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 40-150 year lifetimes Polar Stratospheric Clouds Temperatures < 200 K Sunlight Heterogeneous Chlorine Chemistry Ozone Depletion in Springtime Antarctic Stratosphere Antarctic Ozone Hole: Recipe

23 Polar Stratospheric Clouds

24 Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 40-150 year lifetimes Polar Stratospheric Clouds Temperatures < 200 K Sunlight Heterogeneous Chlorine Chemistry Ozone Depletion in Springtime Antarctic Stratosphere Antarctic Ozone Hole: Recipe

25 Figure 1-6 p9 CFCs can upset balance between ozone production and destruction. Ozone Hole: Rapid depletion of stratospheric ozone layer with presence of CFCs, cold temperatures, and sunlight. maps/movies/OZONE_D2006-07- 01%25P1D_G%5E720X486.LSH.mp4

26 Why isn’t there an ozone hole in the Arctic?


28 When will the ozone hole recover?

29 Montreal Protocol (1987) "Perhaps the single most successful international agreement to date has been the Montreal Protocol." -Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations

30 Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Regulated by Montreal Protocol (1987) Lifetimes of 40-150 years


32 Montreal Protocol

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