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Created by Kali Pierson, Jodi Stetser, Colleen Keating.

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2 Created by Kali Pierson, Jodi Stetser, Colleen Keating

3  Middle schoolers are always searching for the coolest newest things. Wither it’s something for a phone or to hang in their room, they want it. Want

4  Our product can range throughout many different items. We have posters, phone cases, hair products, nail products, accessories, clothing, stickers, and fake mustaches. Product

5  Features Moose- Mousse

6  Our phone cases cost about $8.99; our posters cost $6.56; hair products would range from $1.46 to $15.89; nail products cost about $0.89 to $5.74; accessories cost around $4-6; clothing $10-45; fake mustaches would cost about $1.23; stickers would cost $0.99. Our products would be found on our webpage (it would be called Moosetache's ), or at Wal-Mart, Target, or any Dollar Store. Price, And Where To Get It

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