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Unlocking the “Secret Sauce” of Great Teams Heather

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Presentation on theme: "Unlocking the “Secret Sauce” of Great Teams Heather"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unlocking the “Secret Sauce” of Great Teams Heather Fleming @hfleming


3 Empathy & Communication Forging Real Connections Authentic Self Psychologically Safe Environments

4 Unlock Yourself. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ®

5 Carl Gustav Jung (1875–1961), a Swiss psychiatrist, developed a theory of personality: Differences between people are not random. Instead they form patterns—types. Psychological Types (published 1921, translated into English 1923) A Brief History Lesson...

6 Katharine C. Briggs (1875–1968), an American, read Jung’s Psychological Types in 1923. She spent the next 20 years studying, developing, and applying Jung’s theory. A Brief History Lesson...

7 Isabel Briggs Myers (1897–1980) developed Jung’s theory in partnership with Briggs. Beginning in 1943, she developed questions that became the Myers- Briggs Type Indicator ® instrument. A Brief History Lesson...

8 Jung’s Personality Theory Jung believed that preferences are innate—“inborn predispositions” He also recognized that they are shaped by environmental influences, such as family, culture, and education Nature MBTI ® instrument vs.Nurture Environment

9 Handedness Activity

10 The MBTI ® Dichotomies The MBTI ® instrument indicates preferences on four pairs of opposites, called dichotomies: Extraversion E or I Introversion Sensing S or N Intuition Thinking T or F Feeling Judging J or P Perceiving

11 Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I) Where we focus our attention and get energy Source: Introduction to Type ® (6th ed.), I. B. Myers, p. 9.

12 People who prefer Extraversion (E) ▪Are energized by interacting with others ▪Are sociable and expressive ▪Prefer to communicate face- to-face ▪Work out ideas by talking them through Where People Focus Their Attention People who prefer Introversion (I) ▪Are energized by opportunity to reflect ▪Are private and contained ▪Prefer to communicate by writing ▪Work out ideas by thinking them through Source: Introduction to Type ® (6th ed.), I. B. Myers, p. 9.

13 Source: Introduction to Type ® and Change, N. J. Barger & L. K. Kirby, p. 4. E-I Illustration

14 Extraversion Action Outward People Interaction Many Expressive Do-Think-Do Key Words Associated with E-I Introversion Reflection Inward Privacy Concentration Few Quiet Think-Do-Think

15 Sensing (S) or Intuition (N) The way we take in information and the kind of information we like and trust Source: Introduction to Type ® (6th ed.), I. B. Myers, p. 9.

16 People who prefer Sensing (S) ▪Build carefully and thoroughly toward conclusions ▪Understand ideas and theories through practical applications ▪Are specific and literal ▪Trust experience How People Take In Information People who prefer Intuition (N) ▪Move quickly to conclusions, follow hunches ▪Generate ideas and theories; application is secondary ▪Use metaphors and analogies ▪Trust insight Source: Introduction to Type ® (6th ed.), I. B. Myers, p. 9.

17 Source: Introduction to Type ® and Change, N. J. Barger & L. K. Kirby, p. 4. S-N Illustration

18 Sensing Facts Realistic Specific Present Keep Practical What is Key Words Associated with S-N Intuition Ideas Imaginative General Future Change Theoretical What could be

19 Thinking (T) or Feeling (F) The way we make decisions Source: Introduction to Type ® (6th ed.), I. B. Myers, p. 10.

20 People who prefer Thinking (T) ▪Step back to get an objective view ▪Analyze ▪Use cause-and-effect reasoning ▪Solve problems with logic How People Make Decisions People who prefer Feeling (F) ▪Step in to identify with those involved ▪Empathize ▪Are guided by personal and group values ▪Assess impacts of decisions on people Source: Introduction to Type ® (6th ed.), I. B. Myers, p. 10.

21 Source: Introduction to Type ® and Change, N. J. Barger & L. K. Kirby, p. 5. T-F Illustration

22 Thinking Head Detached Things Objective Critique Analyze Firm but fair Key Words Associated with T-F Feeling Heart Personal People Subjective Praise Understand Merciful

23 Judging (J) or Perceiving (P) Our attitude toward the external world and how we orient ourselves to it Source: Introduction to Type ® (6th ed.), I. B. Myers, p. 10.

24 People who prefer Judging (J) ▪Like to have things decided ▪Resist reopening decisions ▪Try to avoid last-minute stresses How People Approach Life People who prefer Perceiving (P) ▪Like to explore options ▪Resist cutting off options, making decisions too soon ▪Feel energized by last-minute pressures Source: Introduction to Type ® (6th ed.), I. B. Myers, p. 10.

25 Source: Introduction to Type ® and Change, N. J. Barger & L. K. Kirby, p. 5. J-P Illustration

26 Judging Organized Decision Control Now Closure Deliberate Plan Key Words Associated with J-P Perceiving Flexible Information Experience Later Options Spontaneous Wait

27 Personality Type When combined, your preferences indicate your personality type.

28 16 Personality Types

29 Levels of Confidence “Best-fit” type Reported type Self-estimated type True type - innate predispositions

30 Unlock Your Team. The “Team Ingredients” Framework

31 We value an individual’s strengths and what they bring to the team and believe an individual should be able to contribute to the team using these strengths - regardless of their job role or title.

32 Initiative Visionary: Drives a comprehensive product strategy taking into account company strategy and market and competitive landscape to drive financial benefit to the organization (increase revenue, decrease cost, operational efficiency).

33 Marketer: Determines product/feature positioning for the customer by defining and articulating the messaging and positioning for product so the customer clearly understands the benefit.

34 Ideator: Formulates and executes backlog development. Drives the scoping, planning and scheduling of work. Drives KPI thinking and can easily size multiple opportunities and prioritize based on impact. Is able to forecast and review revenue/cost actuals and budget impact of products developed.

35 Cruise Director: Makes things fun. Creates a sense of team spirit. Sets up team events, lunches, happy hours, etc. Decorates team area. Helps with stickers, team swag.

36 Motivator: Excites and motivates through an understanding of individual and team dynamics. Clearly articulates why the work the team is doing is important. Develops an environment of highly engaged individuals by demonstrating passion and enthusiasm. Inspires the team to achieve their goals.

37 Data Analyst: Leverages data to propose hypotheses and AB tests. Uses data to influence product direction. Can clearly communicate what data means. Develops models and assumptions for budget forecasting and tracks results. Help interpret how customers engage with new features.

38 External Relationship Manager: Provides regular updates on status and team achievements. Develops relationships with external stakeholders. Leads productive meetings. Creates and delivers excellent presentations for the team.

39 Benefits to this approach...

40 Thanks! Be You.

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