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Archaeology Part 1- Introduction and Paleolithic Peoples.

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Presentation on theme: "Archaeology Part 1- Introduction and Paleolithic Peoples."— Presentation transcript:

1 Archaeology Part 1- Introduction and Paleolithic Peoples

2 Questions we will explore in this unit How does the environment people live in impact their society and culture? How does new technology change society and culture? (you should remember the words society and culture from our introductory unit)

3 What is Environment In groups make a poster that includes: a definition, visual and example of the following aspects of environment listed below. (One category per group) Physical Geography Flora and Fauna (Plants and Animals) Climate Natural Resources Man-Made

4 What do you know? Use the link below What do you know? Worksheet Access this worksheet to brainstorm all you think you know about archeology and early humans. Don’t worry if you don’t know anything...this is just to help you get thinking

5 Note taking Now that you have thought a bit about early man, we are going to take some notes. Open a google doc in your Social Studies folder and title it “Notes on Early Man” Write the information from the following slides in your notes

6 Early Man- Who? “Hunters and Gathers” People who got their food either by hunting animals or gathering plants. They didn’t farm They didn’t raise animals They had to move constantly to find food

7 Is this a primary or secondary source? Explain What do you OBSERVE in this picture? When we observe we note only what we see. We don’t make conclusions We don’t note things NOT in the image

8 Early Man- When? At the end of the last big ice age (24,500 to 18,000 BCE) most of Europe was covered by ice It was too cold to hunt, find food and live Hunters and gathers had to move south (to where Italy and Spain are now)

9 Is this a primary or secondary source? Explain What do you OBSERVE in this image? KEY Glaciers (Ice) Tundra (Land that is frozen) Steppe (Grasslands) Forests

10 Observe- Film clip As you watch the clip below, use your note taking sheet to take notes on what you OBSERVE (again, just what you see, no conclusions) Look for observations connecting to: Climate (the weather) Tools Clothing Homes Hunting/Cooking Size of clans Health/Death Leadership Video clip

11 Categorize- In a group Use your notes and put your observations into 2 categories: Environment Technology Make a T- Chart to display your group’s thinking Collaboration Looks Like: ●Everyone taking turns ●Everyone sharing ideas ●Active Listening- pay attention to the speaker ●On Task- discussing the topic at hand ●Leadership- encourage others to stay on task and take turns

12 Source Work We will be digitally annotating an image to help with our observation skills. To learn how to digitally annotate an image, view this link: How to digitally annotate an imageHow to digitally annotate an image

13 Source Work Annotate the image on the next slide looking specifically for aspects of Environment and technology Use your notes from the video and your group work to help you. Remember: We are OBSERVING- we write only what we see.

14 Observe: Annotate image identifying aspects of Environment and Technology

15 How did you do? Check your work with your partner. Did you annotate similar things? Did you agree or disagree about whether or not aspects were Environment or Technology?

16 What is the connection? Go to Moodle-access the class journal for the day. Using evidence from your movie notes and annotation of your image answer these questions in your journal: How does the environment people live in impact their society and culture? How does new technology change society and culture?

17 Technology-What did they have? Read the text linked here: Technology of Early ManTechnology of Early Man As you read, highlight in green information that relates to Environment. Highlight in yellow information that relates to society or culture Use “comments” to state the connections you highlighted Don’t know how to do this? Watch this link: Highlighting and Commenting on TextHighlighting and Commenting on Text

18 Technology- Paraphrasing Refer again to the “Technology of Early Man” text that you highlighted (see previous slide) Look at the information about the ENVIRONMENT. Underline KEY words from what you have highlighted. Now use those keywords to PARAPHRASE (write in your own words) key points about the connection between technology and the environment. Now do the same with the information about SOCIETY and CULTURE

19 What is the connection? Discuss with a table partner Use evidence from your movie notes, annotation of images and reading to answer the following questions: How does the environment people live in impact their society and culture? How does new technology change society and culture?

20 Technology and Environment- Primary and Secondary sources In groups- 1.Identify the sources on slide 21, 22 and 23 as either primary or secondary sources. Provide an explanation for your reasoning. 2.Next annotate the sources. Remember: Observe Label Connect

21 Sources Source A Source B

22 Sources Source C

23 Sources Source D

24 Analyze Using the sources on slides 21, 22 and 23 AND EVIDENCE from your “Technology and Early Man” reading to address the following questions: Which tools are less advanced, source A or B? Cite evidence to support your claims. What could these tools in source A, B, or C have been used for? Cite evidence to support your claims.

25 Independently Write a paragraph, supported by evidence from the sources and “Technology of Early Man” that addresses the following prompt: How does new technology change society and culture?

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