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Block 4: Do Now Get into yesterday’s debate groups. We will begin our debate as soon as the bell rings. Structure (12 minutes total): *FBI/Security group:

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Presentation on theme: "Block 4: Do Now Get into yesterday’s debate groups. We will begin our debate as soon as the bell rings. Structure (12 minutes total): *FBI/Security group:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Block 4: Do Now Get into yesterday’s debate groups. We will begin our debate as soon as the bell rings. Structure (12 minutes total): *FBI/Security group: you choose who goes first Each side gets an “opening statement:” 3 minutes uninterrupted to make all your points Each side gets a chance to lead questioning: 3 minutes each

2 Do Now Take a grammar review sheet from my desk and begin working

3 Complex Sentences An independent clause + 1 or more dependent clause Dependent clause: contains a subject, predicate, and subordinating conjunction The subordinating conjunction interferes with the complete thought. Readers are left hanging/waiting on more information. That extra information is in the independent clause. Dependent clause Because I got straight A’s last marking period… Independent clause My mom is letting me have a big sleepover. Complex Sentence Because I got straight A’s last marking period, my mom is letting me have a big sleepover. My mom is letting me have a big sleepover because I go straight A’s last marking period.

4 Other subordinating conjunctions after although as as soon as because before by the time even if even though every time if in case in the event that just in case now that once only if since since the first time though unless until when whenever whereas whether or not while while

5 Coordinating vs. Subordinating Coordinating conjunctions often don’t give much information about the relationship between the two clauses EX: I did my homework and I had soccer practice last night. In which order did you do these two things? Where did you do them? Which one was more important? Were you allowed to do one because of the other? Subordinating conjunctions express more specific relationships between clauses EX: I did my homework before I had soccer practice last night. EX: I did my homework even though I had soccer practice last night.

6 Why compound? Why complex? Too many simple sentences can make writing sound “choppy” I love my mom. She can be strict sometimes. She will always be my best friend. Using compound sentences can vary the rhythm and condense the ideas in your writing I love my mom, but she can be strict sometimes, and she will always be my best friend. Using complex sentences can vary the rhythm even more, condense ideas, and express more specific relationships between ideas in your writing I love my mom. Even though she can be strict sometimes, she will always be my best friend.

7 Starting sentences with conjunctions Do NOT start with a coordinating conjunction, because this continues an idea, connects to a previous idea And I was happy. But she forgot to come. Or you can bring it instead. DO start with subordinating conjunctions (just remember to include the independent clause at the end!) WRONG: Because you are my best friend… RIGHT: Because you are my best friend, I am trusting you with this secret.

8 “The Outsiders” Scenes Choose a scene from chapters 1-7 of “The Outsiders” Re-enact this scene as if it were taking place present-day (Iselin in 2016) Pay attention to what would be different (don’t be afraid to make big changes!) Teenagers carry cell phones and use social media Most teenagers don’t carry switchblades/other weapons There are no greasers and Socs. What opposing groups do exist? Iselin is more populated and there are more police around Teenagers don’t hang out at drive-ins. Where do they hang out? Teenagers today talk differently, wear different things, listen to different music, talk about different topics, etc.

9 Ideas for scenes… *Note: Scenes occur in one setting. When the characters go to a different place, it’s usually considered a new scene. Ponyboy gets jumped At the drive-in, meeting/hanging out with Soc girls Walking the girls home/being confronted by Soc boys Falling asleep in the park, getting home late, fighting with Darry, deciding to run away Getting jumped in the park, killing Bob Getting help from Dally, hopping the train to the church Hiding out in the church, being visited by Dally Saving children from the fire In the hospital being interviewed by reporters, hearing about Johnny/Dally’s health status Breakfast at the Curtis house Conversation with Randy in the parking lot

10 Other guidelines Choose a scene, decide what changes you will make Act out the re-written scene: 2-3 minutes You may read from a script OR improvise, but your scene should be organized and easy to understand. It must be clear to me that you spent time preparing. Hand in A summary of the original scene An explanation of the changes that you made and why *Changes must MAKE SENSE. Do not include elements that would not exist in modern-day Iselin. Answer: how would this scene change the overall experience for the reader/outcome of the story? Performances and explanations due tomorrow: Thurs, 3/3

11 Example: “The Monkey’s Paw” Original: The White family is playing chess/knitting by the fire, waiting on a mysterious visitor. He is late arriving to the hard-to-find location. When he arrives, he tells tales of his adventures. He then gives Mr. White a magic paw and warns him not to use it. Re-write: The White family is watching TV/playing on their phones. The visitor arrives on time because he used his GPS. They don’t spend time updating each other because they’ve been keeping in touch on Facebook. When Mr. White gets the paw, he Googles it and reads all the horror stories of past owners. Instead of using it, he sells it on craigslist.

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