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Managed Service Network children and young people with cancer in Scotland Prof George G Youngson CBE Co-chair

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Presentation on theme: "Managed Service Network children and young people with cancer in Scotland Prof George G Youngson CBE Co-chair"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managed Service Network children and young people with cancer in Scotland Prof George G Youngson CBE Co-chair

2 Cancer plan New technology and what it means for Scotland Model of care –national v regional Lessons learned Work streams and National MDTs Policies and plans (GIRFEC)

3 Big-ticket items Datasets Chemocare Trial recruitment Website Pathways of care / precision medicine Proton beam therapy

4 Work streams TYA Nursing AHP Pharmacy Clinical psychology late effects Neuro-oncology Palliative care

5 TYA Advisory group Pathway mapping exercise Clinical nurse specialist MDT coordinator TCAT evaluation project Trial recruitment

6 Late effects Nurse led clinics-two national appointments Risk-adjusted follow-up strategy End of treatment summaries E - Redbook-opportunity?

7 ETC. National audits and outcomes Key performance indicators. Primary-care interface. Third sector interface Patient and parents reference group National and international models Executive group and quarterly board meetings National meetings Fiscal considerations

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