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EASPD Developing community-based provision of social services for people with disabilities 24. February 2010Luk Zelderloo.

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Presentation on theme: "EASPD Developing community-based provision of social services for people with disabilities 24. February 2010Luk Zelderloo."— Presentation transcript:

1 EASPD Developing community-based provision of social services for people with disabilities 24. February 2010Luk Zelderloo

2 -EASPD in brief -EASPD strategy -Challenges with regard to service provision Structure of the presentation

3 The European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) promotes the equalisation of opportunities for people with disabilities through effective and high quality service systems in Europe. EASPD represents over 8000 service provider organisations across Europe. EASPD in brief

4 EASPD is committed to: User participation in the development and delivery of services The implementation of governance principles Active promotion of life long learning opportunities for staff Focus on Accessibility, Availability, Affordability and Adaptability of services

5 EASPD in brief 4 Standing Committees: -SC Enlargement -SC Education -SC Employment -Policy Impact Group 3 Interest Groups: -IG on ICT -IG on Occupational Services -IG on staff training

6 EASPD in brief Our objectives are achieved through: 1.Policy-influencing (Impact): offering service providers a voice in Europe; 2.Service provision to members (Information): networking/offer exchange possibilities to members at European, national/regional and local level; 3.Research and Development (Innovation): as basis for innovation and improvement of service provision.

7 Impact 1.Active participation in: - the implementation of the Disability Action Plan of the Council of Europe and the European Union - the debate on Services of General Interest (SGI) and Social Services of General Interest (SSGI), - European Social Model, - Future of social service provision in Europe, - e-Accessibility initiatives. - EU 2020 - State Aid Regulation 2.Builds on the contacts and good relation established with: DG Employment and Social Affairs (Disability Unit) DG Education and Culture DG Competition DG Health and Consumer Protection DG Enlargement

8 Impact 3.Involvement in the work of: Disability HLG CAHPAH (CoE) Spidla adhoc group EESC Presidencies European year theme

9 Information 1.Inform members on programs & project opportunities by issuing a monthly email newsflash and by posting information on the website 2.websites: 3.Develop well selected projects to facilitate innovation 4.Standing Committes and Intergroups 5.Provider Fora and Capacity building events

10 Innovation Organise conferences & seminares Sofia May 2007 ‘Personalised Budgets & Direct Payments’ Strasbourg September 2007 ‘Training of Staff’ Lisbon November 2007 ‘Walking with Families’ Rome February 2008 ‘Legal frameworks for service development’ Brussels April 2008 ‘Walking the Talk’ implementing European rules/guidelines Vienna September 2008 ‘Quality of Services’ Berlin 27-28 November 2008 The Importance of Values, Religion and Faith in the work with people with disabilities ’

11 Conferences 2009/2010  5-7 March 2009 in Barcelona (ES): "Bridging knowledge in long term care and support - Crossing Boundaries between Ageing and Disability"  11-12 June 2009 in Thessaloniki (GR): "Bringing people to work"  21-22 September 2009 in Nottingham (UK): "Breaking the barriers between stakeholders on Information & Communication Technology for People with Disabilities”  12 - 13 November 2009 in Dublin (IR): "Salamanca - 15 years on INCLUSION – A SCHOOL FOR ALL"  3-5 June 2010 in Helsinki (FI): “What about me? – Including the most excluded- Improving the quality of life of people with profound disabilities”  7-9 October 2010 in Skopje (MK): “Towards Community living: current realities, future challenges”

12 Current EU funded projects Pathways to Inclusion ECC Impact (ICT) Pass it on Inclusion – Galileo

13 Strategy for the future 2009-2013 EASPD

14 EASPD TODAY Mission EASPD promotes the equalisation of opportunities for people with disabilities through effective and high quality service systems in Europe We believe in interdependence and partnership EASPD represents specialized service providers

15 STRATEGIC ORIENTATIONS 2010-2015 A key role in the correct and full implementation of the UN Convention, the EU Disability Strategy and the Council of Europe Action Plan on disabilities and close cooperation with DPO’s. 1.An effective voice. European Agency on Special Needs Education European Parliament intergroup on disability, social economy and public services Cooperation with ETUC Involvement in the social dialogue HLG and CAHPAH 2.From the grassroots level to Europe Better understanding of what is going on at the grassroots level. Capacity building.

16 STRATEGIC ORIENTATIONS 2010-2015 3.From Europe to the grassroots level Flow of information reduced and limited Maximization of the number languages 4.Capacity building. Legal expertise Membership Provider networks and capacity building “get organised”

17 STRATEGIC ORIENTATIONS 2010-2015 5.Horizontal objectives Twinning will be promoted The Provider Fora Innovation will be facilitated through projects Implementation of the quality principles Strategic areas: New technologies, Education, Ageing, Persons Inclusiveness of services will be developed Further exchange of professionals Cooperation agreements

18 European Perspective on Challenges for Service Providers

19 A changing society Shift in paradigm with regard to persons with disabilities Demographic change Economic change Knowledge society and ICT

20 Challenges for the sector 1. Work Unemployment and inactivity affects persons with a disability much more than the general public. Key issues: Benefit trap Shift from sheltered to open employment Access to and full implementation of assistive technology Job carving: people furthest away from the labour market or labour market to far away from the people… Awareness raising amongst employers Quality at work, qualitative jobs Addressing these issues, social services could have a multiplier effect.

21 Challenges for the sector 2. Staff training First line workers in the social sector are mainly (up to 95 %) female. Key issues Few career opportunities Low wages Few LLL opportunities (investment in human capital) Needs for retraining due to paradigm shift (adaptability of workers) Shortage of staff 21

22 Challenges for the sector 3. De-institutionalisation There is an urgent need for the development of community based and person centred services across Europe. Key issues: Retraining of staff in specialised settings Training of staff working in the mainstream Development of new job profiles Training of social services management

23 Challenges for the sector 4. Availability of services Availability of a services spectrum and free choice are crucial for the well-being of PWD. Innovation in social service provision could contribute to sustainable solutions. Key issues Capacity building is needed in Eastern European countries Needs assessment tools are to be developed Funding? New types of services, e.g. call centres, distance support, … Mainstream

24 Challenges for the sector 5. Stakeholder cooperation All stakeholder have to contribute to the development of efficient and cost effective service systems. Today’s society is complex. Only through well-organised cooperation and shared responsibility, effective and efficient policy developments and implementation is possible. Key issues Identification of stakeholders Agreement on different roles and responsibilities Development of tools and instruments facilitating cooperation Funding of stakeholder cooperation

25 Challenges for the sector 6. Multi-layered discrimination A major challenge for the social sector and social policies is to combat multi-layered discrimination Key issues The specific situation of women with a disability Empowerment and service delivery to poor people and Roma with disabilities

26 TOWARDS TAILORED SOLUTIONS 10 key quality requirements for social services 1.To facilitate full participation, inclusion and equal citizenship; 2. To be built around people with disabilities and their changing needs: tailor made – person centered; 3.To be community based and rooted in society; 4. To be set up in, and in close cooperation with the mainstream; 5. Holistic approach  multi faceted approach;

27 TOWARDS TAILORED SOLUTIONS 10 key quality requirements for social services 6. Be provided by well trained and managed staff; 7. Keep the family together; 8. Be based on stakeholder cooperation; 9. Ensure security to all users; 10. Allow real and informed choices.

28 Providers are nomads Luk Zelderloo

29 Thank you! EASPD Av. d'Auderghem/ Oudergemlaan 63 1040 Bruxelles +32 22 82 46 10



32 The frog phenomenon So needed is: -Focus on needs and needs assessment -Developing and showing alternatives (availability) -Explaining the importance of the change in paradigm -Training change management -Training new skills for first line staff -Identify bottlenecks in legislation and underlying frameworks -Alternative employment opportunities for staff Challenges for the sector 3. De-institutionalisation

33 Keep families intact So needed is: -Socio-economic support mechanism for poor families -Communication support -Recognition of different roles, parents/brothers, sisters -Keep families together … Challenges for the sector 3. De-institutionalisation

34 The end of total “institutes” means more flexible solutions Service spectrum So needed is: -Available information services -Aware and trained staff in maternity hospitals -Early intervention and ambulant services -Personal assistants in day care and schools -Respite care services and temporary care -Family support combined with support for persons with disabilities -Focus on transition in life stages -Available support in mainstream education and health care Challenges for the sector 3. De-institutionalisation

35 Stakeholder cooperation Key problems: Mono-dimensional approach -HR activists: abuse -Authorities: costs -Persons with disabilities: options -Parents: safety -Professionals: employment -Providers: sustainability So needed is: -Invest in stakeholder cooperation -Recognition of different roles -Commitment of all partners -SLA, cooperation agreements - Develop partnerships Challenges for the sector 3. De-institutionalisation

36 Cut the supply line So needed is: -Availability of early intervention, ambulant and respite care services -Flexible time frames for services (pre-school programs) -Identify the number of persons living in the institutes -Stop investment in the buildings -Agreed plans for breakdown -Legal ‘stop’ Challenges for the sector 3. De-institutionalisation

37 If you fail to plan, you plan to fail! So needed is: -Feasible Action plans -Overlap of systems -Clearly allocated budget -Monitoring -Investment in training Challenges for the sector 3. De-institutionalisation

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