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Symbols and Room Finishes

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Presentation on theme: "Symbols and Room Finishes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Symbols and Room Finishes

2 Schedule of Miscellaneous Equipment

3 Additional Notes and Symbols

4 (Plan Shows These as Rooms B200, B236, B236A, B238, B221, and B201)
Rooms B100J, B203, B203A, B205, B209, B209A (Plan Shows These as Rooms B200, B236, B236A, B238, B221, and B201) Scale: 1/8” = 1’0”

5 Section Views of Subfloor Tanks in Room B209
(there is no section view of the test pit in Room B209) 450 ft3 (3400 gal) 550 ft3 (4100 gal) 300 ft3 (2300 gal) 3850 ft3 (28,800 gal)

6 Plan View of Subfloor Mechanical Systems in Room B209
(see schedule of miscellaneous equipment for numbers in double circles) FD = floor drain?

7 Plan View of Mechanical Systems in Room B209
(appears to include original plan for pipe hung from ceiling; see schedule of miscellaneous equipment for numbers in double circles)

8 Section View of Mechanical Systems in Room B209

9 Piping and Gate Valves for 300 ft3, 450 ft3, and 550 ft3 Tanks in Room B209
1 = 12” gate valve and 12” pipe with end flush with wall 2 = 8” gate valve and 8” pipe with end flush with wall 3 = 8” gate valve and 8” pipe crossing one tank, ending in far tank with inlet bell 3A = 8” gate valve and 8” pipe ending in closest tank with inlet bell

10 Manhole Covers for 3850 ft3 Tank in Room B209
Scale: 1/8” = 1’0”

11 Load Bearing Columns and 3850 ft3 Tank in Room B209
How do these columns interact with the tank? Tank wall appears to be poured around center and west columns. East column appears to be in the tank. Scale: 1/8” = 1’0”

12 Wood Covers for 300 ft3, 450 ft3, and 550 ft3 Tanks in Room B209
Scale: 1-1/2” = 1’0” Scale: 1/8” = 1’0”

13 Plan and Section Views of Storm & Sanitary Sumps in Room B209

14 Details for Drain Trench in Rooms B205 and B209
(gray circles on plan view show bottom elevation of trench; these appear to drain to the 3850 ft3 Tank ) NOTE: some dimensions do not apply to the basement Scale: 1/8” = 1’0”

15 Details for Drains in Drain Trench (Rooms B205 and B209)
It’s not clear that these drains are present in the basement drain trench – the trench may empty into the pump sump pit NOTE: some dimensions do not apply to the basement

16 Details for Drain Tile Interceptor Clean Out (Rooms B203 and B209)
Scale: 1/8” = 1’0”

17 Plan Views of Tank Enclosure on Roof
Pipe Chase to B209A Tank Enclosure for Tank and Elevator Equipment Scale: 1/16” = 1’0”

18 Details of Tank Enclosure on Roof
Pipe Chase to B209A Tank

19 Details of Tank on Roof

20 Plan Views of Pipe Space by Floor
(pipe space is highlighted by gray circle) Roof 3rd Floor 2nd Floor 1st Floor Basement Elevator

21 Section View of Subfloor Mechanical Systems in Room B209
Looking west Tank on roof drains to 3850 ft3 tank under floor

22 Plumbing Diagram for Rooms B209 to 4225

23 Storm Drain Plumbing Diagram for Southeast Engineering Hall
Sump pit in Room B209

24 Sanitary Plumbing Diagram for Southeast Engineering Hall
Room B209

25 Section View of Test Pit in Room B203A, Looking North
Scale: 1/8” = 1’0”

26 Section View of Mechanical Systems in Test Pit, Room B203A
Looking West

27 Plumbing Diagram for Rooms B203A(?) to 3207
this is now Room 3207 this may be the test pit in Room B203A

28 Soil Boring Test Data

29 Soil Boring Locations

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