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1 Family Network on Disabilities of Florida, Inc. 2735 Whitney Road Clearwater, Florida 33760 Phone: (727) 523-1130 Toll free: (800) 825-8687

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Presentation on theme: "1 Family Network on Disabilities of Florida, Inc. 2735 Whitney Road Clearwater, Florida 33760 Phone: (727) 523-1130 Toll free: (800) 825-8687"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Family Network on Disabilities of Florida, Inc. 2735 Whitney Road Clearwater, Florida 33760 Phone: (727) 523-1130 Toll free: (800) 825-8687 E-mail: Website: Helping With Homework

2 2 Workshop Agenda Welcome and Introductions Goal and Objectives Presentation of Workshop and Activities Evaluation

3 3 Workshop Goal To assist parents with ideas and tips to help their children with homework and be supportive of their children’s efforts.

4 4 Workshop Objectives Learn about the importance of homework. Learn tips on how to help your child with homework. Identify learning tools for your child. Identify creative solutions for common homework issues.

5 5 Research on Homework Quality homework has an impact on student achievement that is 3 times more important than a family’s educational level, occupation, or income.

6 6 The Road to School Success… Students who do their homework - and do it well - function more effectively in the classroom. In addition, they do better on tests.

7 7 The Road to School Success… (continued) The National PTA states that first graders should spend 10 minutes a day on homework. The time should increase 10 minutes a day per grade level.

8 8 The Road to School Success… (continued) Two-thirds of American high school students do not spend even an hour on homework each day. “Screen time” ranks far ahead of homework.

9 9 How Parents Can Help With Homework What is important is scheduled – try to set a specific time to do homework. Start by showing an interest in your child’s homework assignments. Do not do the homework for your child, however, do encourage your child to ask for help when needed.

10 10 How Parents Can Help With Homework (continued) Assist in organizing homework assignments to save time. Establish rules in the home for doing homework. Share your ideas on homework with your child’s teacher. Make a “Homework” sign.

11 11 How Parents Can Help With Homework (continued) Allow your child to unwind, eat a snack, and take breaks when needed. Suggest doing the most difficult subjects first. Suspect something if homework doesn’t come home every week.

12 12 Parent Tips on Homework Provide suitable conditions at home. Highlight the importance of homework. Use homework time to do “parent homework” alongside your child. Provide immediate positive reinforcement.

13 13 Parent Tips on Homework (continued) Do not yell or blow up if your child argues over homework. Never use homework as a punishment.

14 14 Learning Tools Teachers Textbooks Other Students

15 15 Teachers as Learning Tools Pay attention. Study handouts. Summarize content of presentations. Look for teacher cues. Copy notes from the board. Note items the teacher reports. Note areas emphasized by teacher.

16 16 Textbooks as Learning Tools Title page Copyright page Table of contents Preface Supplementary material Chapters, topics, illustrations

17 17 Other Students As Learning Tools Current Events Saturday Review Sessions Home Spelling Bee Special T.V. night Study Party Homework Night Study Buddy

18 18 How Parents Can Help Their Children Understand Chapters and Paragraphs READ IT: look for main ideas; try to recall these ideas after reading. WRITE IT: take notes; we tend to remember more when we write it down. TALK ABOUT IT: it helps to make connections.

19 19 SSR Approach for Main Ideas Survey – skim material before reading it closely. Study – examine material for details and specifics, reading slowly. Review – go over important ideas/facts to remember.

20 20 Use of Personal Computers Writing special reports. Finding sources. Using software. Doing homework. Contact with friends.

21 21 Ways to Help Develop Computer Skills Practice at home or a nearby location. Examine software at school. Review daily computer activities with your child. Schedule a conference with child’s computer teacher. Evaluate software for home use. Search websites for information.

22 22 Online Homework Help Ask for Kids

23 23 Online Homework Help offers help with homework from BJ Pinchbeck.

24 24 Have you ever heard this? When is Michelle supposed to do homework? She takes piano lessons, sings in the church choir, plays basketball, and helps with family chores. There is hardly any time to do homework. What can I do?

25 25 Have you ever heard this? (continued) Every time I ask Michael to start on his homework he says, “in a minute.” It’s always a struggle. What can I do to get him to start working?

26 26 Have you ever heard this? (continued) Why does Maria have so much homework when her brother has so little?

27 27 Have you ever heard this? (continued) I am a single parent with four children. Sometimes it is impossible for homework to be completed. What should I do?

28 28 Pinpointing Homework Problems and Solutions My child’s strengths when it comes to doing homework are… My child’s areas of need when it comes to doing homework are… Use a homework planner and be sure your child is equipped with the necessary supplies. Don’t forget to complete our online survey on the last slide!

29 29 Thank you! Please click on the link below to take a short online survey. Type in your password: familyliteracy Parent survey: insert link here Educator survey: insert link here

30 30 Please Complete Evaluation For more information contact: 2735 Whitney Road Clearwater, Florida 33760 Office: 727-523-1130 or 800-825-5736 Fax: 727-523-8687

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