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G048: Lecture 03 Task B Overview Mr C Johnston ICT Teacher

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1 G048: Lecture 03 Task B Overview Mr C Johnston ICT Teacher

2 Initial Ideas Brain storm the steps required to make your product and write your ideas down in a mind map style diagram These could form the main milestones for your project Free mind map drawing software is available on my website

3 Stages Break the milestones up into small tasks – show these on your diagram The longer the list of stages the more detailed your plan will be.

4 Adding Timings List each milestone and its stages within a table. Add the number of days you expect to take to complete each task within the stage. Stick to units of 1 day even though it could take less time to keep diagram simple – you can always do several tasks in the same day. Mile StoneSub-TasksDays Take Pictures Book camera1 Take pictures of playing instruments1 Take pictures of other instruments1

5 Use Project Management Methodology. To get into Mark Bands 2/3 you need to use project management methodology, To plan your project you need to draw at least two from: A Gantt chart Critical Path A Pert Diagram The diagrams will need to show Major milestones, all subtasks, precise timings, tasks which are dependant on each other and that you have included some contingency plans Once you have completed you plan it must NOT be changed otherwise it is no longer considered to be a plan. Ensure you keep a record of deviations from your plan as you will write about these in task E.

6 Mark Band 3 To get into MB3 the tasks should be detailed enough for a third party with no further guidance to complete the project within the time frame. All aspects of the project are planned, Project will be spilt into tasks and subtasks as far as possible Clear evidence of working out timings to be applied to tasks – specific dates should used Task interdependency will be considered (I cant do this until this is done), Contingency time is built in.

7 Example of Detail Required ! An example of detailed planning for band 3 would be: 27 th September P4 - I will write the code to make my rollover buttons work Band 2 planning would be more generic October week 1 - make website template Band 1 planning would be even more generic Week 6 – 8 make website Think about the tasks you are going to include within your plan – it’s for the production of a product. I do not expect to see time allocated to writing you plan within you plan!!! You should plan for the creation of the product and associated support materials.

8 Steps Forward Using a piece of A3 paper and a pen or mind map drawing software construct a mind map showing the different milestones and sub tasks required to complete your project Create a table showing each milestone and its subtasks and an estimated time it will take to complete – this table should be long and will be used to create your Gantt chart next week

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