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VBF H- > ττ- > lept had Electron Channel 10.0.4 Analysis Jaspreet Sidhu 27-10-05.

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Presentation on theme: "VBF H- > ττ- > lept had Electron Channel 10.0.4 Analysis Jaspreet Sidhu 27-10-05."— Presentation transcript:

1 VBF H- > ττ- > lept had Electron Channel 10.0.4 Analysis Jaspreet Sidhu 27-10-05

2 Data Set Generation + Simulation – Release 10.0.4 – Rome layout, with TRT simulation Digitization + Reconstruction – Release 10.0.4 – Default reconstruction parameters Electrons, tau’s…, jets – R=0.4 Cone algorithm for jets – AOD objects - Pythia & Tauola Production H-> ττ, VBF mode 20000 Events (after filtering) M H = 115GeV τ-> e, τ-> h (σ x BR) = 390 fb

3 Electron Filter Use Single High Pt Electron Filter No Filter 1000 events 366 electrons Filter pt >15GeV |  | <2.7 126 electrons  = 12.6%  20000 VBF Higgs events (after filtering)  10.0.4 release for simulation  10.0.4 for digitization w/o pile-up

4 Full simulation Elec ID Elec ID ( 3 Basic Cuts) cut 1: hasTrack() & pT >20GeV cut 2 : egamma object Comparison of 3 ElecID cuts at Cut 3 cut 3a : isEM ==0 ( using all the flags including TRT ) cut 3b: epiNN >0.8 cut 3c: likelihood > 0.8 Stronger Elec ID cuts cut 4: Et cone<10GeV in R=0.45 cut 5: 0.8 < E/p <1.4

5 Electron Reconstruction Efficiency # elec  (%) Truth20,000 No Cuts (candidates) 193,146 Cut 146,761 Cut 221,877 isEM (all flags) 13,89169.5% epiNN > 0.818,31291.6% likelihood() >0.816,31381.6%

6 Stronger Elec ID Cuts EoverPEtCone Higgs Dijets

7 Harder Cuts: Isolation and E/p # elec  (%) isEM13,89169.5% Isolation (EtCone<10GeV) 13,04965.2% E/p (0.8< E/P <1.4) 11,163 55.8% epiNN18,31291.6% Isolation13,09665.5% EoverP10,554 52.3% likelihood >0.816,31381.6% Isolation14,70073.5% E/p11,812 59.1%

8 isEM PtEta After Hard Elec Cuts

9 epiNN PtEta After Hard Elec Cuts

10 Likelihood Eta Pt After Hard Elec Cuts

11 Dijet Rejection – Best algorithm:isEM (refer to Saminder’s Work) - Using isEM rather than likelihood as the 3 rd level cut only reduces Electron Identification by 3.3%. - By using Harder ElecID cuts can reject 87% of background CutsHiggs # elec Dijets # elec isEM13,891301 Isolation13,40999 E/p11,163 (  =80.4%) 39 (  =13.0%)

12 Taujet Identification Taujet is essentially a narrow jet in the detector Taujet Id Cuts cut 1: abs(charge)==1 cut 2: NumTrack ==1 or 3 cut 3: likelihood > 4 cut 4: pt >40 GeV

13 Taujet Reconstruction Efficiency # Taujets Truth20,000 No Cuts (candidates) 57316 Cut 142452 Cut 217951 Cut 36106 Cut 4 (  = 30.5 %)

14 Taujets Eta Pt After Cut 4 After Cut 3

15 Higgs Reconstruction Use Identified Electrons and Taujets and reconstruct the Invariant Mass of the Tau System Use Collinear Approximation Using the missing transverse momentum and assuming Tau decay products are collinear with original Tau, solve 2 linear equations for missing neutrinos, can reconstruct the Tau’s and hence the Invariant mass of the whole system(Higgs Mass)

16 Higgs Reconstruction Reconstruct 6062 events Efficiency of Reconstruction  = 30.31% Mean =106.2Gev  =14.9 Gev

17 Higgs Reconstruction (with hard elecid cuts) Reconstructed 6062 events Efficiency of Reconstruction  = 24.7% Efficiency drop = 5.6% Mean =106.2Gev  =14.7 Gev

18 Fake Higgs 6 Fake Higgs reconstructed from 201,700 events Fake rate  = 0.0029% With Hard Electron cuts 2 Fake Higgs Reject 66.7% fake higgs 2 Fake Higgs

19 Summary Electron Identification Efficiency (  =69.5%) With Harder Cuts (  =55.8%) Dijet Rejection ( Can Reject 87% of electrons) Tau Identification Efficiency (  =30.5%) Higgs Reconstruction Efficiency (  =30.31%) With Harder Elec Id Cuts (  =24.7%) 6 Fake Higgs (  =0.0029%) With Harder Elec Id Cuts (Can reject 66.7% ) Next Step : Reconstruction with pile up and Trigger simulation

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