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Project Overview and Administrative Issues Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, 03.09.2015 Jaap Gebraad, Stichting STC-Group PROMINENT, the European lead project.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Overview and Administrative Issues Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, 03.09.2015 Jaap Gebraad, Stichting STC-Group PROMINENT, the European lead project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Overview and Administrative Issues Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, 03.09.2015 Jaap Gebraad, Stichting STC-Group PROMINENT, the European lead project for innovation in inland waterway transport Közlekedéstudományi Konferencia, Győr, 24-25.03.2016 Robert Rafael Pro Danube Management GmbH

2 Agenda Introduction to the PROMINENT project Definition of the framework: fleet families and consumption Greening technologies for IWT Real-life pilot deployments

3 Previous Projects and Goals PLATINA and PLATINA II MOVE-IT! Three main goals: – To support a massive introduction of a range of alternative energy concepts and technologies – Establishment of a testing and monitoring regime for the application of strict emission limits to various categories of existing vessels/engines; – Develop digital, including simulator-based, tools for education/training and cost-efficient navigation following inter alia, the assessment of manning and training/qualification requirements with regard to vessel operation and cargo handling (including modal links)


5 Share of fleet families based on the number of vessels

6 Share of fleet families based on fuel consumption

7 Share of fleet families based on tonne- kilometres

8 Fuel consumption Fleet families identified in PROMINENTAverage fuel consumption per year (in m 3 ) Passenger vessels (hotel/cruise vessels)54 Push boats <500 kW (total engine power)32 Push boats 500-2000 kW (total engine power)158 Push boats ≥2000 kW (total engine power)2,070 Motor vessels dry cargo ≥110m length339 Motor vessels liquid cargo ≥110m length343 Motor vessels dry cargo 80-109m length162 Motor vessels liquid cargo 80-109m length237 Motor vessels <80 m. length49 Coupled convoys558

9 Greening technologies for IWT

10 SWP 5.1 – Monitoring exhaust gas emissions and operational profiles on existing, innovative vessels  Objectives:  The monitoring systems collect a large amount of ‘raw’ data  This data needs to be checked, filtered and converted to parameters which are suitable for the different purposes within work packages 2 and 3  The different types of test results will lead to conclusions and recommendations about certification procedures and on-board monitoring procedures  Tasks:  On-board monitoring existing vessels  Data collection & analysis  Technical evaluation & conclusions on monitoring and certification options  Outcomes:  The evaluations will include the practical feasibility, economics and accuracy of different options  Consequently it will feed into SWP 5.4 in order to develop clear policy recommendations for options which are suitable for Roll Out in the market and application by inspection authorities and technical service providers for certification and enforcement

11 SWP 5.2 – Pilot LNG  Objectives:  a respective pilot project will be performed based on the SWP 1.1 results  a standardised LNG tank and fuelling system will be produced and installed on a new-build 135 meter tank vessel  this vessel will be equipped with two dual fuel engines as main propulsion  Tasks:  Manufacturing of standard modules  Installation of the equipment on board  Installation of controls devices  Verification of all interfaces  Start-up and commissioning  Monitoring and measurement  Technical evaluation & conclusions on LNG pilot

12 SWP 5.3 – Pilot standardised retrofit diesel after-treatment systems  Objectives:  Two standardised pilot after-treatment solutions, one for NOX reduction and the other for combined PM and NOx reduction, together with on-board monitoring systems will be produced and installed on two vessels to meet emission targets similar to on road Euro VI with 60-95% PM and NOx reduction.  To validate efficiency, safety, durability, geometrical constraints of a standardised after-treatment system  To validate the OBD  Certification and homologation investigation  To be able to replace the existing muffler by a standardised and integrated catalyst/filter after- treatment muffler solution.  Tasks:  System manufacture  System installation  System commissioning and calibration  Monitoring and measurement  Correlation of the calculated back pressure, uniformity of gas distribution and uniformity of urea distribution with actual measurements  Post processing and evaluation of results  Two standardised pilot after-treatment systems will be produced and installed on the selected vessel(s) to meet the targets similar to road transport Euro VI. This results in strong air pollutant emission reductions of 90-95% compared to current OEM engines

13 SWP 5.4 – Pilot energy efficient navigation  Objectives:  to overlay fairway survey data with flow data generated by vessel measurements  to provide a real-time advising system for the boatmaster on the optimum choice of the fairway track and cruising speed  to support waterway administrations with additional information on the fairway conditions  Tasks:  installation of advanced echo sounder and other vessel equipment  definition and application of rules and procedures for data generation and data use  development of tools for energy efficient navigation  test operations on the Rhine and the Danube  technical evaluation and conclusions  The envisaged system will have a high potential economic and environmental impact  applied to both new and existing vessels  reduction of fuel consumption and corresponding emissions to air  prepare full-scale implementation and impacts by 2020

14 SWP 5.4 – Involvement of end-users  The Danube pilot will be rolled out together with:  via donau: provider of fairway data as input and foreseen end-user of incoming data from NAVROM (and potentially other vessels)  NAVROM: installer and user of test equipment, provider of raw data and end-user of the advice tool  The Rhine pilot will be rolled out with:  Cruise ship and potentially cargo vessels: installer and user of test equipment, provider of raw data and end-user of the advice tool  Other waterway management organizations and fleet operators may use the services after proper testing and approvals  Pro Danube will create an end-user group consisting of interested barge operators in the Danube region

15 SWP 5.4 - Concept of a database

16 SWP 5.4 - Trip advisory tool

17 SWP 5.4 – Advanced equipment on board Source: NAVROM

18 SWP 5.4 – Advanced equipment on board Source: NAVROM

19 SWP 5.5 – Pilot logistics education  Objectives:  To implement the prototypes of digital tools and to carry out test runs and evaluate the prototypes;  To assess developed prototypes of electronic tools  Implementation of an advanced train-the-trainer concept to integrate IWT knowledge in general logistics education  Tasks:  Pilots with respect to e-learning modules:  “Energy-efficient and cost-efficient navigation (smart steaming)”;  “Handling of (alternative) fuel and cargo, especially dangerous goods”;  “Vessel stability”  Pilot e-SRB and e-Logbook  Pilot CoP Logistics education  Evaluation and conclusions  The envisaged system will have a high potential economic and environmental impact  A harmonised and modernised system of profession qualifications contributes to the viability and sustainability of the sector;  Activities in the area of education and training strengthen the professionalism, sustainability as well as the integration of IWT in general logistics education

20 CONTACT Robert Rafael Pro Danube Management GmbH Handelskai 265. 1020 Vienna Austria +43 1 890 6647-25 Thank you for your attention!

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