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KSDE STATUTORY AUTHORITY KSA 72-8256 Requires schools to: 1.Adopt and implement a plan to address bullying and cyber bullying. 2.Adopt policies prohibiting.

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4 Requires schools to: 1.Adopt and implement a plan to address bullying and cyber bullying. 2.Adopt policies prohibiting bullying. 3.Adopt and implement a plan to address bullying that includes training provisions for staff and students. 4.Upon request, the state board shall assist in the development of grade appropriate curriculum for character development programs.


6  Ks. Association of School Board  More complete examples are on the Safe Schools Resource Center page

7  Approved the development of social-emotional character development standards  Agreed to draft a statement relative to the seriousness of bullying  Agreed that the first full week of October of each year beginning with October 2011 be designated Anti-Bullying Awareness Week in Kansas as a symbol of our commitment to ensuring safe and nurturing school environments.

8 Draft Statement from the Kansas State Board of Education: Serious Nature of Bullying

9 The Kansas State Board of Education believes in providing physically safe and emotionally secure environments for all Kansas students and school staff. The State Board recognizes that bullying is a serious issue affecting Kansas schools by creating a negative effect on the social environment of schools and a climate of fear among students, as well as inhibiting students’ ability to learn and leading to other anti- social behavior.

10 The State Board encourages Kansas schools to adopt policies to assist school personnel in identifying bullying, intimidation and harassment and in providing a framework for an appropriate response to such activities that reinforces and encourages positive conduct and ensures the safety of all students.

11 For this reason, the State Board supports current state legislation requiring each local board of education to adopt and implement a plan to address bullying on or while utilizing school property, in a school vehicle and at school- sponsored activities and events, including a provision for the training and education of school staff members and students.

12 KSDE School Counseling12 Legal concerns State law related to bullying (K.S. A. 72-8256). Civil suits brought against schools/district. Risk management issues for schools.


14 LOCAL OPTION  Evidenced based  MTSS alignment  Staff and community involvement  Progress monitoring  Empower the culture  Establish behavioral expectations early and revisit them throughout the year


16 More intense supplemental targeted skill interventions Customized interventions Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention design Kansas Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Student centered planning Customized function-based interventions Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention design AcademicsBehavior KSDE - July 2007 Draft All students Evidence-based core curriculum & instruction Assessment system and data-based decision making All students, All settings Positive behavioral expectations explicitly taught and reinforced Consistent approach to discipline Assessment system and data-based decision making Supplemental targeted function-based interventions Small groups or individual support Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention design Supplemental targeted skill interventions Small groups Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention design

17 KSDE School Counseling17

18  Coloroso Drive-Ins  MTSS Behavior  Partnership In Character Education Grant  Curriculum  Data collection  BullySafe USA/Ks. Children’s Service League grant partnership  KSDE web pages  Safe Schools Conference  School Violence Hotline  Technical assistance


20 PRIORITY OBJECTIVES  Establish a state-wide measurement system for school climate and culture (conditions for learning- CFL)  Provide interventions for CFL

21 S3 UPDATE  Currently conducting statewide coordinator interviews  Informed the field that the Communities That Care Survey is a participation requirement  Completing contract for an evaluator  Plan to issue an RFP for victim’s assistance services and/or restorative justice training/TA  Supported School Safety Hotline  Developing Safe Schools Manual  Support the Safe Schools Conference

22 Methodology  Schools administer the Communities That Care Survey  A “Conditions For Learning” Index (CTC + suspensions + expulsions + violent acts) is calculated  Schools with low CFL scores are identified  Qualified schools invited to participate in a needs assessment  Qualified schools are invited to submit an action plan to KSDE Low CFL index support Needs assessment School violence hotline Victims assistance/restorative justice Culture and climate measurement Immediate intervention; technical assistance Social Emotional Character Development (SECD) Standards Safe Schools Manual MTSS alignment Safe and Supportive Schools (S 3 )

23 KSDE School Counseling23 Kent Reed School Counseling 785-296-8109


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