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Visual prognostic indicators in traumatic macular hole surgery SGN

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1 Visual prognostic indicators in traumatic macular hole surgery SGN

2 Traumatic macular holes
First described by Herman Knapp in 1869 Traumatic macular hole is a well recognized complication of ocular trauma Can occur as a result of contre coup injury – retinal dehiscence/ as a result of breakdown of traumatically induced cystoid change Usually associated with other features of trauma- retinal detachment, vitreous haemorrhage

3 Though improved success rate in noted in IMH, and is found to depend on duration, size, the prognostic indicators in traumatic holes have not been established clearly

4 Aim To determine the factors which influence the post operative visual acuity in patients undergoing traumatic macular hole surgery

5 Materials and methods 8 consecutive patients (8 eyes) with traumatic macular holes who presented at Retina clinic , Minto Eye Hospital , Bangalore and underwent macular hole surgery between April 2002 to Oct 2003 were included in the study.

6 Preoperative and post operative assessment PRE- OP
POST-OP1d, 1w, 4w, 6m, 1y BCVa Refraction IDO Slit lamp biomicroscopy Fundus photography Ultrasonography FFA Fields/Amsler’s grid

7 The size of the hole was individually assessed with respect to the disc

8 Patients with isolated macular hole underwent pars plana vitrectomy with air-fluid exchange with injection of 20%SF6 PVD was induced in patients without PVD Patients maintained face down position for 1 weeks

9 Patients with associated retinal detachment underwent pars plana vitrectomy + treatment for peripheral breaks with membrane peeling + with air fluid exchange with silicone oil injection Patients maintained face down positioning for 2 weeks 1 patient required lensectomy due to traumatic cataract



12 Cause of trauma Injury No of cases Stick 4 Stone 2 Injury by fist 1
Shuttle cock

13 Age / sex distribution

14 Symptoms- Diminution of vision- sudden, gradual Central visual field defect- 3 patients Duration of symptoms- 15days- 1 year

15 Duration between trauma & onset of symptoms

16 Duration between onset of symptoms & presentation

17 Correlating injury, symptoms and presentation

18 Associated features at presentation
Isolated TMH 1 TMH+ VH TMH+ Macular edema +subhyaloid hhg TMH+ Sub retinal fluid Rheg RD with peripheral holes (3 single+ I multiple breaks) 4

19 Visual acuity at presentation
Findings Va Isolated TMH 6/36 or better TMH+ VH/ Mac edema 6/240 -6/36 TMH+RD PL+-6/240

20 Pre op visual acuity Post op visual acuity 1 6/36 6/24 2 6/240 3 4 6/60 6/2400 5 6 6/1200 7 6/800 8 PL+

21 Visual acuity results

22 Visual acuity and duration
Improved Maintained Deteriorated <1m 1 1m-6m 2 6m-1year >1year

23 Size of macular hole

24 Visual acuity and size of hole

25 Associated PVD

26 Correlating post-op visual acuity with PVD

27 Post operative complications
Retinal detachment in 1 patient with retinal dialysis Silicone oil induced glaucoma in 1 patient

28 All 3 patients reported subjective improvement in size of central scotoma.

29 Conclusions Improvement in visual acuity in a significant number of patients undergoing surgery. Size of macular hole did not determine visual improvement Duration of macular hole did not determine the final visual acuity

30 Significant improvement in visual acuity of patients who did not have PVD
Patients without retinal detachment or vitreous haemorrhage presented late but with better visual acuity 6. Subjective improvement in the size of central scotoma



33 THANK YOU Acknowledgements: Staff of retina clinic All the patients

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