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Stretching and Warm UP Questions. Please write down and answer the following questions. 1.Why is the warm up period so important? 2.What are the 2 components.

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Presentation on theme: "Stretching and Warm UP Questions. Please write down and answer the following questions. 1.Why is the warm up period so important? 2.What are the 2 components."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stretching and Warm UP Questions

2 Please write down and answer the following questions. 1.Why is the warm up period so important? 2.What are the 2 components of a warm up program? 3.How can flexibility be important for an athletes Define: a.Flexibilityf. Stretch reflex b.Static flexibilityg. Mechanoreceptor c.Dynamic flexibilityh. Autogenic inhibition d.Muscle spindlesi. Reciprocal inhibition e.Golgi Tendon Organs (GTOs) 4.Compare and contrast static and dynamic flexibility. Which one provides a better stretch? Which one is better for the athlete? 5.Name and explain each of the 6 factors that can affect flexibility. 6.What are the general guidelines for stretching? (F.I.D.) 7.Explain the times an athlete should stretch and the benefits for each. 8.IF the hamstring is stretched which muscle will be relaxed according to reciprocal inhibition? 9.What muscle would be contracted according to autogenic inhibition? 10.Name and briefly explain the four different types of stretching. Name the duration each should be held.

3 KEY 1.Why is the warm up period so important? – Helps protect against injury by improving flexibility, avoid muscular injury; done by raising internal temp with light activity & stretch. 2.What are the 2 components of a warm up program? – General – 5-10 mins. of slow jogging/stationary bike; rate & blood flow, etc. Specific incorporates movements similar to the movement of the sport; 8-10 mins. 3.How can flexibility be important for an athletes – Improve athlete’s performance by joint’s movement, injury.

4 KEY a)Flex.-Measure of ROM. b)Stat.F-Range of possible movement about a joint and its surrounding muscles during a passive movement. c)Dyna.F-Available ROM during active movements and therefore requires voluntary muscle actions. d)Mus.Spin.-Monitor changes in muscle length. e)GTO-Sensitive to in muscular tension & cause muscle to reflexively relax. f)Str.Ref.-Motor neuron causes a muscle action of previously stretched extrafusal muscle fibers. g)Mech.Rec.-Receptor that reacts to mechanical stresses. h)Auto.In.-Actively contracting a muscle immediately before a passive stretch of that same muscle. i)Rec.In.-Relaxation that occurs in the muscle opposing the muscle experiencing the tension.

5 KEY 4.Compare and contrast static and dynamic flexibility. Which one provides a better stretch? Which one is better for the athlete? – S-range of possible movement about joint & muscles during passive movements. D-ROM during active movements & requires voluntary muscle actions. 5.Name and explain each of the 6 factors that can affect flexibility. – Joint structure determines its ROM. Age and sex cause young people > old people and females > males. Connective tissue like tendons, ligaments, fascial sheaths, capsules, and skin may limit ROM. Weight training with limited ROM may decrease ROM so exercise through the full available ROM of the involved joints. Activity level cause active people tend to be more flexible than inactive people.

6 KEY 6.What are the general guidelines for stretching? (F.I.D.) – Frequency (F)-twice a week for 5 weeks. Intensity (I)-point of mild discomfort, but not pain for 30 secs. Duration (D)-5 to 6 mins of general WU, 8 to 12 mins of sport-specific stretching, & 4 to 5 mins of stretching. 7.Explain the times an athlete should stretch and the benefits for each. – Before practice & competition improves performance by available ROM & improving functional abilities, likelihood of injures like strains. After practice & competition to facilitate ROM improvements from the muscle temp, must be 5-10 mins after for greater stretch magnitude. 8.IF the hamstring is stretched which muscle will be relaxed according to reciprocal inhibition? – Quadriceps 9.What muscle would be contracted according to autogenic inhibition? – Hamstring 10.Name and briefly explain the four different types of stretching. Name the duration each should be held. – S-Slow and constant with end position held for 30 secs, does not elicit the stretch reflex of stretched muscle, easy to learn. B-Involves active muscular effort and uses a bouncing-type movement in which the end position is not held, may injure muscle or connective tissues. D- Involves flexibility during sport-specific movements, similar to ballistic stretching but avoids bouncing. PNF-Method of muscular flexibility, usually performed with a partner and involve both passive movement and active (concentric and isometric).

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