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Atlantis: Excellency in Mobility Project BORDERscape – Border Society, Culture and Policy Education Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Oregon State University,

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Presentation on theme: "Atlantis: Excellency in Mobility Project BORDERscape – Border Society, Culture and Policy Education Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Oregon State University,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Atlantis: Excellency in Mobility Project BORDERscape – Border Society, Culture and Policy Education Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Oregon State University, University of Washington, Warsaw University

2 Description and Objectives BORDERscape is an international curriculum development project that involves short term transatlantic student and faculty mobility BORDERscape provides the next generation of academic and policy leaders with the skills to conceptualize and manage the increasingly complex transborder policy issues resulting from economic and cultural globalization. Built upon an innovative concept of teaching in an inter-national and interdisciplinary environment, BORDERscape engages 48 US and EU students in independent research and intercultural student collaboration in leading centers of transborder practice and innovation

3 Annual Student Mobility: Berlin WarsawCorvallis Seattle Symposia (BE, WA, CO, SE) 4 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3

4 Component 1: BORDERscape seminars on Border Studies in theory and methodology and on the relevant aspects focusing on the specific thematic perspective of each year (taught at the four home institutions). These pre-departure seminars prepare students for the stay abroad. Students develop their research proposals here. The seminars are also open for interested students not participating in BORDERscape Curricula of these seminars will be jointly developed by all four partner institutions (core curriculum, common syllabus)

5 Component 2: 1)Language Instruction for US students, with those destined for Berlin in German … 2)Language instruction for US students with those destined for Warsaw in Polish … Language instruction will be continued at the host institution.

6 Component 3: Online Orientation: Before their stay abroad students establish contact with faculty at their host institution and specify research projects, choose possible electives and obtain organisational assistance.

7 Component 4: BORDERscape research workshops at the home and host institutions (for BORDERSCAPE students from the home and host institutions) on questions of research design and selected problems in Border Studies – taught by faculty members from the home and/or host institutions. Curricula for these workshops will be jointly developed by all four institutions (core currucula, common syllabus)

8 Component 5: BORDERscape student research projects on individual topics. Students design research projects which they undertake during their semester abroad. The projects are developed in the pre-departure seminars at the home institution and realized at the host institution with support and supervision by a faculty member of the host institution.

9 Component 6: Elective Courses. Students select one elective course (minimum) on a topic related to their field of research at the host institution.

10 Component 7: Symposia 10-12 days The symposia, taking place at one of the partner institutions, are the central events of each year, assembling all annual BORDERscape students sharing and discussing the findings of their research projects, developing questions and ideas for continued research.

11 Society, Culture, Policy, Education 1)2012: Borders, health, sustainability and the environment (Symposium USA: Seattle, October) 2)2013: Borders of the mind, race, ethnicity, gender and sexualities (Symposium Europe: Berlin, April) 3)2014: Minorities, migration, diasporas and borders (Symposium USA: Corvallis, October) 4)2015: (Supra-)national borders, (trans)national identities, citizenship and belonging (Symposium Europe: Warsaw, April) Yearly Focus of BORDERscape Place of the Symposium

12 Component 8: Excursions. Students will participate in relevant excursions on border topics in their host country. Excursions may be linked to the symposium. Excursions also serve the establishment of contacts with future professional fields for the students.

13 Component 9: Colloquia Reports and evaluation of the Symposia proceedings at the institutions not hosting them. The colloquia communicate the contents of the Symposia to those who did not participate (faculty and interested students) and serve as an orientation for future participants.

14 Students may supplement their overseas-stay with an internship in a relevant institution (NGO, international organization, multi-nationally oriented company, embassy or government organization) Component 10: Internships/Service learning

15 General website with information Interactive classrooms (moodle or other) for student interaction (wikis, choices, blogs, groups, etc.) Shared course material Thematic and organisational information on the symposia Tools for communications of individual participants Links to related sites and activities Component and program evaluation Video Conferencing Component 11: Digital resources, website and -tools

16 Time Schedule (2012) TimePlaceComponent Winter 2012All students at home institution BORDERscape pre- departure seminars 4 months Spring/ Summer 2012 US students in Europe online orientation (2) research workshop (3) research projects (15) excursion (5) elective course (5) 4 months Fall 2012 October 2012 EU students in USA Seattle online orientation (2) research workshop (3) research projects (15) excursion (5) elective course (5) Student Symposium 4 months 10 days ( ) ECTS points

17 Time Schedule (2013) TimePlaceComponent Winter 2013 January All students at home institution Berlin, Corv., Warsaw BORDERscape pre- departure seminars Colloquia 4 months 1-2 days Spring/ Summer 2013 April 2013 US students in Europe Berlin online orientation (2) research workshop (3) research projects (15) excursion (5) elective course (5) Student Symposium 4 months 10 days Fall 2013 October EU students in USA Corvallis, Seattle, Warsaw online orientation (2) research workshop (3) research projects (15) excursion (5) elective course (5) Colloquia 4 months 1-2 days

18 Time Schedule (2014) TimePlaceComponent Winter 2014All students at home institution BORDERscape pre- departure seminars 4 months Spring/ Summer 2014 US students in Europe online orientation (2) research workshop (3) research projects (15) excursion (5) elective course (5) 4 months Fall 2014 October 2014 EU students in USA Corvallis online orientation (2) research workshop (3) research projects (15) excursion (5) elective course (5) Student Symposium 4 months 10 days

19 Time Schedule (2015) TimePlaceComponent Winter 2015 January All students at home institution Berlin, Seattle, Warsaw BORDERscape pre- departure seminars Colloquia 4 months 1-2 days Spring/ Summer 2015 April 2015 US students in Europe Warsaw online orientation (2) research workshop (3) research projects (15) excursion (5) elective course (5) Student Symposium 4 months 10 days Summer 2015 (May to August) September 2015 EU students in USA Berlin, Corvallis, Seattle online orientation (2) research workshop (3) research projects (15) excursion (5) elective course (5) Concluding Colloquia 4 months 1-2 days

20 Evaluation The consortium uses a number of measures to track success of the project and its components as well as to evaluate the overall success, the impact of the project on host universities, and future possible improvements for the cooperation. 1.Continuous online evaluation of the pre-departure seminars, the study abroad component and the symposia. 2.Annual evaluations among the partners at the symposium and the colloquia. 3.Final evaluation conference 4.External evaluation

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