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Learning Objectives Today we will Learn: The different stages of the system life cycle Methods for data collection.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Objectives Today we will Learn: The different stages of the system life cycle Methods for data collection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Objectives Today we will Learn: The different stages of the system life cycle Methods for data collection

2 Starter You are employed as a systems analyst at Etisalat office in Ras Al Khaimah. You need to investigate problems with their current IT systems. Which methods would you use for investigation?

3 Stages of the system life cycle Analysis Design Development and Testing Implementation Documentation Evaluationw

4 Fact Finding Finding out exactly what is the problem that the system needs to solve. How are the current tasks carried out, either using a manual or computerised system What are the requirements of the new system Define what the system is *not* intended to do. This reduces the chances of 'mission creep' where people keep on piling new features even after the project is underway. Gathering information should be a done in a professional, systematic way. Asking people random questions in an informal way is unlikely to succeed.

5 Methods Observation Surveys Existing documentation Interviews Discuss and write down the advantages and disadvantages of each methods on pages 74-75advantages and disadvantages

6 Spreadsheets Vs Databases Database solution would be preferred than a spreadsheet solution for the following reasons: Spreadsheets are used for performing calculations and answering ‘what- if’ questions and analysing trends Relational Database software is useful for storing and organising large sets of data in a logical way, preventing data repetition, allowing data to be searched/sorted easily, creating various reports to display data. It can also generate order IDs automatically and data can be exported to spreadsheet software to create graphs


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