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Semantic Web Environments -Merging Learning and Knowledge Management Dr Gilbert Paquette CICE Director LICEF Research Center Télé-université.

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Presentation on theme: "Semantic Web Environments -Merging Learning and Knowledge Management Dr Gilbert Paquette CICE Director LICEF Research Center Télé-université."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semantic Web Environments -Merging Learning and Knowledge Management Dr Gilbert Paquette CICE Director LICEF Research Center Télé-université eLearning Forum – Invited Conference Dubai, February 29, 2010 Dubai, February 29, 2010


3 3 Books (5) AI and KB systems - Knowledge Modeling - Instructional Engineering ResearchKnowledge representation - Intelligent advisors - Virtual learning centers - Instructional Engineering ToolsMOT, MISA, PALOMA, Competence+, Explor@, TELOS CollaborationDMR, B. of M, Eduplus, Hydro-Quebec, Canadian DoD, Armstrong Lab, ABL, GDC, CAE, BGW, NOVASYS, Teleglobe, Bell- Technomedia, LORNET Personal Bookmarks

4 Plan 1. Knowledge Economy, Knowledge Society and the Evolving Web 2. Knowledge Management (KM) and Learning 3. Web 2.0/3.0 and the Semantic Web 4. Now and the Future – A more powerful, friendly and useful Web

5 1. Knowledge Economy and the Evolving Web

6 MegaTrends 1. 1. Multimedia mobile devices (Linked to Resource Repositories) 2. 2. New interfaces and human/machine communication (Easier access) 3. 3. Content production by information consumers 4. 4. Team work through the Internet 5. 5. Knowledge creation and sharing (Wikis and LORs) 6. 6. The Web as an integrative environment for work and learning

7 7 Information and Knowledge Challenges Information and knowledge grow exponentially and must be assimilated at an ever faster rate Most of our work and life is information based Products and services are increasingly complex and knowledge intensive Organizations compete on the basis of knowledge that takes time to experience and acquire Early retirements and increasing mobility are reducing the available knowledge owners Need for life-long learning is an inescapable reality Organizations must shift from informal to formal knowledge management and training

8 8 A Growing Reality 1998, one third had KM initiative ongoing, another third are preparing one –KPMG Study in 25 companies 2002: 80% of 158 Fortune 1000 companies have a KM programs –Conference Board and American Management Association survey 2010: Everybody claims to do KM 2010: Everybody claims to do KM –but is it really Knowledge Management

9 Fundamental Cultural Change In contrast with transfer of products or services, the transfer of knowledge entails no loss from producer to consumer. In contrast with transfer of products or services, the transfer of knowledge entails no loss from producer to consumer. Knowledge transfer between two individuals tends to improve competence of both Knowledge transfer between two individuals tends to improve competence of both Team work tends to be a co-creation of knowledge involving the whole team Team work tends to be a co-creation of knowledge involving the whole team Knowledge shared is knowledge doubled Knowledge shared is knowledge doubled Can be seen as competitiveness loss but also as competitiveness gain Can be seen as competitiveness loss but also as competitiveness gain

10 10 Potential Benefits Justified and well understood management plans and actions Justified and well understood management plans and actions Collective project, enabling more communication between employees Collective project, enabling more communication between employees Knowledge gain for employee and organization Knowledge gain for employee and organization Identify knowledge/competency gaps -- risks to company development and jobs Identify knowledge/competency gaps -- risks to company development and jobs Retain and value knowledgeable personnel Retain and value knowledgeable personnel Better products and services linked to customer’s needs Better products and services linked to customer’s needs

11 2. Knowledge Management Processes Knowledge Management Knowledge Management Intellectual Capital Intellectual Capital Learning Organization Learning Organization Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Organic Firm Organic Firm Process re-engineering Process re-engineering Decision support Decision support Competency Management Competency Management

12 Knowledge Transfer Strategies Individual s External Organizations Internal Organization Communities of practice Team work Mentoring, Coaching C  C: Improve transfer of competence and collaboration Document production Knowledge models Course building I  O : Transfer individuals’ competencies into information systems Informal, Formal training, EPSS, Queries to Info Resources O  I: Embed individual knowledge in organization Source: K. E. Sveiby, Journal of Intellectual Capital, vol2, Nr 4

13 Knowledge Transfer Strategies Individuals External Organizations Internal Organization Industry survey Technological watch University Partnership E  O: Import external competence into the organization IT sale support system Customer surveys Product analysis O  E: Use IT and products to improve customers, suppliers competence Knowledge base, Learning Object Repositories, Document and Databases O  O : Integrate IT systems and products within the organization

14 Knowledge Transfer Strategies Individuals External Organizations Internal Organization Job rotation Customer seminar Publications in journals C  E: Improve competence of customers, suppliers, stakeholders Customer integration into projects Systematic consultation E  C: Improve employees through interactions with suppliers, … Industry seminars Sectorial publications Associations E  E: Promote knowledge exchange between customers, suppliers

15 Knowledge Engineering A methodology originating in expert systems A methodology originating in expert systems Goal: knowledge elicitation and representation Goal: knowledge elicitation and representation Phases: Phases: –Process planning –Knowledge identification (using documents and interview techniques) –Knowledge conceptualization –Knowledge formalization –Structured information access through workflows/ learning scenarios

16 Sources of Information Available information: – –Explicited knowledge = structured information – –Tacit knowledge = not yet externalized (chunking phenomena) Hidden information: – –Unmined information or databases – –Unidentified important information

17 3 – Addressing the Knowledge Level 1.Identify information needs 2.Find out documents meeting these needs 3.Build an infrastructure databases and documents’ repositories 4.Re-organize processes to deal with creation and distribution of information 1.Identify knowledge needs 2.Model knowledge to meet the needs 3.Find out which use/learn processes will process information and knowledge 4.Build an infrastructure for the organization’s memory system Document focus Knowledge focus

18 Focus on handling documents leads to unconnected creation, import, capture, search and use of knowledge Focus on handling documents leads to unconnected creation, import, capture, search and use of knowledge Relevant knowledge items can appear in a multitude of document formats and also in peoples unexpressed competencies Relevant knowledge items can appear in a multitude of document formats and also in peoples unexpressed competencies Need for a dynamic and flexible indexing scheme representing knowledge for search and use Need for a dynamic and flexible indexing scheme representing knowledge for search and use This is the goal of the Semantic Web This is the goal of the Semantic Web Problems with Documentation Management

19 Knowledge is More Than Information Information Knowledge Elicitation Learning Competency aquisition

20 The Knowledge Level Representation Knowledge Level Knowledge Models (Ontologies) OWL Information Level Graphic Views Sketch the document plan Distribute writing assignments Write the document's sections Integrate sections Revise text Validate texte P P Document plan Work plan Preliminary text Final text I/P InformationsPlanification tool I/P Text editor I/P Natural Language Text Data Bases

21 PRIOWS / GIT Projects Hydro-Quebec – large energy company – 30 data/documents technical bases 3-year project to build a KM environment Use of knowledge and workflow (scenario) modeling software Web-based Environment managed by TELOS

22 Information Representation and Search Ontology Query Experts Documents Data Processes Methods Federated Search

23 Links with Workflows or Learning Scenarios

24 The Semantic Web (3.0) Exponential Growth of Information and Resources on the Internet Metadata Describe the Resources (incl. persons) Metadata from Knowledge Description (Ontologies) Ontologies allow agents (and LMSs) to Handle Information Based on its Knowledge Ontology

25 Extending Knowledge Representation Techniques

26 Web 1-2-3 1- Information Web 2- Social Web 3- Knowledge Web

27 4- The Virtual /Learning Organization Knowledge Management Strategies to select Knowledge Management Strategies to select Multiplicity of information sources (reliable or not) - Create the Knowledge Level Multiplicity of information sources (reliable or not) - Create the Knowledge Level Integrate Work/learning scenarios as Process Models Integrate Work/learning scenarios as Process Models –Active learning, problem solving, team projects,… Information competencies to develop Information competencies to develop –Higher Skills – Learn to learn Knowledge and Competencies Social and Semantic Web Resource Reusability Knowledge Management

28 Strategies for Sustainable Change Individuals External Organizations Internal Organization EEEE ECEC CECE EOEO OEOE OCOC OOOO COCO CCCC

29 Select/Build Knowledge Processing Models High-Tech Meetings Distributed Meetings Learning Portals On-line Coaching Communities of Practice EPSS: Work and Learn The Virtual Learning Organization/Ca mpus

30 Model the Interactions to Plan ICT Infrastructures Distributed Classroom Community of Practice

31 Organize Resource Repositories ( 1. 1.Resources maintained by institutions and professors/trainers guarantee their quality. 2. 2.Resources are peer-reviewed to ensure their quality and identify their actual use and their reusability. 3. 3.Metadata give precious information about authors, knowledge, educational use, language and technical requirements. 4. 4.Metadata serve to make focused queries based on the properties or semantic - vague keywords lead to thousands of references that you need to open. 5. 5.The learning objects can be reused, adapted or aggregated to extend the availability of quality resources to the organization

32 Use Repositories to Build Process- Based Learning/ Working Scenario Consult writing methods and norms Sketch and send the document plan Distribute writing assignments Write the document's sections Integrate sections Revise text Validate text and send evaluation P P Document plan Work plan Preliminary text Validation File I/P Information base I/P Norms and methods I/P Search for useful information I/P Consult writing methods and norms Computarized search advisor FAQ from content expert Tutor validating Tutor validating Tutor coaching

33 Planning has High Pay-offs 240 Delivery Principles 242 Cost-Benefit Analysis 230 Media Principles220 Instructional Principles 222 Event Network 224 Learning Unit Properties 210 Knowledge Model Principles 212 Knowledge Model 214 Competencies Phase 2 – Initial solution Delivery Axis Media Axis Pedagogy Axis Knowledge Axis 640 Maintenance/Qual ity Management 630 Learning System/Resource Management 620 Actors and Group Management 610 Knowledge/ Competency Management Phase 6 – Delivery Plan 540 Test Planning 542 Revision Decision Log Phase 5 – Val. 100 Organization’s Training System 102 Training Objectives 104 Learners’ properties 106 Ressources / Constraints 108 Reference Documents Phase 1- Definition Phase 1- Definition MISA – Knowledge-Based Design Method 440 Delivery Models 442 Actors and their resources 444 Tools and Telecom 446 Delivery Services and Locations 430 Learning Resource List 432 Media Models 434 Media Elements 436 Source Documents 322 Activity Properties 420 Learning Resource Properties 410 Learning Resource Content Phase 4 – Detailed Design 340 Delivery Planning330 Development Infrastructure 320 Learning Scenarios 310 Learning Unit Content Phase 3 – Architecture

34 Building Learning Organizations ⇒ Learning to Work / Working to Learn ⇒ Knowledge Management vs Info Management ⇒ Planning Virtual Organizations on the Knowledge and Social Web

35 Dr Gilbert Paquette CICE Director LICEF Research Center Télé-université eLearning Forum – Invited Conference Dubai, February 29, 2010 Dubai, February 29, 2010 Semantic Web Environments -Merging Learning and Knowledge Management

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