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Wiki Use In Education By Dona Sisk EDUC 8841 Dr. Foley Walden University Spring 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Wiki Use In Education By Dona Sisk EDUC 8841 Dr. Foley Walden University Spring 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wiki Use In Education By Dona Sisk EDUC 8841 Dr. Foley Walden University Spring 2010

2 California State Board of Education Vision Statement “All California students of the 21st century will attain the highest level of academic knowledge, applied learning and performance skills to ensure fulfilling personal lives and careers and contribute to civic and economic progress in our diverse and changing democratic society” “All California students of the 21st century will attain the highest level of academic knowledge, applied learning and performance skills to ensure fulfilling personal lives and careers and contribute to civic and economic progress in our diverse and changing democratic society”

3 What Does This Mean To Education? − writing skills − communication and collaboration skills − critical thinking skills − technology skills Students need to gain the necessary skills to be successful in society such as:

4 Wiki Developed 1994 Developed 1994 Launched in 1995 on Launched in 1995 on Creator Ward Cunningham Creator Ward Cunningham

5 Wiki Purpose Make exchange between programmers easier Make exchange between programmers easier Quickly editable by users Quickly editable by users Forum where people share ideas Forum where people share ideas “My specific purpose for the first wiki was to create an environment where we might link together each other's experience to discover the pattern language of programming” ~ Ward Cunningham (October 20, 2003) ~ Ward Cunningham (October 20, 2003)

6 Original concerns with Wikis Loss of information from updates Loss of information from updates Loss of information due to unauthorized users Loss of information due to unauthorized users Loss of organization of information as number of updates increase Loss of organization of information as number of updates increase

7 Responses to Concerns People Index 1995 People Index 1995 Edit Copy 1996 Edit Copy 1996 (later became Page History in 2002) (later became Page History in 2002) Wiki Categories 1996 Wiki Categories 1996 Road Maps 1997 Road Maps 1997

8 Early Wiki Uses Project communication Project communication Intranets Intranets Documentation Documentation Technical users Technical users

9 Why Wikis Peer-to-peer collaboration Peer-to-peer collaboration Project-oriented learning Project-oriented learning Connection to community Connection to community More meaningful learning More meaningful learning “Today's digital natives (our students) expect to communicate, learn and explore their world using technology 24/7. To keep up with them, to meet their learning preferences and to engage them in the learning process, we need to make schools relevant to them. We cannot do that without keeping up with technology and Web 2.0.” – A Curriculum Director in New York Leadership for Web 2.0 in Education: Promise and Reality (2009) %20w-cover.pdf

10 Impact on Students’ Education Leadership for Web 2.0 in Education: Promise and Reality (2009) Final%20w-cover.pdf

11 Functionality in the Classroom Familiarity with technology Familiarity with technology Interest in utilizing technology Interest in utilizing technology Develop skills needed for online collaboration Develop skills needed for online collaboration effective tools for learning and teaching as they facilitate collaborative learning, provide collaborative writing, support project based learning, promote creativity, encourage critical searching, support inquiry based and social constructivist learning (Cress&Kimmerle, 2008)

12 Additional research shows… One of most important ways of obtaining effective outcomes with technologies is individuals’ acceptance and usage of technology (Usluel & Mazman, 2009) One of most important ways of obtaining effective outcomes with technologies is individuals’ acceptance and usage of technology (Usluel & Mazman, 2009) easy course administration and scheduling, easy online updating content, student feedback and self assessment, bibliographically organized class or group projects, online collaboration for classroom or students (Zeinstejer, 2008)

13 Barriers in the classroom Teacher uncertainty Teacher uncertainty Student uncertainty Student uncertainty Training time and effort Training time and effort Psychology of online behavior Psychology of online behavior

14 S Curve of Innovation Adoption for Wikis

15 Formal Influence on Decisions Leadership for Web 2.0 in Education: Promise and Reality (2009) 09Final%20w-cover.pdf

16 Innovators and Early Adopters Technology teachers Technology teachers New younger teachers New younger teachers Curriculum developers Curriculum developers Technology savvy students Technology savvy students

17 Strategies for Adoption of Wikis for Innovators and Early adopters Adequate training and support Adequate training and support Connection to standards Connection to standards Research data to support learning benefit Research data to support learning benefit

18 Late Adopters and Laggards Older established teachers Older established teachers Teachers uncomfortable with technology Teachers uncomfortable with technology Students uncomfortable with technology Students uncomfortable with technology Administrators hesitant of change Administrators hesitant of change

19 Strategies for Adoption of Wikis for Late Adopters and Laggards Mentor assignment Mentor assignment Adequate training and support Adequate training and support Adequate time to develop skills Adequate time to develop skills Curriculum and activities development Curriculum and activities development

20 Attributes for Reaching Critical Mass for Wikis in Education Relative Advantage Relative Advantage Complexity Complexity Trialability Trialability

21 Relative Advantage Supports Writing Standards Supports Writing Standards Supports Multiple Learning Modes Supports Multiple Learning Modes Supports Multiple Learning Perspectives Supports Multiple Learning Perspectives

22 Complexity Relatively Short Learning Process Relatively Short Learning Process Easy to use and modify Easy to use and modify Integration can be scaled Integration can be scaled

23 Trialability Integration can be limited at first Integration can be limited at first Early adopters can be mentors for later adopters Early adopters can be mentors for later adopters Adaptability to individual academics Adaptability to individual academics

24 Centralized or Decentralized Approach for Adoption of Innovation Centralized approach targeting directors Centralized approach targeting directors Centralized approach targeting department chairs Centralized approach targeting department chairs Decentralized approach targeting teachers Decentralized approach targeting teachers

25 Key Change Agents Technology Educational Organizations Technology Educational Organizations Directors Directors Department Chairs Department Chairs Innovative teachers Innovative teachers

26 Change Agents Roles Establish informational exchange networks Establish informational exchange networks Influence behavior change Influence behavior change Reinforce behavioral change Reinforce behavioral change Establish process for problem resolution Establish process for problem resolution

27 Innovation Critical Mass Critical mass attained in private and business domains Critical mass attained in private and business domains Introduce innovation to department chairs Introduce innovation to department chairs Introduce innovation to science and technology groups Introduce innovation to science and technology groups

28 Role of Champion Recognize the need for improvement and communicate those needs such as: - improve writing skills - improve collaboration skills - improve critical thinking skills - improve technology skills

29 Role of Champion Identify and communicate how the use of wikis meet those needs such as: -provides opportunity for writing -provides opportunity for collaboration -provides opportunity for critical thinking while increasing technology skills while increasing technology skills

30 Remember… academic knowledge applied learning performance skills Goal of Education:

31 References California State Board of Education. (2009). Vision, mission, and goals. California State Board of Education. (2009). Vision, mission, and goals. Chao, J. & Parker, K. (2007). Wiki as a teaching tool. Interdisciplinary Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects, 3, 57-71. Retrieved from 072Parker284.pdf Chao, J. & Parker, K. (2007). Wiki as a teaching tool. Interdisciplinary Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects, 3, 57-71. Retrieved from 072Parker284.pdf 072Parker284.pdf 072Parker284.pdf

32 References COSN. (2009). Leadership for web 2.0 in education:Promise & reality. CoSN%20Report%20042809Final%20w- cover.pdf COSN. (2009). Leadership for web 2.0 in education:Promise & reality. CoSN%20Report%20042809Final%20w- cover.pdf CoSN%20Report%20042809Final%20w- cover.pdf CoSN%20Report%20042809Final%20w- cover.pdf Cress, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2008). A systemic and cognitive view on collaborative knowledge building with wikis. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 3, 105-122. Cress, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2008). A systemic and cognitive view on collaborative knowledge building with wikis. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 3, 105-122.

33 References Rogers, E. (2003) Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). New York: Free Press. Rogers, E. (2003) Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). New York: Free Press. Usluel, Y. & Mazman, S. (2009). Adoption of Web 2.0 tools in distance education. International Journalof Human Sciences, 6(2), 89-98. Retrieved from: Usluel, Y. & Mazman, S. (2009). Adoption of Web 2.0 tools in distance education. International Journalof Human Sciences, 6(2), 89-98. Retrieved from:

34 References Wikipedia. (2010). Wiki. Wikipedia. (2010). Wiki. Zeinstejer, R. (2008). The Wiki Revolution: A Challenge to Traditional Education. TESL-EJ,11(4). Zeinstejer, R. (2008). The Wiki Revolution: A Challenge to Traditional Education. TESL-EJ,11(4).

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