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Quality Assurance of Real-Time Data February 2004 C OASTAL D ATA I NFORMATION P ROGRAM C OASTAL D ATA I NFORMATION P ROGRAM 1975 - present.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Assurance of Real-Time Data February 2004 C OASTAL D ATA I NFORMATION P ROGRAM C OASTAL D ATA I NFORMATION P ROGRAM 1975 - present."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Assurance of Real-Time Data February 2004 C OASTAL D ATA I NFORMATION P ROGRAM C OASTAL D ATA I NFORMATION P ROGRAM 1975 - present

2 Nowcast Model Products Real-Time Web Products Southern California Summary Map

3 1995: Wave Data Standards Analysis – US Army Corps of Engineers “… provide specifications on the analysis techniques that must be applied to wave data ….to ensure quality and uniformity of the final product. … The standard has evolved through a consensual approach involving the principal organizations which are responsible for the vast majority of wave measurements for this country. “ 2003: Handbook of Automated Data Quality Control Checks and Procedure of the National Data Buoy Center

4 QUALITY ASSURANCE Pressure Sensor Calibration DEEP TANK Soak complete package (sensors & cable) – Establish noise floor COLD BOX Constant Temperature Standard Paros Battery of statistical test of dynamic pressure responses over several weeks to establish noise floor.

5 Generated from Aceh, Indonesia earthquake on Dec 26, 2005 @ 00:59UTC.

6 Quality Control Specifications Pressure Sensors: Time Domain Max Wave Height Test Flat episodes Test Spike Test Max value Test: successive trough to crest Min Value Test: successive trough to crest Mean Shift Test Equal Peaks Test Acceleration Test Mean crossing Test Period Distribution Test

7 Quality Control Specifications Wave Buoys: Frequency Domain Check Factors Test – ratio of vertical to horizontal displacement Inclination Test Period exceedence Test Quality of Telemetery: Discontinuities in transmission Data Corruption

8 Central Computer Automated Real-Time Processing Time Domain Quality Control Time Series Frequency Domain STORAGE raw spectral parameters WEB UPDATE Real-Time/Historical Pub/Non-Public NWS/NDBC Transmission Station Specific Requests Error/Diagnostic Statistics Post Processing Inter-comparison of last 24 hours PRODUCTS

9 - 1 06 01 07/11/2003 20:19:30 hrs UTC code=551: (bdd_editor.f) Tp out of bounds: 33.33 Waimea Buoy, HA – Frequency Domain QC 106: First indicated bad by TP errors > 30s BAD – Energy in Low Frequency for all records Flagged as NON-PUB 7/11/03

10 Scripps Canyon NorthWest Buoy Scripps Canyon NorthWest Buoy Frequency Domain QC Check factor values 114 01 08/16/2003 00:39:30 hrs UTC code=500: (bdd_editor.f) Abnormally high check factors (relationship between vertical and horizontal cross-spectra) Direction & Period erratic. Retrieved buoy and performed calibration tests. Calibration Test – Bad displacement

11 Wave Data Torrey Pines Inner – 20m deep Torrey Pines Outer – 549m deep Buoys approximately 6 miles apart

12 Dana Point Buoy, CA First indicated bad by inclination errors (> 5°) 096 01 09/13/2003 18:59:30 hrs UTC code=702: (buoy_stats.f) Inclination off, arch: 58.52 file: 52.73 GOOD DISPLACEMENT PLOTBAD – Exagerrated Horizontal Amplitude

13 Modeling Waves Across the Basin Headland shadowing Islandshadowing Diffractioneffects Amplification over shoals Refractive effects Directional wave buoy to initiate model

14 Pacific Gas & Electric Company Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant 2004

15 CDIP In-House Diagnostics Paged: –off site (GPS & ARGOS) – data is > 1 hr old, – computer system is down, –computer partitions are > 90% full. Programmers emailed : –Offsite –Data > 1 hr old, power outages, data transfer failedSystem messages

16 CDIP Diagnostics 2004- Data Collection Coverage Percentages --------------------------------- La Jolla – 99.89% Torrey Pines O – 95.29% San Pedro – 95.24 Santa Monica – 99.64% Pt Dume – 95.88% Goleta – 97.06% Harvest – 94.70% Pt. Reyes – 91.88% Grays Harbor – 99.31% Guam – 99.72%


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