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Presentation on theme: "SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS. BACTERIAL STI’S All of these can be cured."— Presentation transcript:


2 BACTERIAL STI’S All of these can be cured

3  Most common Bacterial STI  Symptoms:  Abnormal genital discharge  Burning with urination  If untreated in a woman:  PID  Difficult to get pregnant  May not show any symptoms  Give eye infection to baby  Test through urine sample or cotton swab  Can be cured through antibiotics CHLAMYDIA

4  Symptoms:  Discharge from vagina or penis  Bleeding between periods  Painful  Difficult urination  Serious complications:  PID  Ectopic Pregnancy  Infertility in men and women  Swab or urine sample are done: Throat, rectum, cervix, urethra  Can still get infected again GONORRHEA

5  Occurs when too much of a certain bacteria changes the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina.  Douching – cleans out the vagina  Could lead to bacterial vaginitis  Not considered STI but could lead to one  Symptoms:  Many have none  Odor  Pain  Itching  Burning  Grey discharge BACTERIAL VAGINITIS

6  Direct contact with syphilis sore  Found on penis, vagina, anus, rectum, lips, mouth  Pass Mother to child  There are different stages:  Stage 1: Looks like ingrown hair, harmless bump  (sores usually develop where infected 3-6 weeks)  Stage 2: Bumps on palm of hands and soles of feet.  May also experience patchy hair loss, headaches, muscle aches, fatigue  Latent Stages:  Difficult coordinating muscle movement, paralysis, numbness blindness, dementia  Most do not get to the latent stages  Blood test to determine syphilis SYPHILIS


8  Human Papillomavirus also known as Genital Warts  Most Common STI  Causes genital warts and cancers  Look like:  Small bumps in genital area, could be large, raised or flat  Shaped like cauliflower  Can cause cancer:  Cervical, vulva vagina, penis, anus, throat  Avoid by:  Getting vaccinated – Gardisil (3 shots for 6 months)  Get screen for cervical cancer (Pap Test)  Genital warts can be treated HPV

9  Fluids found in herpes sore carry virus (direct contact)  Simplex I (Mouth)  Simplex II (Genitals)  Symptoms:  Mild: mistake for pimple or ingrown hair  Sores: blisters around genitals, rectum, and mouth  Flu-like symptoms – fever, body aches, smelly discharge, burning when urinate, bleed between periods  Can stay in body the rest of your life  Number of outbreaks decrease over time  No cure but there are medications to shorten outbreaks HERPES SIMPLEX I AND II

10  Liver disease caused by one of the several viruses that attack the liver  Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E  Symptoms:  Fever, tiredness, loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal pain, dark urine, jaundice  Blood test will confirm hepatitis HEPATITIS

11  Hepatitis A  Usually spread when a person ingests fecal matter, even microscopic amounts  Contact with objects, food, drinks contaminated by feces  Vaccination  Hepatitis B  Usually spread when blood, semen, or another body fluid from a person infected with Hepatitis B enters the body of someone who is not infected  Sexual contact, sharing needles, syringes or other drug-injection equipment, also be passed from mother to baby during birth  Vaccination available HEPATITIS

12  Hepatitis C  Usually spreads when blood from a person infected enters the body of someone who is not infected.  Sharing needles, blood transfusions and organ transplants  No Vaccine  Hepatitis D  Only occurs those who are infected with Hepatitis B  Contact with infectious blood  No vaccine  Hepatitis E  Transmitted from ingestion of fecal matter  Contaminated water supply in countries with poor sanitation HEPATITIS

13 HIV

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