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CATALYST How does thumb length affect someone’s ability to win thumb wars?

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Presentation on theme: "CATALYST How does thumb length affect someone’s ability to win thumb wars?"— Presentation transcript:

1 CATALYST How does thumb length affect someone’s ability to win thumb wars?


3 Scientific Methods The steps of the Scientific Method are: 1. State the problem/question 2.Make Observations 3.Form a testable hypothesis 4. Test the hypothesis 5. Gather and analyze data 6. Form a conclusion

4 Hypothesis An hypothesis is an educated guess. Scientists use background knowledge and their observations to make a hypothesis. –You must make observations before making a hypothesis. A hypothesis is written in the form of a statement. A hypothesis answers the scientific question/problem.

5 Check for Understanding Is the following a scientific problem or hypothesis? P for problem H for hypothesis N for neither 1)Reading daily will improve a student’s test grades. 2)Does daily exercise improve blood pressure? 3)Texting is more fun than studying.

6 Cause: The reason something happens. Effect: The result or what happens. Hypothesis: Predicts a cause and effect. Hypothesis: A Testable Prediction Example: Sunlight causes plants to grow. Example: Plants that get less light will grow less.

7 Cause: The reason something happens. Effect: The result or what happens. Hypothesis: Predicts a cause and effect. Example: The type of bug spray determines how many bugs will be around. Hypothesis: A Testable Prediction

8 Cause: The reason something happens. Effect: The result or what happens. Hypothesis: Predicts a cause and effect. Example: Being a rabbit makes you run faster than being a turtle. Hypothesis: A Testable Prediction

9 Hypotheses: Cause and Effect? Heat will cause metal to expand. Cause:Effect: A cart full of bricks is harder to push than an empty cart. Cause:Effect: A ball that is kicked with more force will fly farther. Cause:Effect: Heat Expansion Full or empty Force of kick How hard it is to push How far the ball flies

10 Check for Understanding Drinking coffee stunts your growth. –What is the cause in this hypothesis? –What is the effect in this hypothesis? (Write the whole word on your white board)

11 Hypothesis: A testable prediction. A good hypothesis must: 1.Must be a prediction 2.Must show a relationship (can show cause and effect). 3.Be written in such a way that it can be tested.

12 Check for Understanding Write an appropriate hypothesis for the following scientific questions using the three criteria of a good hypothesis. 1)Does drinking alcohol make you dehydrated? 2)How does reading daily affect a person’s score on the SAT?

13 Comparing Good and Bad Hypotheses Good: The spinning of the earth causes the sun to rise and fall each day. Bad: The sun will rise tomorrow.

14 Comparing Good and Bad Hypotheses 1.Good: Being ice cream makes for faster melting, you can test it!. 2.Bad: A question, not a prediction. 3.Bad: No cause and effect. 4.Good: How you behave effects how much you learn, test it out this year! 1.Ice cream melts faster than ice. 2. Will fertilizer make my lawn grow more? 3.Pepsi is better than coke. 4. Working hard, being nice and making good choices will make me a better student.

15 Check for Understanding Re-write Bad Hypotheses Will fertilizer make my lawn grow more? Pepsi is better than coke.

16 Thumb Wars Write a Hypothesis to Answer the Following Question: How does thumb length affect someone’s ability to win thumb wars?

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