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N EGOTIATION A NALYTICS : CASE 12.5.2016 Jukka Koskenkanto.

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Presentation on theme: "N EGOTIATION A NALYTICS : CASE 12.5.2016 Jukka Koskenkanto."— Presentation transcript:

1 N EGOTIATION A NALYTICS : CASE 12.5.2016 Jukka Koskenkanto

2 C ASE : A D S ALES Main learning objectives: Two-party, multiple issue negotiation Party’s official will & negotiatiotor’s will How to prepare Groups of 6 students (3+3) Ad Sales (Dom Venucci, Jan Vincent, Lauren Waters) Union (John Riley, Tom Callahan, Toby Jones) Schedule 10 minutes to read the general instructions with your team 15 minutes to read the confidential instructions of your role 35 minutes to negoatiate your team’s strategy for the actual negotiations Max 120 minutes for negotiations You may have negotiation breaks if needed and agreed with the other party Case reporting instructions per team after the negotiations are completed. Remember to mark your attendance also (cannot be marked next week) Materials: General instructions (1 copy per negotiating party) Confidential instructions (1 copy per role)

3 R EPORTING INSTRUCTIONS Maximum of 2 pages per party (4 per negotiation) + cover sheet List students (names + student numbers) of each party on cover sheet (+identify the party specific report with party name) Answer to following questions How did you prepare for the case as a team? Did the team’s internal negotiation affect the goals each role had? Who was running the negotiation process? Why? How did you negotiate about the issues? As a one entitity or question per question? Why did you choose to do it that way? Did you use technical negotition tools (like negotiation breaks, deadlines etc)? Why? If you had an opportunity to negotiatiote once again with this knowledge, what would you do differently in order to achieve better result? Why? What was the #1 learning from the negotiations? Return the case report to MyCourses by 25th of May

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