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Welcome to… Year 2 Mrs Newark, Mrs Smith, Mrs Shepherd & Mrs Close.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to… Year 2 Mrs Newark, Mrs Smith, Mrs Shepherd & Mrs Close."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to… Year 2 Mrs Newark, Mrs Smith, Mrs Shepherd & Mrs Close.

2 Year 2 Curriculum Year 2 Curriculum 2015/16 Mathematics English Phonics Handwriting Topic ~ History, Geography, Science Religious Education P.E Computing Music Art & Design Technology Cooking PSHE

3 Mathematics Year 2 Curriculum 2015/16 In Year 2 we follow the new National Curriculum 2014 objectives: Year 2 Mathematics Yearly Overview Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2 Week 1 Number and Place value Counting, multiplication and sorting Number and Place value Length and Mass/weight Number and Place value and statistics Time Week 2 Number and Place value StatisticsMass/weight Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Week 3 Length and Mass/weight Fractions Capacity and volume 2-D and 3-D Shape Fractions Capacity and volume and temperature Statistics including finding the difference Week 4 Addition and subtraction Money Counting and money Position and direction FractionsMeasurement Week 5 Addition and subtraction TimeMultiplicationTime Position and direction Time Sorting Week 6 2-D and 3-D shape Assess and review week Division Assess and review week 2-D and 3-D shape Assess and review week

4 English Year 2 Curriculum 2015/16 In Year 2 we follow the new National Curriculum 2014 objectives: Spoken Language Listening, asking questions, using spoken language accurately, speaking fluently, group participation Word Reading Apply phonic knowledge, read a wide range of words, self correct, attempt new words, reread books Comprehension Develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read, develop their vocabulary and understanding. (listen to, talk about and read a range of texts including poetry) Spelling Learn new ways of spelling ~ rules and be able to apply them, spell high frequency words. Handwriting and Presentation Letter formation, use spaces between words, begin to join some letters correctly, neat! Composition Positive attitude to writing in different styles and for different purposes, consider what they are about to write, evaluate their writing, reread to check writing makes sense, proofreading, editing. Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation Learn how to use familiar and new punctuation: C. ? !, ‘ “ “, sentence types, use of conjunctions, understand and use nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, tense (past and present)

5 Spellings Year 2 Curriculum 2015/16 Spellings will be sent home every week, on a Friday. Your child will be given a selection of spellings for the level at which they are working.  Spellings linked to their phonic level.  Spellings of High Frequency words.  Spellings which follow the spelling rules as highlighted in the National Curriculum for Year 2. Spellings are sent home in a Homework book. (x 2 yellow or blue) We encourage the children to practise them by using: Spellings should be practised at least 3 times, on different days.

6 Spellings Year 2 Curriculum 2015/16 To develop their spelling skills your child can also complete an activity from the spelling activity grid: Make your spellings using Scrabble tiles. Which word is worth the most points? Write an interesting sentence using each word. Underline the spelling word. Play charades with your words. When someone has guessed the word, spell it! Put your spelling words into alphabetical order. Use a dictionary to help you. Hunt for vowels and consonants in your words. Play hangman with a partner using your words. Become a word detective. How many different words can you find hidden in your spellings? e.g. paint = pan, pit, tip, pain, nip, tin, pin Make a list of words which rhyme with one (or more) of your spellings. Cut out letters from a newspaper or magazine and make your words. (Ask an adult before you cut out!) Type your spellings on the computer. Use different fonts, colours, designs etc. Look up your words in a dictionary and write down the definitions. Ask a partner to read a spelling. If you can spell it you get a point. If not, your partner gets a point.

7 Homework Year 2 Curriculum 2015/16 Every Friday your child will also bring home some Maths homework. We would encourage you to spend a little time talking to your child about the homework and ensuring they understand it before they begin. Homework in Year 2 will either consolidate work completed in class or as an introduction to future Maths work.

8 Reading Year 2 Curriculum 2015/16 Reading is an essential part of your child’s learning and the support from home is very important. Try to read with your child every day, even if it is for only 5 minutes. Please sign and/or comment in your child’s Reading Diary. Books can be changed as soon as your child has read them. Your child will be heard read individually at school, at least once a week. Reading Journals will be sent home to support reading comprehension.

9 P.E P.E is every Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. Your child should have a full indoor kit (all items named): White t-shirt, polo top Shorts As well as a full outdoor kit (all items named): White t-shirt, polo top Tracksuit bottoms (dark coloured) Socks Well fitted trainers A SMP hoodie/jumper Please ensure that your child has their hair tied back for P.E. All earrings must be removed for P.E lessons.

10 Topics Year 2 Curriculum 2015/16 A World of Animals Time Travellers The Enchanted Kingdom (includes Castles and Dragons) In a Galaxy far, far away… Land Ahoy

11 Behaviour & Rewards Behaviour & Rewards 2015/16 In Year 2 we use the Rainbow, sunshine, cloud & rain cloud to support the school’s Golden Rules and Values. Your child can earn rewards such as: House points Stickers Wristbands Certificates Green smiley faces Each week, children can also work towards becoming: Star of the Week, Writer of the Week and Reader of the Week.

12 Thank you Any questions?

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