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Bianca Lochner 8841 Walden University. Distance Education Distance education represents an important alternative to address current challenges and to.

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Presentation on theme: "Bianca Lochner 8841 Walden University. Distance Education Distance education represents an important alternative to address current challenges and to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bianca Lochner 8841 Walden University

2 Distance Education Distance education represents an important alternative to address current challenges and to make education accessible to all. Distance education represents the transmission of knowledge through various media and information channels to provide more flexible educational models. Distance education courses are credit-granting courses offered to elementary and secondary school students enrolled in the a school district in which the teacher and students are in different locations.

3 Needs To provide access to educational experiences that are more flexible in time and space than traditional, campus-based education. To integrate and adapt to the affordances of the Internet and Web 2.0 tools. To expand learning environments beyond physical boundaries. To provide access to a wide range of training and learning resources. To generate new revenue. To transform and rethink content and pedagogy to address information age learning styles.

4 Research – Journals The American Journal of Distance Education –Pennsylvania State University Distance Learning journal – Information Age Publishing Educational Technology, Educational Technology Publications Educational Technology Research and Development – Springer Publishing Quarterly Review of Distance Education – Information Age Publishing Tech Trends – Springer Publishing

5 Research Distance education provides students with a rewarding experience that is just as challenging and effective as a traditional face -to -face learning environment (Anderson, 2008). Simonson developed the equivalency theory as a framework to distinguish between distance and face-to-face education and emphasized that DE should not be identical with education practiced in a F2F environment Laureate, 2008). DE should have the same learning outcomes as traditional education and should provide equivalent learning experiences to meet these outcomes (Laureate, 2008). Using technologies, theoretical approaches and appropriate instructional strategies, combining synchronous and asynchronous instruction are all methods that enhance distance education outcomes (Anderson, 2008).

6 Research Distance education instructional designers should have knowledge of how students learn and of learning theories in order to design effective distance learning environments (Ally, 2008). Up to 50% of all high school courses will be delivered online by 2019 (Hoover Institute, 2010) Up to 80% of all instruction will be computer-based by 2024 (Christensen, 2008).

7 Development – Intended Audience Corporations Post-secondary Institutions K-12 Educational Environments

8 Development - District Concerns What is the cost for the adoption of the distance education model? What is the preparedness level of faculty to transfer content to the online format successfully ? How may faculty be supported to develop new instructional strategies and to deliver successful online courses ? What are the needed policies?

9 Development - Faculty Concerns Are distance education learning outcomes equivalent to those students achieve in traditional courses? Will faculty-students and students-students interaction decrease? Will the level of student collaboration diminish compared to face-to-face courses? What are the benefits for the faculty? Is there a support system in place? What are the promotion approaches for the distance education program?

10 Development – Student and Parents Concerns What is the quality of distance education compared with face-to-face ? What is the cost for online courses? Are there guidelines in place for security and privacy policies to protect institution and student records? Is the district’s distance education program accredited?

11 Commercialization Accreditation Online Learning Platforms Distance Education Courseware Web 2.0 Tools

12 Educational tools Print Textbooks Study guides Workbooks Fax Voice/Audio Radio Telephone Voicemail Audio-conferences Audio files/CDs Podcasts Computer E-mail, chat, etc. Web-based resources Videoconferences CD-ROM Smartphones Video Videotape Satellite delivery Broadcast video DVD

13 Innovation-Decision Process Introduction Rogers’s (2003) Stages Knowledge Persuasion Decision Implementation Confirmation

14 Innovation-Decision Process Introduction ● Only few school districts in Arizona have considered district offering education courses ● The district will be a pioneer ● The following is an estimated timeline for the district to implement

15 Knowledge-Persuasion-Decision Implementation –Confirmation Innovation Decision Process Rogers’s (2003) Stages District Level District & School Level Timeline: The district will have to set up its own timeline. Communication channels: All inter-school and inter-district communication channels are per the usual district procedures for communicating course offerings.

16 ● Knowledge, Persuasion, and Decision would occur at the district level ● Implementation and Confirmation would occur at the individual school level Innovation Decision Process Rogers’s (2003) Stages

17 Knowledge, Persuasion, and Decision District level Timeline: occurring with this presentation Communication channel: this presentation School/teacher level Timeline: schools will not have input in the distance education model development process Communication channel: district will convey the adoption of its distance education model per usual district dissemination channels Innovation Decision Process Rogers’s (2003) Stages

18 Implementation District level Timeline: District’s distance education model will have to be approved by the Arizona Department of Education Develop the infrastructure to support the extension of traditional courses Make changes to policy to ensure that distance learning is well-integrated with the rest of the district Communication channel: District will convey the availability of online courses policy per usual district dissemination channels School level Timeline: Schools will implement distance education model per district’s given timeline. Communication channel: Schools will convey the availability of online courses policy per usual district dissemination channels Innovation Decision Process Rogers’s (2003) Stages

19 Confirmation School level Timeline: Schools to give feedback to district each quarter Communication channel: Schools convey the results per usual inter-district communication policy District level Timeline: District may re-invent (modify) distance education model after feedback from schools. Then the cycle restarts at the a new or revised implementation stage. Innovation Decision Process Rogers’s (2003) Stages

20 Few academic research on K-12 distance education adoption rate because: ● Innovation is still new for K-12 educational environments ● Currently at the bottom of the S-curve. Rate of Adoption S-Curve

21 Innovators: The School Board who would approve and adopt a distance education module. Early adopters: District- and school-level school administration Early Majority: Teachers who are already using an LMS Late Majority: High School faculty Laggards: Elementary-level faculty Rate of Adoption S-Curve

22 Relative advantage Compatibility Complexity Trialability Observability ( Rogers, 2003) Attributes that affect adoption rate

23 Relative advantage: Improved access to education with anytime, anywhere learning. Enhanced learning experiences. Greater learner flexibility. Expansion of education to new student groups. Increased interaction and collaboration opportunities. Compatibility E-learning program needs to be aligned with the rest of the institution, with the existing academic, financial, and technology plans. Attributes that affect adoption rate

24 Complexity: Recognizing the need for gradual implementation. Selecting several initial courses to be moved from traditional to electronic format. Trialability Experimentation with pedagogy and delivery systems Observability. Measures of learning and assessment of program quality Attributes that affect adoption rate

25 What attributes would be best for helping DE reach critical mass in K-12 educational environments? Relative advantage Expand access to meet the educational needs of current and potential students. Alleviate capacity constraints. Create a catalyst for institutional transformation. Observability The institution assesses the educational effectiveness of its distance education program to ensure compatibility with its campus-based program. Assessments include student learning outcomes, student retention, and student satisfaction.

26 Strategies used to persuade Early Adopters Articulate clearly the strategic goals behind the institution’s interest in distance education. Prove that a distance education program would complement the institution’s mission, culture, and pedagogical strength. Establishing infrastructure and support programs. Establishing a reward system for faculty willing to teach in a virtual environment.

27 Strategies used to help move the Laggards toward adoption Provide professional development focused on online course design. Provide support from early adopters faculty. And administration. Allow for experimentation with sample courses. Share success stories.

28 Decentralized vs. Centralized Of the Rogers’s (2003, p. 396) 6 characteristics, some can be diffused from the School Board (centralized) while others can be diffused by the individual schools (decentralized).

29 Suggested diffusion of six characteristics from Rogers (2003, p.396) for adoption of a distance education program: ` Centralized: Decision making power Sources of innovation Decision to diffuse the policy Decentralized:Direction of diffusion Driving the diffusion process Re-invention Decentralized vs. Centralized

30 The Change Agent is the School Board who will orchestrate six of Rogers’s (2003) seven roles of a change agent. Change Agent

31 School Board but will gain buy in from champions (collective innovation decision) The innovation’s champions will create, implement, revise, and ‘champion’ the implementation of the district’s distance education program. Organizational Innovations

32 School Board Suggested Approach High School leaders District-wide implementation Leaders from the other schools in the district

33 Suggested Approach Update current infrastructure and policies Educate Analyze existing K-12 distance education models

34 References Ally, M. (2008). Foundations of educational theory for online learning. In T. Anderson (Ed.), The theory and practice of online learning (2nd ed., pp. 15–44). Edmonton, AB: Athabasca University Press. Anderson, T. (2008). Towards a theory of online learning. In T. Anderson (Ed.), The theory and practice of online learning (2nd ed., pp. 45–74). Edmonton, AB: Athabasca University Press. Christensen, C. M. (2008). Disruptively deploying computers. In Disrupting class: How disruptive innovations will change the way the world learns (pp. 89–119). New York: McGraw-Hill. Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2008a). Distance Education: The Next Generation [Video]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2008b). Equivalency Theory [Video]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Simmons, D. E. (2002). The forum report: E-learning adoption rates and barriers. In A. Rossett (Ed.), The ASTD e- learning handbook (pp. 19-23). New York:, NY: McGraw-Hill. Simonson, M. (2000). Making Decisions: The Use of Electronic Technology in Online Classrooms. New Directions for Teaching & Learning, (84), 29. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

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