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PUERTO RICOPUERTO RICO Español II| Mr. ClarkEspañol II| Mr. Clark.

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Presentation on theme: "PUERTO RICOPUERTO RICO Español II| Mr. ClarkEspañol II| Mr. Clark."— Presentation transcript:

1 PUERTO RICOPUERTO RICO Español II| Mr. ClarkEspañol II| Mr. Clark

2 ¿DÓNDE ESTÁ PUERTO RICO?¿DÓNDE ESTÁ PUERTO RICO? Puerto Rico es una isla que se ubica entre el mar caribe y el oceáno atlántico. Es un territorio de los Estados Unidos. La capital es San Juan. La población es más de 3.600.000 personas.

3 LA GEOGRAFÍA DE PUERTO RICOLA GEOGRAFÍA DE PUERTO RICO From East to West, the island is only about 110 miles long. Puerto Rico is a mountainous island. Main mountain range is called La Cordillera Central.

4 ¿CÓMO ES EL CLIMA?¿CÓMO ES EL CLIMA? Tropical/Caribbean climate. January its usually around 73°F. July is usually around 81°F.

5 ¿CÓMO ES EL AMBIENTE NATURAL?¿CÓMO ES EL AMBIENTE NATURAL? El Yunque: – A magnificent tropical rainforest. – The only rain forest of the United States. – More than 200in of rain each year. – Many exotic animals and plants within El Yunque.

6 UNA HISTORIA BREVE.UNA HISTORIA BREVE. Columbus arrival 1 st Spanish Settlement WarfareCitizenshipGoverningCurrently Nov 9, 1493Aug 8, 1508July 5, 189819171947Jan 2, 2013 Columbus arrived on Puerto Rico during his 2 nd voyage. First Spanish Settlement, Caparra governed by Juan Ponce de Leon. The US invaded Puerto Rico during the Spanish- American War. US Congress votes to make all Puerto Ricans US citizens. US grants Puerto Rico the right elect their own governor. Governor Alejandro García Padilla was sworn in as the 11 th governor. (4 year term) The indigenous population was called Los taínos.

7 LA CULTURA DE PUERTO RICOLA CULTURA DE PUERTO RICO A very diverse culture. A mixed population ranging from: – Africans – Spaniards – Taínos – Americans – Asian Official Languages are English & Spanish.

8 LA COMIDA TÍPICALA COMIDA TÍPICA Pasta de guayaba – Popularly known as guava paste

9 LA COMIDA TÍPICALA COMIDA TÍPICA Arroz con gandules – Gandules are also known as Pigeon Peas. – Rice with pigeon peas

10 LA COMIDA TÍPICALA COMIDA TÍPICA Sesos empanados – Fried calf brains are a very popular dish.

11 LA COMIDA TÍPICALA COMIDA TÍPICA Los Pasteles – Tamales made with green plantains or yautías (a vegetable similar to the potatoe) and meat.

12 UNA BEBIDA TÍPICAUNA BEBIDA TÍPICA El café – Popular drink after a meal. – A huge export item for Puerto Rico.

13 EL RADIOTELESCOPIO MÁS GRANDEEL RADIOTELESCOPIO MÁS GRANDE El Observatorio de Arecibo – You will find the biggest radio telescope in the world in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. – Dish is 20 acres & a sinkhole the size of 13 football fields. – Used to study planets, comets, asteroids, galaxies, and more.

14 LA SALSALA SALSA Salsa is dance music with Afro-Cuban influences that is very popular in Puerto Rico and the rest of Latin America.

15 LOS DEPORTESLOS DEPORTES El béisbol – Baseball is the most popular sport in Puerto Rico.

16 EL MORRO, SAN JUANEL MORRO, SAN JUAN El Morro: – A Spanish Fortress built during the Spanish control of Puerto Rico. – Located in San Juan.

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