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The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Computing means connecting Elgg and this new learning space David Tosh Elgg Project Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Computing means connecting Elgg and this new learning space David Tosh Elgg Project Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Computing means connecting Elgg and this new learning space David Tosh Elgg Project Manager

2 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareALike license. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbot Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA

3 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Pervasive Computing: “Convenient access, through a new class of applications, to relevant information with the ability to easily take action on it when and where you need it.” “Pervasive computing includes flexible and mobile devices like PDA’s, mobile phones, pagers, hand- held organisers, home entertainment systems -> these connect to worldwide networks without boundaries and provide quick and secure access to a wealth of information and services.”

4 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Part One: The e-portfolio and pervasive computing Learning on the move Informal/formal learning Structure and scaffolding Different learning experiences Digital Stories (Helen Barrett)

5 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Your life story Devices like mobile phones, PDA etc are allowing us to have computers where ever we are so it is about providing interfaces for interaction E.g. J2ME blogging clients using XML-RPC E-portfolios with mobile phone – aboriginals in Australia using Nokia lifeblog

6 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 “After a decade of hype about “mobility,” personal computing has finally and irreversibly cut its bonds to the desktop and has moved into devices we can carry everywhere. We’re using this newly portable computing power to connect with others in ways no one predicted—and we won’t be easily parted from our new tools.” Social Machine:

7 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Learning environments and tools need to follow this! E-portfolios could be a step in the right direction- why?

8 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 My e-portfolio is: My Digital Identity A place to reflect about my experiences and store artefacts that represent them A means to interact with others, resources etc. Most importantly, it is mine. Ownership is key!

9 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Access controls This is why access control are going to be so important! With all this connection and potential audience – it is important that the user can control what goes out and in!

10 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Part Two: One step further – the learning landscape Rich online environments Distributed systems Incorporating everyday web techniques and services What is it all about?

11 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 “… have discovered that computer science’s decades-long effort to make computers smart enough to understand humans is simply irrelevant; they can make computing truly personal and social using simple Web based programming tools.” Social Machine:

12 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Interfaces RSS FOAF OpenID - interface between applications to prove the authenticity of an identity Also the human interfacing through visualisation

13 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Visualising connections between users using dotty.

14 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 The learning landscape:  Connection of learners, resources, tutors  Sharing resources and experiences  Applications beyond courses -> Increased engagement?  More than an e-portfolio system  The ability to grow as the learner grows  Creation of learning communities  View “learning” beyond the rigid structure of degree outlines and requirements –  Incorporating experiences from a variety of learning contexts

15 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Top down vs bottom up:  Pervasive computing encourages a bottom up approach  the learning landscape has been designed with a bottom up – learner centred approach  This is important for engagement

16 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Made more powerful:  ICBM location e.g GeoURL  GPS enabled smart phone – in theory they could give you information, like a tour guide, when you are visiting new places – an interesting learning tool?  Google maps  These are all information providers

17 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Weblog Other Elgg accounts Or systems that adopt Emerging standards Customisation Social networking User profile File storage Syndication Tagging Repositories Such as the Netherlands My Landscape Access controls

18 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 My Communities PhD Community My Music Community My Landscape Community members Development Community

19 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 My Personal Learning landscape Tags Profile Customise Syndication Files Friends Contact 1 Contact 2 Contact 3 Community 1 Community 2 Community 3 Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Community spacePersonal space Access controls LiveJournal Flickr Friendster Etc. Learning Landscape Weblog

20 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Technologies / Standards  Blogging  RSS and Atom  FOAF / RDF  IMS e-port spec  IMS UKLIP  SSO – single sign on  Social networking  Extensible architecture

21 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 A community hosted in Spain and moderated in Greece Further open standards would allow for a global learning landscape … A learner in Scotland A learner in Denmark A teacher in Canada A learner in the Netherlands A teacher in Germany A learner in Switzerland Weblog File repository

22 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 A community moderated by the history department (Or just an inter-institutional one) An art teacher A learner in Education A departmental secretary A computing student A teacher in Medicine A lecturer in biology Weblog File repository

23 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Each learner connects using his or her own interface. Each user can customise the look and feel of their personal learning landscape Each system can have its own local settings (e.g. interface language) and local extra features while connecting to the global learning landscape Use the tools that they want – what ever is convenient (e.g mobile phone)

24 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005


26 As George Siemens says: “Of particular interest to educators / trainers is the second most common use – receiving location-specific information (a slight modification of this use would enable the inclusion of context-specific learning).”

27 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Federated searching across multiple nodes Moving towards a distributed model Expanding a learners scope to source material Access to learning object repositories Contributing to this searchable repository Mobile devices facilitate remote participation

28 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Connections It is all about connections and information and making this as easy and convenient as possible!

29 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 The pedagogy Research on student engagement with learning suggests that when students perceive that they have choices in how to learn subject matter they are more engaged and motivated to move beyond simple information acquisition to trying to gain an understanding of the subject. (Ramsden, 2003; Marton and Saljo, 1984; Kuh, 2005; LaSere Erickson and Weltner-Strommer, 1991; Entwistle, 1998)

30 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005  Source information – this should be as easy as possible  Make connections  Collaborate with others / social interaction  Reflect on various aspects  Pull in experiences from all sectors  Introduces a ‘fun’ element – helps engagement  Social as well as learning tool  Create a digital identity – then interact!

31 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 “The more people who use the new services, the more powerful those services become. That’s because they’re all about cooperation: people are usually happy to share their knowledge, experiences, creations, schedules, and locations if it means that they can learn what the people who are important to them are thinking and doing.” Social Machine:

32 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Challenges  Pedagogy needs to catch up  Learners have changed – society has changed  We need to come up with new learning practice  Find ways to integrated some of the technologies where appropriate  You can’t fit old pedagogical approaches to this new environment!

33 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Pulling it all together  Will it work?  What is the role of the institution?  The future of VLEs  Limited scaffolding - Structure isn't a bad thing. The key is allowing the learners to control the structure  Learner-centric, learner controlled  Increase learner engagement!

34 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Questions for discussion How does the learning landscape/the Elgg project take into account the principles of pervasive computing/communication?

35 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Questions for discussion Who needs a digital portfolio - is it limited to certain user groups ("what's in it for me“ (participants will present themselves))?

36 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Questions for discussion What are the perspectives of the learning landscape regarding (pervasive) collaboration, presentation, documentation and reflection?

37 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Questions for discussion Are there any particular challenges as regards the users, the technological infra structure; standards (OS), granularity, safety, portability, media convergence…?

38 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Questions for discussion How does the learning landscape support "knowledge management", learning and organisational development (privileges, feed-back, multiple views)?

39 The e-portfolio and pervasive computing :: Denmark August 2005 Thank you.

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