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Jorge Gasós European Commission Information Society and Media Directorate General Software & Service Architectures and Infrastructures Unit EU Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Jorge Gasós European Commission Information Society and Media Directorate General Software & Service Architectures and Infrastructures Unit EU Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jorge Gasós European Commission Information Society and Media Directorate General Software & Service Architectures and Infrastructures Unit EU Research in Software and Services Activities and priorities in FP7

2 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 2 R&D Evolution

3 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 3 OUTLINE –Towards the Internet of Services –Priorities for FP7 –International Cooperation –eInfrastructures

4 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 4 What is a service? IT –An executing software component with a well-defined interface –Technical focus on software (or “service”) design, engineering and execution, including description, discovery, and composition Telecoms –What the end-user (customer) pays for –Technical focus on transport, session, terminals, use of network resources, billing Media –What the end-user (customer) pays for –Technical focus on content production, presentation, mediation, manipulation and consumption The Economist –“Anything sold in trade that cannot be dropped on your foot”

5 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 5 Everything as a service – XaaS Backup as a Service Communications as a Service Compliance as a Service Content as a Service (aka Content On Demand) Crimeware as a Service Computing as a Service CRM as a Service Data as a Service Data Warehousing as a Service (or DWaaS) Data Mining as a Service Database as a Service (or DBaaS) Development as a Service Desktop as a Service Document Management as a Service Ethernet as a Service ERP as a Service (or ERPaaS) Email as a Service Human Resources as a Service (HRaaS) Human Capital Management as a Service (HCMaaS) Identity as a Service Information as a Service Infrastructure as a Service Integration as a Service Manufacturing as a Service Mashups as a Service Media as a Service (as in: video, audio) Queue as a Service Security as a Service Storage as a Service Testing as a Service UI as a Service Voice as a Service Source:

6 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 6 Internet of Services Vision Adapted from SAP Research, 2008 A multitude of connected IT services, which are offered, bought, sold, used, repurposed, and composed by a worldwide network of service providers, consumers, aggregators, and brokers - resulting in - a new way of offering, using, and organising IT supported functionality

7 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 7 Engineering tools “System” Platform Service consumers Infrastructure Consumer Adaptation Abstracted Infrastructure Service Composition BPM view Service Platform Service Platforms According to NEXOF-RA Native Services External Services Interaction Services End user Interface Context Handling Mapping users perspectives to business/Integration Infrastructure and Data Abstraction Data Management Resources Management Knowledge Modelling Monitoring Service Modelling SVN Modeling Infrastructure Modelling SBS/SBA Modelling Context Modelling Business Process Execution Information Services Service Communication Service Discovery Mediation SLA Negotiation SVN Lifecycle Management Service Coordination Integration Services Reasoning Service Execution Lifecycle Management Service Registration Business Process Modeling (See

8 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 8 Service Platforms According to BT From telecommunications to networked IT services Source: British Telecom, 2007 3 rd party services BT services Global network and computing End customer created services Concept-to- market Lead-to- cash Trouble-to- resolve ServersStorage Converged bandwidth Common software building blocks 8

9 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 9 Email Retail Manf. ERP CRM Servers Storage Database Trans. proc. Web host. File/print Infrastructure/Mgmt./ Security Payroll Business Processes Federated Data & Information Collaboration/Messaging Virtualized Storage Virtualized Processing Virtualized Infrastructure Service Level & Resource Management Security Management Interface & Access Packaged Apps – ERP CRM HR In-house, 3 rd party compo- nents Custom Apps, Business Rules Business Rules & Functionality Business Processes Business Monitoring, Analysis & Decision-Making Integration, Event & Deployment Service Oriented Business Processes Service Oriented Architecture Service Oriented Infrastructure Source: IDC

10 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 10 FP7 – Call 1 Projects Objective 1.2

11 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 11

12 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 12 Focus on technologies that enable to build cooperating computing clouds Integration of virtualization technologies with grid computing driven by new techniques for Business Service Management  The Service Oriented Infrastructure (SOI) equation: Architect and implement a platform for supporting complex services, which –Enables dynamic deployment of complex multi-tier services across heterogeneous administration domains –Take an inclusive look at virtualization of servers, network and storage –Supports service definition, SLA management, accounting and billing (See

13 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 13 Design, develop and validate a Service Oriented Infrastructure which will allow the adoption of interactive real-time applications, and especially multimedia applications, enabling their rich set of attributes (from time-constrained operation to dynamic service control and adaptation) and their efficient integration into the infrastructure.

14 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 14 Business Process Modelling Mechanisms Service Composition Mechanisms Service Infrastructure Mechanisms Design Specifications Capabilities Design Specifications Capabilities Design Specifications Capabilities Status Adaptation Specifications Adaptation Specifications Adaptation Specifications Capabilities Engineering & Design Principles, Techniques Methods Adaptation & Monitoring Principles, Techniques Methods

15 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 15 OUTLINE –Towards the Internet of Services –Priorities for FP7 –International Cooperation –eInfrastructures

16 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 16 Software and Services Topics for future research Services for the Future Internet Service Front Ends Architectures & components Virtualisation Highly Innovative Service Engineering Verification Open Source Software The context Future Internet Future Networks Internet of things Internet of Services Media & 3D Internet Security & Trust

17 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 17 Call 5 – 1.2: Internet of Services, Software and Virtualisation Service Architectures and Platforms for the Future Internet (CP) –Service front ends –Open, scalable, dependable service platforms, architectures, and specific platform components –Virtualised infrastructures Highly Innovative Service / Software Engineering (CP) –Service / Software engineering methods and tools –Verification and validation methods, tools and techniques –Methods, tools and approaches specifically supporting the development, deployment and evolution of open source software Coordination and support actions (CSA) Instruments:IP, STREP, CSA Budget CP:107 M€, min. 50% to IPs Budget CSA: 3 M€

18 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 18 Call 5 – Objective 1.2 Draft Timetable –WP 2009-10: publication in November 2008 –Preparatory workshops: beginning of 2009 –IST Information Day Budapest: 22 Jan. 2009 –D3 Information Day: Spring 2009 –Call 5 publication: June 2009 –Deadline for proposals: September 2009 –All dates need to be confirmed

19 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 19 Pervasive and Trustworthy Network and Service Infrastructures 1.1 Network of the Future 1.6 Future Internet experimental facility and experimentally-driven research 1.2 Internet of Services, Software and Virtualisation 1.4 Trustworthy ICT 1.3 Internet of Things and Enterprise environments 1.5 Networked Media and 3D Internet The Future Internet

20 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 20 OUTLINE –Towards the Internet of Services –Priorities for FP7 –International Cooperation –eInfrastructures

21 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 21 Grid Technologies projects  XtreemOS: Institute of Computing Technology – CAS; Red Flag Software  BeinGrid: Beijing Hydraulic Research Institute  Gredia:Institute of Computing Technology – CAS;  GridComp: Tsinghua University Software Technologies projects  Qualipso: South China University of Technology  Fassbinder: Beijing Software Enterprise Advisory Center  Stasis:Tsinghua University  Opuce: Huawei Technologies CO. Ltd. FP6 – Call 5 projects with Chinese partners

22 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 22 FP6 – Call 6: International Cooperation on Grid Technologies – Target Country: China Selected projects in FP6 – Call 6  SSA: EchoGRID; STREP: Bridge, EC-GIN  Total cost: 7.1 M €  EC contribution: 5.45 M €  15 Chinese partners Bridge EchoGRID EC-GIN

23 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 23 Basis for cooperation with China in Software and Services  Link existing programmes and initiatives in the EU and China  Address both research and business / industrial collaborations  Non-Technical Issues: standardisation, IPRs, regulatory aspects, …  Opportunities / Benefits / Risks  Towards a long-term collaboration framework ?

24 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 24 For More Information... FP7 Software & Service Architectures and Infrastructures Future Internet E-mail FP7 Software & Service Architectures and Infrastructures Future Internet E-mail

25 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 25 OUTLINE –Towards the Internet of Services –Priorities for FP7 –International Cooperation –eInfrastructures

26 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 26 Objectives of the RI actions  Optimise the use and development of the best existing RI in Europe  Help to create in all fields of S&T new RI of pan-European interest needed by the scientific community  Support programme implementation and policy development (including international cooperation)

27 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 27 GEANT: connecting Europe  Pan-European coverage (40+ countries /3900 universities / 30+ million students)  Hybrid architecture:  connectivity at 10 Gb/s (aggregated traffic)  dark fiber wavelengths (demanding communities)

28 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 28 GEANT: global reach

29 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 29 EGEE: large multi-science grids  >250 sites  >60 000 CPUs, 25 Pbyte of storage  ~150 000 jobs successfully completed per day  200 Virtual Organisations  >8000 registered users, representing 1000s of scientists

30 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 30 EGEE: promoting interoperability

31 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 31 DEISA: virtual HPC services  11 sites/7 countries connected at 10 Gb/s  Over 22,000 CPUs sporting 200 TFlop  Larger parallel applications in individual sites  Workflow applications with grid technologies  Global data management service  Extreme Computing Initiative

32 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 32 Data as an infrastructure GÉANT network infrastructure computing/data grid infrastructure scientific data infrastructure biology data astronomy data clinical data LHC data

33 EchoGrid Beijing Workshop, 28-10-2008 33 Further information

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