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P UBLIC P ARTICIPATION N ETWORKS Deirdre Kearney Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "P UBLIC P ARTICIPATION N ETWORKS Deirdre Kearney Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 P UBLIC P ARTICIPATION N ETWORKS Deirdre Kearney Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government 2016

2 Context: Local Government Reform Revised local government arrangements Local Government as leader of change in local economic, social and cultural affairs Citizen focused, building democracy, participation, engagement Enhanced role for the elected members Section 46 of LG Reform Act – replaces Section 127 of 2001 Act 2 years on – what has been achieved and what’s new for 2016 2

3 The Public Participation Network (PPN) LA staff and volunteers put great effort into developing PPN Structure over the last 18 months. Social Justice Ireland workshops. Financial support from Dept. PPNs are a new framework for public engagement and participation in the local authority system – community & voluntary, social inclusion and environmental groupings These groups work together on agreed objectives based on promoting the well- being of this and future generations The PPN is the main link through which the local authority connects with the community, voluntary and environmental sectors PPNs designed to accommodate the full range of diversity of volunteer-led organisations in the city/county 3

4 The role of the Network 1 To develop a vision for the well-being of this and future generations. To facilitate opportunities for networking, communication and the sharing of information. To identify issues of collective concern and work to influence policy locally in relation to these issues. To actively support inclusion of socially excluded groups, communities experiencing high levels of poverty, communities experiencing discrimination. 4

5 The role of the Network 2 To encourage and enable public participation in local decision making and planning of services To facilitate the election of participants from the environmental, social inclusion and community/voluntary sectors onto city/county decision making bodies. To support a process that will feed the broad range of ideas, experience, suggestions and proposals of the Network into policies and plans being developed by agencies and decision makers in areas that are of interest and relevant to the Network – Examples: LECP Framework Policy on Local and Community Development 5

6 The role of the Network 3 To work to develop the C&V sector to have a strong collective voice To support the individual members of the Public Participation Network so that: – They can develop their capacity and do their work effectively. – They can participate effectively in the Public Participation Network activities. – They are included in local decision-making and their voices and concerns are heard. 6

7 The Structure - Electoral Colleges/Groupings Environment Social Inclusion Community & Voluntary 7

8 Guiding Principles Active Citizenship Resource Allocation and Promotion of Equality Helping to engage with issues affecting people Respect for individual freedom Social Dialogue Participation Trust Accountability and Transparency Independence

9 Structure of PPNs PPN organised at County/City level and Municipal District (MD) level Each PPN should have: – a County/City plenary which deals with issues at County/City level – a MD plenary which deals with issues at municipal level For many groups, MD level of engagement has more immediate relevance to their needs than larger county/city structure Linkage Groups will deal with specific issues Secretariat at County/City level for administration

10 Linkage Groups Linkage Groups are the way PPNs have real input into policy Linkage Groups bring together reps with common interest to discuss views on particular subjects They elect PPN reps to Boards or committees and receive feedback from these reps. These reps must represent the views of all members of the linkage group, not just their own organisation PPNs will not arrive at a “one voice” response but will feed back issues and suggestions raised by groups Where contradictory responses presented to LA, ultimate responsibility for resolving issue lies with elected members. 10

11 Guidelines Circulars in 2014 – to give guidance to Local Authorities on setting up the new arrangements Circulars in 2015 give guidance on funding for resource worker, sample documents for PPN establishment - Draft MOU/SLA, Work plan, job Specs, Employment options etc. 2.To give guidance on financial Reporting to Dept. 11

12 Funding 2014 - €12K Start up funding 2015 - €80K (€50K Department/€30K Local) Similar funding proposed for 2016 i.e. €50k/€30k subject to approval from new Minister 12

13 Next Steps Supports and Capacity Building (Sector and LA) Database Development. Will be initiated by pilot project, starting now and ultimately rolled out to all PPNs by end 2016. Dept will fund the development of this system National Advisory/Enabling Group – TOR’s Drafted, indicative membership set out. Logistics to be finalised and further communications to issue 13

14 T HANK Y OU 14

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