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American Revolution. Let’s Review the Categories…

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1 American Revolution

2 Let’s Review the Categories…

3 Documents Declaration of Independence Important PeopleTaxes BattlesGrab Bag

4 Documents Important People Declara- tion of Indepen- dence Grab BagTaxesBattles $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000

5 Documents (200) What was the problem with a section originally included in the Declaration of Independence that offended SC and GA?

6 Documents (400) What was the subject and title of the famous lithograph which was propaganda, produced by Paul Revere?

7 Documents(600) Name the petition which asked the King of England to repeal the Intolerable Acts.

8 Documents (800) What document was signed when the British recognized American Independence?

9 Documents (1000) Name the three parties responsible for creating the revised Declaration of Independence.

10 Important People (200) Name the first commander of the Continental Army.

11 Important People (400) This man made a public speech that captured the attention of many neutral colonists, ending with the line, “Give me liberty or give me death”.

12 Important People (600) What was the name of the gentleman who authored Common Sense?

13 Important People (800) Who authored the famous political cartoon with the snake cut up into parts representing colonies with the caption, Join or Die?

14 Important People (1000) What was the name of the African American sailor killed in the Boston Massacre?

15 Battles (200) What did the Battles of Concord and Lexington prove to the world and colonists unwilling to support a war with England?

16 Battles (1000) Debt left over from this conflict forced the British to increase taxes on American colonists.

17 Battles (600) Washington lost 2000 men while spending a long miserable winter here in the middle of the Revolution.

18 Battles (800) This important battle was won by the American colonists and convinced France to join the war as an American ally.

19 Battles (400) This was the battle where the British were surrounded by French Navy and Washington on land causing surrender to America ending the Revolution.

20 Declaration of Independence (200) According to the Declaration of Independence, a government gets its authority from ____?

21 Declaration of Independence (400) Where was the declaration of Independence signed?

22 Declaration of Independence (600) Who was the first delegate to sign the Declaration of Independence?

23 Declaration of Independence (800) Identify 2 of the 3 major ideas of the Declaration of Independence.

24 Declaration of Independence (1000) What are the inalienable rights under the Declaration of Independence?

25 Grab Bag (200) Who was fighting in the French and Indian War? (Name who was on each side)

26 Grab Bag (400) What law prevented colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains?

27 Grab Bag (600) What did Boston colonists do to protest the tea tax?

28 Grab Bag (800) Name the capitol cities for the Patriots and the Loyalists during the American Revolution.

29 Grab Bag (1000) Name the British General Commander at Yorktown.

30 Taxes (200) Name the tax which taxed all lead, glass, paint, paper and tea in 1767.

31 Taxes (400) Name the action colonists took as they joined together to avoid buying British goods.

32 Taxes (600) What act taxed all legal documents, pamphlets, newspapers and mail that made colonists mad?

33 Taxes (800) After the colonists dumped the tea into Boston Harbor, Britain passed these laws to punish colonists.

34 Taxes (1000) Name the two groups colonists formed to protest taxes and acts of Parliament.


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