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Presentation on theme: " Fall Safety Reset Aurora Focusing on a Strong 2015 Finish October 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall Safety Reset Aurora Focusing on a Strong 2015 Finish October 2015

2 Site Update Information Our Safety Tools At Work JHA We analyze our work space to ensure we and others around us work safe. KPASupervisors and employees work together to ensure we follow our safe work procedures EBSPeer on Peer observations AND Hazard Identification helps us all look out for each other IncidentComplete transparency allows us to ANALYZE and LEARN Reportingfrom our mistakes

3 Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)

4 Key Procedure Audits (KPA)

5 EBS – Exposure Based Safety Coaching remains strong. Keep up the GREAT work!

6 EBS – Exposure Based Safety

7 Exposure Based Safety (EBS) The data confirms where we can make the most IMPACT to REDUCE our INJURIES. Focus on Housekeeping and identifying our line of fire concerns through the end of the year!

8 Incident Reporting Look for YOUR area. What can you do to reduce the number of incidents and potential injuries?

9 Employee Incidents YTD September 25, 2015 Incident Reporting

10 “Are you with me” Video Video Link

11 Will you? Are you with me…  Get involved- Be dedicated to our Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) process  Utilize your “Stop Work authority” for unsafe situations  Stop and pause frequently each day to reassess for exposures (20-20-20)  Demonstrate that you are part of a team representing one of the safest resource companies in the world!


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