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Aaron Pettinato 6 th Grade: Language Arts. Who is this guy? Attended Arizona State University in Tempe - M. Ed. Curriculum and Instruction - B.A. Communications.

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Presentation on theme: "Aaron Pettinato 6 th Grade: Language Arts. Who is this guy? Attended Arizona State University in Tempe - M. Ed. Curriculum and Instruction - B.A. Communications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aaron Pettinato 6 th Grade: Language Arts

2 Who is this guy? Attended Arizona State University in Tempe - M. Ed. Curriculum and Instruction - B.A. Communications - K – 8 Teaching Certificate - Associate degree in Sociology 9 th year of teaching at HTES - 4 years as a 5 th grade teacher - 5 years as a 6 th grade teacher Staff Coach at Arizona Sports Complex - Indoor Soccer - Ages 7 – 17 Junior Varsity Soccer Coach at Cactus Shadows H.S.

3 Week at a Glance: Structure of L.A. Program Day 1: MDG, WWLD1; Literature Series: Story, Vocabulary, Literature Packet, Active Reading Strategies and Skills Enrichment: Novel Study, THE GIVER Day 2: TDG, WWLD2; Writer’s Workshop: Pre-Write & Rough Draft/First submission – My Access Enrichment: Novel Study, THE GIVER Day 3: WDG, WWLD3; Literature Series: Story, Vocabulary, Literature Packet, Active Reading Strategies and Skills Enrichment: Novel Study, THE GIVER We have access to the computer lab and library every Monday and Wednesday from 10:20 – 11:00! Day 4: ThDG, WWLD4; Writer’s Workshop: Edit/Revise & Final Draft/Final Sumbission Enrichment: Novel Study, THE GIVER Day 5: Grammar Quiz, WWLD5; Literature Series: Comprehension and Vocabulary Assessment Preview of Story for following week Enrichment: Novel Study, THE GIVER

4 Sixth Grade Units of Study First Semester (Aug. – Dec.) Plot, Conflict, and Setting Analyzing Character and Point of View Biography and Autobiography Understanding Theme Myths, Legends, and Tales Second Semester (Jan. – May) Sensory Language, Imagery, and Style The Language of Poetry Information, Argument, and Persuasion The Power of Research

5 Frequently Asked Questions… 1.) Do you post your homework online? No, I have a homework board and my students have agendas which they SHOULD be using. 2.) Can my child access the Literature Series online? Yes, at All students will have an individual username and password that will be their lunch number. Username = lunch#; Password = lunch# 3.) What is the best way to contact you? Please contact me via email at 4.) What other chapter books will you be reading this year as a class? Out of the Dust, Al Capone Does My Shirts, Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, The Egypt Game, Where the Red Fern Grows 5.) Do you have an A.R. requirement for each quarter? Yes and no. All of my students have goals that they set for themselves, however, they are SEMESTER goals, not quarter goals. 6.) Do FINAL DRAFTS need to be typed? YES. But there are exceptions to every rule. Please have your student communicate with me if there is an issue with this requirement.

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