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Archaeology 101 “The Search for Fact, not Truth”.

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Presentation on theme: "Archaeology 101 “The Search for Fact, not Truth”."— Presentation transcript:

1 Archaeology 101 “The Search for Fact, not Truth”

2 What is Archaeology? Study of the past via artifacts and research. Derived from the Latin word for ancient/old and the Greek for study of.

3 What is Archaeology? Artifact Object, such as a tool or weapon, made by human beings. Archeologist Scientist who learns about early peoples by studying the objects they left behind Anthropologist Scientist who studies how people organize societies.

4 Artifacts Tools (Arrow heads) Jewelry Fertility Idol Ark of the Covenant

5 Time Frames Paleolithic: Old Stone: Stone age that predates the use of Bronze in tools and the discovery of fire. Neolithic: New Stone: Stone age made from use of Bronze in tools and the discovery of fire. Pleistocene: 20,000 years ago. Ice Age. First Native Americans appear.

6 Excavation Excavations begin with digging. several levels of a dig site to vary artifact finds. Artifact locations are marked by a grid laid out by the archaeologist. The grid is left up until all of the artifacts have been picked up and properly catalogued

7 Excavation Each piece has a catalog id. Information contained: date of find, what part of the grid it was found in by whom was it found and possible identification of the object. Each object must also be stored properly for transport in a container that will keep it safe.

8 Research Research is often conducted in the library. Field research is designed to find artifacts however, book research allows for archaeologists to get clues for what pieces may be if unknown or where to look. It is also important to keep up to date on the latest finds.

9 Digging for the Facts Pyramid Study –Location: Cairo, Egypt. –Artifact: Mummified cat –Grid Location: G-4 –Found by: Dr. Henry Jones Jr. This would be an example of a catalog entry that would begin a study by an archaeologist.

10 Study Continued Library: UPENN Van Pelt. Books: Beneath the Sands by Zahi Hawass. Sticks, Shadows, and Stone by Martin Isler. Use these books to find out when mummified cats were popular.

11 Study 1 + Study 2 = Study 3 Dates: 2000 B.C.E to 1900 B.C.E (hypothetical) Mummified cats popular towards the apex of the Cheops dynasty (hypothetical) Thus conclusion can be made that this cat was mummified in this 1,000 year span. Depending on location of remains, can discover who’s cat it was.

12 “Now That’s A History Teacher”

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