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New for 2017 entry Archaeology (including ANE and BioAnth) History and Politics History and Modern Languages Full information in the new prospectus and.

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Presentation on theme: "New for 2017 entry Archaeology (including ANE and BioAnth) History and Politics History and Modern Languages Full information in the new prospectus and."— Presentation transcript:

1 New for 2017 entry Archaeology (including ANE and BioAnth) History and Politics History and Modern Languages Full information in the new prospectus and on the website (March 2016)

2 What are we looking for?

3 The application process

4 What information do we use to assess applications? We consider every application individually, taking all aspects into account: Academic record Personal statement Teacher’s reference Performance in any admission test / assessment (where required) Written work (where required) Contextual data Interview (if interviewed) No part of an application is considered in isolation – all available information is looked at together before decisions are made.

5 Wider exploration

6 Interviews: An overview Normally two or more interviews, each usually lasting 20−30 minutes Conducted by academics and predominantly academic and subject-focused Discussion-based and intellectually challenging Check the websites for videos and further information The last piece in the jigsaw rather than the ‘final hurdle’

7 Interviews: what to expect SUBJECT-SPECIFIC INTERVIEW Discussion based on academic interests mentioned in personal statement Assess knowledge and understanding of subject and flexibility of thought Challenging questions relating to A- level courses Sample teaching session – like a supervision Application of existing knowledge to new situations Sciences: problems to work through Arts: perhaps a text to discuss Discussion of any submitted essays Sciences: a specimen to discuss

8 Interviews: W hat are Admissions Tutors looking for? Academic ability and potential to be successful Self-motivation, commitment and serious interest in the chosen course Ability to think independently and critically Use of existing knowledge to assess new problems No trick questions!

9 Preparing to apply Programme of study Course choice is the most important decision – research thoroughly, personal interest(s)Results Work hard to do as well as you can in your current studies Engage and explore Be proactive in your learning – current studies and interests relevant to your intended degreePractise Discussing your academic interest(s) Past/example admission test/assessment papers Time management – generally and for exams

10 University of Oxford University of Cambridge For the most up-to-date information and advice about anything covered in the presentation, please refer to our websites.

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