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Nebraska United Methodist Foundation “Partners In Ministry”

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Presentation on theme: "Nebraska United Methodist Foundation “Partners In Ministry”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nebraska United Methodist Foundation “Partners In Ministry”

2 The mission of the Nebraska United Methodist Foundation is to Support the ministries of the local church and the Great Plains Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church through the Development of gifts and the Stewardship of resources entrusted to the Foundation in support of God’s work. Mission Statement

3 Who We Are and What We Do Investment Services Education Grants

4 Investment Services

5 $36,913,093 Total Assets For Year 2015

6 Assets  Church, Conference & Other Ministries - $23,921,811  Endowment Funds - $7,212,189  Unrestricted & Other Funds - $2,072,396  Temporarily Restricted Funds - $1,088,508  Trusts & Gift Annuities - $1,247,987  Loans & Receivables - $52,373  Real Estate - $1,317,829

7 Distributions  Church, Conference & Other Ministries - $1,358,779  Grants - $198,565  Scholarships - $28,062  Donor Support of the Foundation’s Mission - $78,436  Life Income Payments to Donors - $117,423  Operations - $376,281

8 Investment Services  Church Accounts  Endowments For Churches  Donor-Advised Funds  Named Endowment Funds “Partners in Ministry”

9 Education

10 Scholarships Pastoral Education Fund Development & Endowment Presentations Gift Planning Seminars Sunday Morning Conversation

11 “Gifts From The Heart” Grants Program

12 Missions Endowment

13 Youth & Camping Endowment

14 Greatest Needs Endowment

15 Pastoral Education & Support Endowment

16 Church Development

17 50 th Anniversary Campaign Camp Comeca Camp Norwesca Camp Fontanelle

18 Contact Information Nebraska United Methodist Foundation 402-323-8844 or 877-495-5545 Website:


20 Kansas Area United Methodist Foundation Sustaining the United Methodist Witness for Future Generations for Future Generations

21 The mission of the Kansas Area United Methodist Foundation is to promote joyful financial stewardship for congregations and individuals through education, planning, resourcing and financial management for the benefit of the ministry of the United Methodist Church in Kansas.

22 A Trusted Resource that helps Kansas United Methodists Make a Lasting Impact in Their Community and the World.

23 How Do We Help?


25 2015 Assets - $46,934,708 Safe, Reliable Investments Shares the Churches Social Values Invests In United Methodists Through Grants and Scholarships

26  Church, Conference & Other Managed Funds - $20,483,503  Trusts - $13,685,963  UniTrusts - $4,022,634  Gift Annuities - $1,398,794  Donor Advised Funds - $1,411,041  Endowment Funds - $1,365,520  Church Development Loans - $4,567,253 Various Investments

27 2015 Total Distributions - $3,490,970  Church, Conference & Other Managed Funds - $3,490,970  Split Interest Trusts - $228,380  Gift Annuities - $85,185  Charitable Trusts- $542,033  Unrestricted Funds - $247,376

28 PASS THE TORCH 2015 SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Offered by the Great Plains Association of Retired Clergy and Spouses (GPARCS) Asbury Theological Seminary Molly Just Aaron Duell Jordan McFall Iliff School of Theology Marcee Binder Perkins School of Theology Dennis Reimer Saint Paul School of Theology Jeff Goetzinger Sarah Durham Curtis Magelky Kayla Marie Mangrich Shella D. Choi

29 2015 Dollars for Scholars Recipients Frankie Farrant, Meriden UMC Brookelyn Brown, Arkansas City First UMC Melissa Connell, Wichita Calvary UMC Navya Hopkins, Baldwin City First UMC Morgan Beougher, Stockton UMC Krissa Dearden, Scott City First UMC Bethany Manny, Hutchinson Trinity UMC Madison Mayberry, Pratt First UMC Nathan Nelson, Chapman UMC Alicia Barnett, Healy UMC Bryant Belden, Mulvane UMC Jordan Boden, Mulvane UMC Chase Branstetter, Derby Woodlawn UMC Carlene Dick, Zenda UMC Alyx Ellsaesser, Hugoton UMC Kaitlyn Holler, Protection UMC Brian Peck, Wellington First UMC Quinlan Stein, Hoxie UMC Brian Vancuren, Conway Springs UMC

30 Rev. Paul F. Holmes Memorial Scholarship Fund 2015 Continuing Education Recipients Rev. Adam Barlow-Thompson Rev. Ashley Barlow-Thompson Rev. Justin Jamis To attend the Academy for Spiritual Formation

31 Services for UM Churches, Agencies And Individuals

32 Capital Campaign Services Annual Commitment Program GenerositySeminars Year-RoundStewardshipEducation Legacy Giving Program


34 Higher Interest Rates Safe, Low Risk Investment for UM Churches and Individuals Allow UM Churches to Borrow Money at a Competitive Rate Certificate of Participation Investors

35 This is Why UM Churches and Individuals Invest in the Certificate of Participation Fund


37 The Foundation Understands Church Loans First UMC, Lyons, KS Church Loans Allow Ministry In Ways Never Dreamed Possible

38 The More You Earn The More Good You Can Do

39 How Will YOU Let YOUR Light Shine for Future United Methodist Generations?

40 Contact the Kansas Area United Methodist Foundation 620-664-9623 ● 888-453-8405

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