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The Atmosphere Layers. What’s the atmosphere made of? Nitrogen - 78.084% Oxygen - 20.95% Argon -.934% CO 2 -.036% Neon -.0018% Helium -.0005% Methane.

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Presentation on theme: "The Atmosphere Layers. What’s the atmosphere made of? Nitrogen - 78.084% Oxygen - 20.95% Argon -.934% CO 2 -.036% Neon -.0018% Helium -.0005% Methane."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Atmosphere Layers

2 What’s the atmosphere made of? Nitrogen - 78.084% Oxygen - 20.95% Argon -.934% CO 2 -.036% Neon -.0018% Helium -.0005% Methane -.00017% Hydrogen -.00005% Nitrous Oxide -.00003% Ozone -.000004%

3 What are the forms of Radiation? radio microwaves infrared visible light ultraviolet x - rays gamma rays Which 3 make it through the atmosphere?

4 What are the layers of the atmosphere? Thermosphere Exosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Stratosphere Troposphere

5 Lowest layer of atmosphere Almost all weather happens here Temperature and air pressure decrease with elevation Heated from below - sun rays enter and heat the earth, heat rises and stirs up the atmosphere Separated from the stratosphere by the tropopause Most water vapor and aerosols here

6 Stratosphere Ozone (O 3 ) layer here - protects from UV rays Commercial jets and weather balloons Temperature rises with increase in elevation Very dry - little water vapor Chemicals that make it here can stay for long periods of time - chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) destroy ozone Stratopause between stratosphere and mesosphere Ozone layer-

7 Mesosphere Temperature decreases with elevation - coldest part of atmosphere is at the top of this layer Least studied layer Most meteors burn up in this layer Sprites and Elves found here - rare lightning Mesopause between mesosphere and troposphere Odd Lightning (Sprites and Elves) - Meteorite hits Russia 2013 -

8 Thermosphere Temperatures climb sharply to about 1000km (620mi) above Earth Air so thin that atoms very rarely collide Space shuttles and the international space station orbit here Lower portion can be called ionosphere - polar lights happen here Upper portion can be called exosphere Northern Lights in Finland -

9 Travel the atmosphere - Let’s Draw it!!!

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