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Welcome to Parent Night Mrs. Freytag’s Class 3 rd grade 2011-2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Parent Night Mrs. Freytag’s Class 3 rd grade 2011-2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Parent Night Mrs. Freytag’s Class 3 rd grade 2011-2012

2 Tonight’s Agenda Presentation School Forms Volunteering Classroom Wish List

3 About Me! I just turned 29 on July 4 th. I am married, but no kids yet… This is my 5 th year teaching at Hopewell. I taught four years in the 4 th grade.

4 Transitioning into 3 rd grade… I am very excited about teaching 3 rd grade. I will definitely know what they need for 4 th grade next year! I will expect my 3 rd graders to follow my same rules and expectations.

5 Freytag’s Frogs This is our classroom theme. Our field trip shirts will be designed by this theme. You will get a letter about them shortly.

6 Classroom Rules No talking when I am talking or teaching to the class. Raise your hand BEFORE you speak. Follow directions the FIRST time given. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Respect yourself and others!

7 My Discipline Plan Each student has a discipline card on my behavior chart. The will start off on the green smiley face each day. Each time they break a rule or misbehave, they will move their card. I will give ONE WARNING. On the days that we do not get to go out for recess, they will owe me a write-off for their misbehavior. All write-offs must be signed by a parent. Four write-offs per 9 weeks will result in a parent conference.

8 Consequences of Breaking Rules… One warning given first. Yellow – lose half of recess and note written in agenda Orange – lose all of recess and a note written in agenda Red – visit to Mr. Riggs and a write-off to be signed by a parent

9 Homework Packets Homework packets will be sent out on Mondays unless we have a two or three day week. Failure to turn in or late homework will result in loss of recess! Homework packets are graded. I alternate subjects to get grades in each area. Homework is due by Friday morning. Please do not turn in early. Please make sure your child completes the homework packets each week. All packets are TCAP standards they need to know.

10 Agendas/Homework Folders These are two CRUCIAL items that need to come to school each day. I expect agendas to be filled out by the student and signed by the parent each night. I give a prize each month the agenda is filled out and signed! I expect homework to be returned in their folder and folders emptied out each night. If any forms are sent home, please try to send them back to me in a timely manner.

11 Grading Scale 100-93 A 92-85 B 84-75 C 74-70 D 69 and below F

12 Penalties I take 10 points off any late paper each day it is late. No name papers: 1 st time - warning 2 nd – ten points off 3 rd - zero Your child should know by now to put their name on their papers.

13 Re-do Papers Any paper that is below a 69F, your child may re-do. I will then take the average of the two and give a new grade. I will sometimes ask the student to re-do the paper, but if I do not it is up to them to take responsibility!! You can not redo tests or quizzes!

14 Arriving at School When you drop off your student at school, he or she needs to either go to the gym or to breakfast. We do NOT want them in the halls. They are NOT allowed in the classrooms especially when a teacher is not present! Students enter the classroom at 7:35 and we promptly start morning work at 7:45.

15 Sending Money to School Please send money in either an envelope or baggy. Also, please put your child’s name and what they money is for on the front. Please remind your child that there is money in their backpack! I would suggest putting money in their agenda, because they will be writing in it first thing.

16 Progress Reports I will be sending home a mid-nine week progress report each grading period. That will be at the 4 ½ week mark. They will need to be signed and returned to school. This will give you a chance to see where your child is at the half-way point. It will also include their behavior and A.R. points as well. You can also go online and view their grades at anytime.

17 Rocket Math!! We will be using this program to help your child master their multiplication facts. They will set goals and once they obtain those goals they will be rewarded! After Christmas, I will have a BIG reward for those that master ALL their facts to their 12’s. I will need your support at home to practice and test with them weekly.

18 Accelerated Reader (A.R.) Our theme this year is “Reading Around the World”. On my A.R. board, you will see the different point levels that your child can earn something from me. They have to earn at least 10 points to get on my board.

19 Class Coupons There are many opportunities to earn class coupons. Examples of class coupons are: Homework Pass Late Assignment Pass Ten Minutes of Free Time You can earn coupons by “doing the right thing” without being told, staying on task, A.R. reward, and being “Student of the Month”.

20 Some Examples of Individual Classroom Awards Student of the Month Clean Desk Award Agendas

21 Snack Time We will have snack time each day around 10:00 a.m. I do suggest you send in healthy and easy to eat snacks! Examples of healthy snacks: goldfish, pretzels, fruit, peanut butter crackers etc… I do allow water bottles, but they must contain just water. No flavored water or juices! They spill and are sticky on their desks.

22 Class Parties We can only have two parties a year. Our two parties are: Christmas and Valentine’s Day! I will need the room mother to help me organize the parties. I will send home a sign up sheet to bring goodies for the parties.

23 Birthday Celebrations During the school year, I do allow you to send in a birthday treat for your child’s birthday. The summer birthdays will celebrate during the month of May. I do ask you to send me a note in advance if you are bringing something to allow me to plan. We will have birthday celebrations usually from 2:00-2:30.

24 Parent Volunteers I would love to have a parent come in at least once or twice a week (Mondays and Fridays are good days). I would also need a volunteer to help test students on their multiplication facts for extra practice. If you would be interested in being a room mother, just sign the form after the presentation.

25 Teacher Appointments It is school policy that you must have a pre-arranged appointment to meet with a teacher. You must contact the teacher in advance and set up a time. You can NOT show up unannounced before or afterschool to meet.

26 Conferences We will meet in October and February to have parent-teacher conferences. If you feel we need to meet before or after, please feel free to send me a note to set up an appointment. I will send a note if I feel we need to meet throughout the year for behavior or academic issues.

27 P.T.O I really encourage you to come to PTO. PTO meets at 6:30 in the gym or cafeteria. They will make an announcement of the dates. I attend every meeting unless something suddenly comes up. PTO really helps us teachers get the resources we need for our classroom!

28 Dismissals No one is to leave the room until the first bell at 2:40 p.m. UNLESS you have checked them out in the office. You must pick up your child outside in your car NOT standing in the halls or in the gym with a sign. You must have your sign to pick up in the car lanes. Please do not get in line without your sign.

29 Contacting Me Please feel free to contact me anytime. I am here for you as well! School number – 478-8802 Email – By note through your child or in their agendas.

30 You will find a lot of valuable information on my website. Go to school staff and click on my name Some things I put on my website are: Homework Assignments Spelling Words Upcoming Tests/Announcements My Website

31 Thank you for coming! Any questions, please stay and ask me. Don’t forget to sign up at the back table for volunteering.

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