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Ultrasound-Guided Hip Injections Using Hip Simulation: A Curriculum for Family Medicine Residents Jennifer Oberstar, MD, CAQ SM Joseph J. Brocato, PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "Ultrasound-Guided Hip Injections Using Hip Simulation: A Curriculum for Family Medicine Residents Jennifer Oberstar, MD, CAQ SM Joseph J. Brocato, PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ultrasound-Guided Hip Injections Using Hip Simulation: A Curriculum for Family Medicine Residents Jennifer Oberstar, MD, CAQ SM Joseph J. Brocato, PhD 5/2/16

2 Disclosures None

3 Objectives Describe the importance of ultrasound curriculum embedded within family medicine residency Discuss the increasing need for ultrasound- guided hip injections Describe clinical situations where ultrasound is used to guide interventional procedures

4 Background Ultrasound is becoming an essential skill for Family Medicine residents Ultrasound machine cost is decreasing Introduction to equipment in Anatomy in medical school No current curriculum for ultrasound-guided hip injections

5 Curriculum Components Knowledge: Recall basic controls on the ultrasound machine console Comprehension: Identify deep and superficial anatomical structures surrounding the hip Application: operate the ultrasound to identify the femoral artery and hip landmarks Analysis: develop a reproducible approach to inject using US guided hip injection Synthesis: prepare Mayo stand and set-up ultrasound to proceed with US guided hip injection Evaluation: evaluate technique of US guided hip injection

6 Instructional Methods Qualtrics: web-based survey software tool was used for technology-enhanced teaching – Online cases – Anatomy video – Pre and Post testing used to create a training module

7 Hip Arthritis

8 Injections Bridge Gap Between Arthritis and Joint Replacement According to the CDC, 1 in 5 adults in the US report having doctor-diagnosed arthritis. Minnesota Department of Health reports 978,000 adults By 2030, an estimated 67 million Americans >18 years are projected to have doctor-diagnosed arthritis 1 in 4 may develop painful hip arthritis by age 85 years In 2011, there were 512,000 hip replacement procedures

9 Clinical Applications Hip Osteoarthritis Labral Tear Diagnostic or Therapeutic injections

10 Next Steps Create hip simulator Develop new guidelines for the use of a hip simulator in training Conduct a Workshop Determine educational experience as a learner and as a faculty using a hip simulator

11 Questions and Discussion

12 Acknowledgements Joseph Brocato, PhD Erik Solberg, MA, MEd Steven Stovitz, MD, MS Angela Buffington, PhD

13 Please evaluate this presentation using the conference mobile app! Simply click on the "clipboard" icon on the presentation page.

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