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AP Statistics Mr. Kopkas Welcome to Solon High School. I appreciate and welcome your participation and involvement in your child’s education.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Statistics Mr. Kopkas Welcome to Solon High School. I appreciate and welcome your participation and involvement in your child’s education."— Presentation transcript:


2 AP Statistics Mr. Kopkas Welcome to Solon High School. I appreciate and welcome your participation and involvement in your child’s education.

3 Experience: ( 13 years) Solon High School 2002-Present

4  Also teach Algebra II  Head Baseball Coach and Head Girls Golf Coach  Father of 2 boys (Kason, 4 and Kamden, 1)

5  Also teach Algebra II  Head Baseball Coach and Head Girls Golf Coach  Father of 2 boys (Kason, 4 and Kamden, 1)

6  1. To spend every class minute engaged and interacting.  2. To create a desire in my students to be lifelong learners.  3. To help foster more productive members of society.  4. To focus on the positive

7 Collecting Data Drawing Conclusions Summarizing Data Randomness in Data Inference from Data: Principles Inference from Data: Comparisons Inferences with Categorical Data Relationships in Data

8 Note: Current grades are accessible on the parent viewer. Grading Scale A90.0 – 100% B80.0 – 89.99% C70.0 – 79.99% D60.0 – 69.99% F59.99% and below Weighting of Grades% Tests45% Quizzes25% Projects/Portfolios20% Homework/Participation10%

9  Attendance is crucial to success in this class.  Listen intently while others are talking.  Be respectful at ALL times  Be an active participant in class by taking notes and asking/answering questions.  Complete all homework assignments and review concepts nightly.  Seek help and ask questions EARLY AND OFTEN.

10  Remind your child that daily homework assignments are an essential part of this class providing additional instruction, practice and reinforcement of review and newly acquired concepts as well as a preview for upcoming concepts.  Encourage your child to seek help immediately if they are having difficulty so that the problem can be remedied quickly. Students can get help from me, another student, or the Math Lab.  Instill in your child that attendance is a requirement for success.

11 On my page, you will find daily lessons, homework, upcoming tests and quizzes as well as some of the class resources. To get to my page follow these steps: 1. Go to the Solon Schools web page 2. Choose Schools - SHS 3. Choose Staff Directory 4. Scroll down to my name (Damien Kopkas) 5. Choose “Calendar” from the bottom 6. Choose the appropriate class (AP Statistics)

12 If at anytime you have a concern or question, please email or call me. I check and respond to email regularly, so that is the preferred method of contact. If you need me to call, please leave a number you can be reached at during school hours. Voicemail: 440-349-7757 EXT 5413 Email:

13 Please feel free to contact me at any time with concerns or questions. My school website is a great place to find out what your son or daughter is or should be working on! Thank you for being a supportive parent. I am looking forward to a rewarding school year.

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