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CAD I CAD II Instructor: Frank Buck. CAD begins with the drafting program DWG Editor tool gain basic CAD skills.

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Presentation on theme: "CAD I CAD II Instructor: Frank Buck. CAD begins with the drafting program DWG Editor tool gain basic CAD skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAD I CAD II Instructor: Frank Buck

2 CAD begins with the drafting program DWG Editor tool gain basic CAD skills

3 SolidWorks The second program used is SolidWorks; it is the primary computer aided drafting software for major design projects It is used locally at Klock Werks and Trail King

4 Students design real world objects in SolidWorks, such as this swiveling camera base

5 The course begins with the simple extrude and extruded cut features of SolidWorks

6 Fillet and Chamfer are also tools that are used frequently in the class

7 Solidworks allows the user to work on multiple axis and multiple planes

8 Chief Architect The third program used in our CAD class is Chief Architect It has a click and drag interface that allows for 3- D house renderings


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